Scratch my Pits

I know...strange topic. Does anyone else's doggie like to have their armpits scratched? Annie is constantly giving us her paw so we can scratch her armpits. While sitting and human crouching, she puts her paw on your arm so you'll scratch her pits with your other one. It just cracks me up. :lol:
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No, Panda just likes to lick ours...especially wtih deoderant on.... 8O
Both Barney and Maggie LOVE to be scratched there. Until now, I've never thought of it as their pits, though!
Izzie hasn't shown a preference for arm pit scratching.

She does love a good butt rub, though. Every night she gets into her "play with me" crouch...butt high in the air and sticks it in your face until you scratch it.

Annie wanting her arm pits scratched makes probably isn't something she can easily do herself. :D

My Max LOVES to have his elbows scratched slowly......he will go sound asleep within 2 minutes.
Daisy loves to have her legs and pits scratched and / or brushed which made it easy for me to teach her to lie down to be brushed. Now anytime I start petting when she is lying down, she will "roll" onto her back for her legs to be scratched.
My sisters dog loves having the inside of her back thighs scratched. :roll: It is so funny to see her get in position to get you do scratch.
einy likes the bit just above his tail stump scratch he'll stand there for ages and when you stop he looks at you with a look that say "did i tell you to stop no i didn't think so " then wiggles it a little bit in your direction and bumps you with his bum until you give in
Brie comes up and wacks us with her paw for an armpit scratch, I have briuses from her lethal paws, most favourite is reversing the backside up to you while you are sitting down for that butt scratch. 8)

Does anyone elses sheepie use there front paws for wacking. She does it from behind for attention too, up she comes and kapow with that wacking paw even when you are standing up, OUCH
We made the mistake of teaching Bosley to "give a paw" with a clicker..."click and treat", "click and treat".... So obviously, now he is happy to oblige any time, without being asked..... And if you ignore him he gets more pursistent as if he is saying "I said....give me a treat!"....while he paws you big time!
my past sheepie loved having her chin scratched. She would push down on your hand when you would do it. Then she discovered the carpet...... she would plant her face chin first on the carpet and jsut itch and itch and itch.. it was hilarious but it was her favorite thing to do.
einy the same he think giving me a paw is the answer to everything and get sulky if i don't give in

but i'm weak and he sits so nicely while giving be lose big hazel puppydog eyes and a paw if your not quick enough he think "ok that paws no good try the other one " and then give you the other one if your even longer he like sit, paw, down, speak doing all the tricks he know to get what he wants

i blame the reward method of training and my weak will lol

but he does beat you up with his paws he really good with them he can even hook baby toys out of isaacs play pen through the bars and run off with them. the amout i find all over place anyonw would think he doesn't have enough toys (he has loads by the way)

hes also getting quite good at opening doors now nowhere is safe from the my loveable furry monster lol

Well it's nice to know that I am not the only one with a paw kid :lol:

Bosleys mom, that is how brie started, clicker training and my sons make a joke always with her, yep, "High Five" so if she is bored wack 8O

I am off to a pet expo in february and we have a breed stand there with the dogs, usually take the old girl as they sit on grooming tables and lots of kiddies etc all over the dogs, great day & the dogs have a lot of fun, but I am still deciding if brie goes this time, I have visions of her on the table and being at the same height as kids, those big paws maybe taking some poor lil kids head off, any tips to untrain those wacking paws?
My puppers don't care where they get petted or scratched, as long as they
Bunker hits me with her left paw when I am driving, pet me, pet me. Her latest is smoking me across the face to be petted. :roll: Glasses flying, I know one day I am going to end up with a black eye or swollen lip and try telling people My dog did this to me. Like they will believe that.
Pud does the same thing with the paw. It isn't too bad until he decides to "curl" his toenails as he is removing the foot.

Pud likes the armpit scratch too, but then like Willow says, he likes to be stratched anywhere.
Pooh LOVES it...
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