Maggie is sick

My parents' dog Maggie (who we got while I was still living at home, so she was the dog that started my sheepie obsession) is sick and they took her to the hospital yesterday evening and they decided to keep her there overnight. She ate a bar of soap on Tuesday night (it has happened before :roll: ) and she threw up on Wednesday morning. But that was it. So my parents thought she was fine and had gotten it out of her system. Then about 7 hours later she threw up again and was dry heaving. So they took her in. They said she has high cholesterol (obviously not soap-related) and had something like elevated liver enzymes and a really high temperature...They had her hooked up to an IV for anti nausea and for hydrating purposes.

Everyone think happy thoughts for her. We lost another dog once on Thanksgiving, so we don't want to lose one on Christmas :cry:

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Oooh, I am sorry to hear that Maggie is suffering. I don't know anything about the conditions you described. I hope she feels better soon. Poor sweetie. . . :(


Joan and I have our fingers crossed for Maggie.

C'mon Maggie, you can do it, girl!
Hope all goes well and she is home for Christmas.
so sorry to hear this, hope all goes well and your all together for Xmas
We're sending positive energy Maggie's way! I hope she's well soon!
Prayers for Maggie while she recovers. Think happy thoughts! She'll be home for Christmas.
hugs and kisses from us! i think she will pull through. Icky soap!
We will be keeping our fingers and paws crossed for her.

Brenda, Dud and Murph
So apparently they want to keep her all day and overnight again for more observation. They said that the ultrasound guy hasn't been there yet so they haven't been able to do that yet. We want to get her transferred to our vet (they were closed last night) so my parents are working on that.

My mom says that the vet keeps calling Maggie an old dog. Saying things like, well, she IS an old dog and blah blah blah...But she's only 8...that's not old!

Does anyone know if dogs lose weight normally as they get older? Maggie is 8 and at her heaviest she weighed 80 pounds (too much, vet ordered her on a diet) and her usual weight was 76. So when the vet asked my dad last night how much she weighed he said I don't know but she usually weighs 76...turns out she weighs 70...

Ugh! I'm so worried. And, of course this is the first year I haven't been able to be home for Christmas so I normally would be here for her and I'm not and I'm sad and just want to jump on a plane and go see her :cry:
Oh no! Poor Maggie! I was really sad to hear this news and pray that she will be allright. I understand your concern and anxiety at the moment. We're all here for you.

Hugs to you

Marianne and the boys
Our thoughts and prayers are with you , your family
and Maggie.
Hope she feels better soon!!!!
Healing energy and positive thoughts being sent your way!!!!!!!!
Our Best for Maggie & Co. Hope she's OK soon!
Magg's and Steph...Panda and I send our biggest prayers and good thoughts your way!!!! and NO 8 is not old...its middle age.....(where I am right now)....
Thanks for all your thoughts everyone!

My parents just called and said they are transferring MAggie from the emergency vet to the regular vet's office. My mom said that at the emergency vet they had to label her crate as aggressive because they said she was snappy and grumpy with them. Well, I think I would be too! My parents were never allowed back in the crating area, so from the time the nurses took her behind the doors, she was among strangers who were poking and prodding her, sticking IVs in her, with Mom and Dad nowhere in sight...I'd be a little upset too!

They said when they picked her up she was so excited to see them and my dad could barely hold her back, she was pulling so hard on the leash (doesn't sound like an 'old' dog to me!)...and she was pacing back and forth as usual in the car (she is a very nervous car passenger...) and my mom said that she didn't move at all in the car yesterday, so I think this is an improvement. Poor dog, though...she probably thinks she's going home, when she's really going to another vet!

But I am feeling a little better because she sounds better...and my mom sounded pretty upset the first time I talked to her this morning, but she sounded much better with this news. sigh...
Poor puppy!!!

Tasker has a "may bite" sticker PERMANENTLY affixed to his chart at the vet because one time YEARS ago he had a really bad ear infection and a "fill in" vet was digging and digging around in his ear and he snapped at her. idiots.
Come on Maggie you can get stronger,stop eating soap!!!These furbabies love too eay anything they are not supposed to!! 8O .Sounds like she might be getting stronger??We are all crossing fingers and paws...

Too answer your question about when dogs get older do they loose weight??This is funny you posted this,because our Eddie who is 8yrs old he is a maltese/yorkie and I have been concerned w/ his weight lose.Last time he got his teeth cleaned they had too pull 3teeth so Im wondering if thats why???He as always eaten dry food and has always had chew bones and such,but since the teeth cleaning he has lost weight.My collie I had 14yrs ago when he got older he got "obese"LOL!!So maybe it depends on the dog???Either way after the holidays Eddie is going in for blood work too be safe.

Heres too Maggies speedy recovery!! :D :D :D
I'm sorry Maggie isn't feeling well.... I hope she feels better soon.
Poor Maggie. I hope everything turns out well. It's so sad when you know they're uncomfortable but aren't sure how to treat it best.
So sorry to hear about maggie, poor little darling. Don't worry too much about the drop in weight as she has been unwell, they drop weight real fast. Kelsey when she was younger was sick and on a drip at the vets for 3 days and her weight just tumbled, it was scary but the vet said it's OK as she is getting plenty of fluids and as soon as she is better and eating OK does not take long for the weight to go back on. She went from 34Kg's to 29Kg's within a week. Now we have the opposite problem, she is permantly on a diet.

Hope all is OK for maggie and sending blessings for her & keeping fingers crossed she will be home with you all for christmas. Hugs to you all.
hope you feel better real soon maggie sending belly rubs your way :D :D :D
Sounds like she's perking up a bit, so that's good news! :lol: Poor baby, though. What will she think when Mom and Dad drop her off and leave her again? Hopefully since she's used to her regular vet she'll be better than she was at the emergency vet's.

And I agree - 8 years old is NOT an old dog!! Drez is 12, and our first sheepie lived to within 2 months of his 16th birthday. Slap that man! :evil:

Keep us posted!

Barney and Maggie send her their hugs and kisses. You're all in my prayers.
Well, Maggie is home now and feeling better. They officially diagnosed her with pancreatitis and have given her medication for that and for something else, I can't remember what for now...Of course, the pills are tiny and she does not want to take them, and the vet has her on a restricted diet so we can't use cheese or turkey or anything to conceal the pills in...oh well, I'm sure my parents will figure something out.
So, she'll be spoiled on chicken and rice dinners for a while and will have to go back to the vet on Tuesday to see how things are going. I feel so much better now...
Thanks for all your thoughts!
Oh that is great. Not the pancreatitis but the fact that she will be home for the holidays. I am glad for the update.
Glad she'll be home for the holidays and that they made a diagnosis. Hugs and kisses for a quick recovery!
Glad to hear that Maggie is home and on the mend.
Yay Maggie Girl! Take your medicine and get better real soon!

Maybe pills wrapped in a little bit of squishy white bread would be ok?
Yeah, they'll figure something out. They said she was pretty tired and upset last night by the whole ordeal so they didn't want to push her too much, but I'm sure with some rest she'll be more agreeable. She's a fairly skittish sheepie (she doesn't like car rides, she doesn't like loud noises, she doesn't like other dogs (not in a mean way, just would rather not associate with them) I'm sure this event took a lot out of her...
Hugs and Kissies Maggie...

:D Kim & Maizie.
We so glad Maggie is on the mend!!! :D
Aw, poor Maggie :( Maybe you can try a pill shooter?
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