Use of D.A.P

Has anyone had any experience with the Comfort Zone Dog Appeasing Pheromone? I want to get one for Lily because all she does all day is bark bark bark. When she doesnt get what she wants she barks your ears off. Ive treid ignoring it ( you can only do that for so long), tried time out ( still barking), tried water bottles, water bottles with vinegar, can of coins, saying no while shaking her like her mom used to do, tried walkign away, tried a leash on her while in the house ( all she does with that is chew at it).... Im at a loss for what to do and Im going crazy in the mean time. I'm also not willing to go for a shock collar or citronella collar, those I think are just inhumane, I have seen way too many dogs in shelters with burns on them because of those things. So I was wondering is this stuff actually works. Any opinion is very much appreciated.
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I haven't used them, but there is a lot of good things being done with Pheremones. Melbourne zoo has been using Pheremones for years with amazing results, so give it a go, it's natural, can't hurt and might help. Will be very interested to hear if it works or not, so if you do use it, please let us know if it helped. would be very interested to hear as I like natural therapies like Bach flower essences etc and have just started hearing about the treatment of animals with pheremones :D
I tried a cat pheromone that was supposed to deter our neutered indoor male shelter cat from spraying all over the furniture and it didn't work at all. So he is now an indoor/outdoor cat and just sprays all over our bushes instead of the furniture. 8O

Well, so far it hasnt helped. This product it supposed to appease barking related to anxiety whether it be being alone at home or new things happening or whatever. I guess Lily's barking is more attention related. She barks when we are on the phone or talking to each other or at the dinner table that we arent paying attention to her. But the thing is that when Im alone at home with her and just sitting on the couch ignoring her she is quiet and doesnt bark at me. She only does it when my boyfriend and I are both sitting on the couch, when either one of us is on the phone or when he is with her by himself. She never does it to me when its just her and me alone. I dont know what to do either. I mean we have tried everything. Im going to go back to ignoring her and see how that works but Im sure I will need some ear plugs. She just goes on and on like the energizer bunny....
Oh that is a shame, was looking forward to hearing if the pheremones did work. Have you tried the Bach Flower essences, not the rescue remedy there is different mixes of the essences you can have made up for different situtations/behaviour. If you want can post a mix of what might help, I have a list of different mixtures of the essences for different problems.
Ive treid ignoring it ( you can only do that for so long), tried time out ( still barking), tried water bottles, water bottles with vinegar, can of coins, saying no while shaking her like her mom used to do, tried walkign away, tried a leash on her while in the house ( all she does with that is chew at it)..

Any type of behavior modification is going to take time...lots of it, and consistency. I'm not sure if you have kept up with any one method for long enough. Barking is self-rewarding, and if she has done it for a long time it will take a long time and consitent effort to stop it. By jumping from one method to another too quickly you are only letting her know that no matter what you do she will eventually get what she wants. Think of it like this.
You go to a casino and put in quarters and every 1/2 hour or so you win. Great stuff, so you continue. Then you start to notice that you are not winnning as often, so it may take hours. But when you do win you get the jackpot! YAAAAAAA! Would you stop going to the casinos now, for the rest of your life? Hardly, because you continue to win.
Let's work with the ignoring method, my personal favourite. As long as she gets rewarded with your attention she will continue. Actually, by you letting her bark for a long time BEFORE you give her attention you are training her that she must bark for a reallly long time in order to get you to pay attention. You must NEVER stop ignoring the barking if you want the bevavior to extinguish on it's own. No looking, no talking, no touching, nothing. But as soon as she is quiet for 3 seconds then she gets a reward. (Or 5 seconds or whatever. You know what time you can work with). You need to be able to reward her so she will know what to work towards. If she is quiet and you ignore her, then she will not know what to do to get your attention.
If you want to go that route then promise yourself that you will NEVER pay atention to her barking, and you need to realize that it will get worse, before it gets better. This is called the extinction burst. Remember the slot machine? If you always won, how long will it take you to finally give it up? You may stay up all nite, spend all your money, even kick it to see why it isn't coughing up teh goods like it is supposed to. That is normal, and she may have a tantrum, too.

Good luck!
thanks for your input. I am going to try the ignoring method, it seems to be the most popular from what I have heard. I never had this problem with my other OES nor my moms OES pup. Lily is the worst, I never met an OES that barked this much, maybe she is just wacky. Anyway, Ill let you guys knwo how it goes and thanks again.
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