Acres of Dogs

Hi Everyone,

I've mentioned on here my daily visits to the off leash dog park which I love going to with Merlin. A core group of about 8 of us meet around 3 o clock every day. From the moment I walk into my house after work - Merlin is literally bouncing off the walls wanting to go to the park. I'm so tired after work that I leave the car running and run into the house to get him, so embarressed to say I actually drive the three blocks down. I know if I sat down even for a min I wouldn't go as I'd find a hundred other things to do.

Merlin bounds out of the house and sits by my car'd think he was the best trained dog in the world if you saw this as nothing distracts him from wanting to sit in the car.

It's rather humorous as I drive a teeny sports car but Merlin sits amazing well on his butt with his head touching the roof of the car. Been taking him out in the car ,even once around the block since he was 11 wks old - so that's been a huge help when I need to go further as he's used to the car. Same with the dog park - daily since he was 11 wks old and it shows when it comes to socializing with other dogs and people.

I had heard of another dog park - further away from my house...a huge fish hatchery/nature reserve that has a huge section blocked for offleash. I finally got to check it out Saturday.

I was so amazed it was acres and acres of dogs. Big dogs, little dogs, fat dogs, skinny dogs, young and old alike!!! Aprox 50 dogs were there when we visited!!! It was a dull overcast day when we were there and I had heard there are twice as many dogs in the warmer weather! Gasp!

I think dogs are like kids - you finally get it right with the third one. You learn from previous mistakes. My other dogs sadly were not as well socialized (not their fault as they were pound dogs) My other dog Blue has some issues with particular dogs and would not be welcome at a place like this although he's a wonderful people dog. For him and I, it's walks around the block or parks where chances are we will not see many other dogs. he's mellowed in his old age so it's better now and he does really well one on one. A dog park would be out of the question however.

It made me think again how important it is that puppies should be subjected to lots of new dogs (after all shots of course) places, people, and experiences when they are young. How much more pleasurable it is when you can take them anywhere and not be concerned how they will react. Those are my thoughts anyway - sorry for getting off track.

I'm still so amazed that that many dogs could be in the same place and they all got along. What an amazing site to see 50 dogs romping freely, playfighting and playing play/chase games. Merlin was in heaven!!

If I ever figure out posting pics I will make sure to take a camera next time.

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I love dog parks. I just went for the first time this past weekend. my son played on the playground with my husband and me and my dogs got to play with dogs and dog people. I am living in Florida right now (my husbands job) but when we go home to the Eastern Shore of Va there are no dog parks. Does any one know how to get one started?
toot wrote:
Does any one know how to get one started?

I would like to know that too!! here we don't have any.... and I would like to take Shanti to one so he can run freedly... 8)
I have been meaning to let you know that I did a search for dog parks in Oklahoma and come to find out we had one. It is only a couple of miles away! We couldn't believe it!!! 8O It is sponsored by a no kill shelter, Pets and People. We have been quite a few times now, and had so much fun! It is a couple of acres with a pond and a separate agility course. The first day we went we were the only one's there, but it gave us and Jack and Annabelle a chance to be familiar with the place. They ran and ran and then ran some more. They got to play fetch at long distances. The next time we went there were more people and dogs, I was really nervous because they can not be on a leash. I didn't know exactly how well Jack and Annabelle would do with different dogs around. Anyway, it again was great, they got to meet dogs of all sizes and shapes. Well, and people too! They did great! I was one proud Mommy of 2 Sheepies! They played with all of the dogs, except this one chihuahua, who was in a bad mood. He snapped at Jack and then Jack looked at him kind of like What did I do? :? I know this post is going kind of long, but I had to let you know that the last time we went we had temps in the 60's and both Jack and Annabelle ran into the pond! We knew they liked water, but we didn't think they would do that! :roll: We have just had a lot of fun and so have the pooches. It is also nice to meet other people who love and appreciate their dogs as well. Oh, and they loved playing in the agility area with their favorite part being the tunnel! Ok, sorry for the rambling, but I have been very excited about the dog park. It is too bad that Merlin, Jack, and Annabelle can't play together. I bet they would have lots of fun!
Stormi :D
Ahh it sounds like fun. Drake just got his third and final shot so hopefully we will be off to the park next week (if weather permits). Drake loves to play with his neighborhood pals (yes all are caught up on their shots). He meet Cedric, my father in laws Airdale the other day. Poor Drake wanted to play with Cedric so bad and tried everything to get Cedric to play with him but Cedric wanted nothing to do with Drake because he was jeliouse. Normally Cedric loves puppies but all he would do is turn his back on Drake. Finally Drake gave up and Cedric just sat there and pouted. It was all pretty funny, hopefully they become good friends.
:D Am so glad I read thses posts ! Have wanted to take my OES dogs to doggy park but have shied away. I kept picturing dog fights (think I saw some as a child that were terrible).
So the giant fur-balls are not so intimidating to other breeds ? My Griffon is 10 mos. old and we have our last obedience class this week. Maybe he's ready for ther great outdoors and acres of dogs ? Patch (4 yo OES) is a little on the grumpy side from time-to time but oh what a sweetie she is. Not sure she would be as thrilled as Griffon to romp with other breeds.
Anyway... I enjoyed your posts and will keep this in mind as Spring fever hits !

Oh I'm so glad you checked out the parks in Oklahoma and found one for Jack and Annabelle! Sounds like they really enjoyed themselves.

Bumblepatch, it's amazing how well all the dogs get along with each other at these kinds of parks. I think generally people use common sense when bringing their dogs to the park and don't show up with a dog that has a tendecy to fight other dogs. Sometimes someone does show up with a new dog and it may initiate that it is dominate and may challenge another dog. You can tell by body language and a straight up tail. If the other dog it approaches wags it's tail then it's letting the dominate one be the boss. I've only seen one dog fight in all the time I've been at the park and it was over in a second as the owner immediately put his dog on a leash and left. A combination of peer pressure and knowing the dog will not do well at a park such as this. Dogs that go frequently to these parks walk away from these situations entirely.

Intradan, Oh I hope you do go with Drake I'm sure you wouldn't regret it!! One thing to know is dogs have a code of law against attacking a puppy. ( It is rare a dog will break this code) Disciplining is really good and different. Merlin was constantly being taught social skills from the other dogs whom flipped him over on his back and nipped his nose. He would come bawling to me and I never interfered. This is perfectly normal and while it sounds awful as if the little guy is in mortal danger he really only has hurt feelings. They sure know how to tug at your heartstrings with their Yip, Yip Yip. I never even bent down to pet him in this situation as it would have only reinforced his innapropriate behavior and would get him used to running to me if he did something bad. Nope help from deserved it kinda thing. You see when they are just pups they may do innapropriate things, socially with other dogs - for example Merlin humped other dogs at 3 months of age. They immediately put him in his place or he would kinda get into their face or nip them too hard. It was a good learning experience for him. Merlin is now known as one of the most laidback dogs at the park and the other owners enjoy having him play with their boys/girls. He's 6 months and while still a pup he's learned how to play fairly.

I should mention too boy do some like to roughhouse. Merlin's favorite buddy to roughhouse with is a Shepard who is the same age as him. Herders like to hip check while Shepards like to grab by the throat. While it may look awful - if there is no yelping...they are just playing. He also loves two other Shepards (huge ones) that do this as well. He learned to follow the Labs in the mucky water..ah well he's having fun. Best of all is seeing him run/play chase with the Herders that show up. He is happiest when doing this. Chasing those that chase a ball.

Overall dog parks are great and reminds me when my kids were small. Moms/Dads would get to socialize and chat while kids were busy tiring themselves out and making friends. I think I get a kick out of going just as much as Merlin. :D
I think in a way I have an advantage over you guys.....Here all parks are off-leash after 7 pm until 8am...and most very safe since there are park guards on them.....I usually go to one that is 1 block away...and Pisco sure enjoys himself there with other dogs.....his favorite friends are: Ruffus (OES), Paco (OES), Petruquio (black collie) Tasha (golden Retriver), Alaska (Saint Bernard)..we usually meet in twos or threes...but there are times when we all meet and Its so fun to see them all play together...we once had a prolbem with a German Shepard...his owner had to take him always on a leash and with a "mouth piece" because he was very agresive to our dogs....the owner had tthe nerve to tell us we should all restrain our dogs because his was....well you know where we sent him :? :twisted: :arrow: so far he hasn`t been back at least not to our park.
I am addicted to dog parks we go at lest three times a weak.Sat we went to one with a beach.Oh man was it fun.I take not only my dogs but my whole family we all have a great time. Almost all the dog parks have kid parks too.Still trying to find info on how to get one started on the eastern shore of Va.
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