Female Sheepie in Virginia

I have a friend who has a cousin who has a female sheepdog who has had a rough road.She is kept on a chain in the back yard :cry: poor girl.I am trying to talk my hubbie into taking her but he says we can't have a fourth doggie right yet. If any one knows anyone who might be able to help I would appreciate any Info. The girl may not give the dog up but my friend is trying very hard to get her to.
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Oh how terrible for this sheepie girl. I hope your friend can convince her. Sometimes appealing to their good side (I know kinda hard in some cases) but telling her that she is doing what is best for her sheepie girl. She can go to a nice family whom have time for her.

I'm praying things will work out..please keep us posted.

Marianne and the boys
I dont think the girl is going to give her up. I am so disapointed I really was going to try to get my hubbie to agree to at least give her a try. we are looking to get a sheepie but he really wants a puppy that we could train ouselves. I will keep you all posted on this girl though. my friend is not giving up yet. :cry:
oops I forgot to log in.
Oh too bad. I know of a sheepie lady in VA who is currently sheepless and would love a dog.
Hi, please let me know if I can help in any way. We are currently sheepieless and have had sheepies for the past 24 years.

Theresa in VA

this was a message sent to me but I'm moving it to this forum:

"I saw your post on the forum. Not to be too nosy or anything but I'm sure you probably have checked this out but just in case--has your friend checked out Bandit on the NEOESR.org web site? He is a little chubber at over 100 lbs. and is 7 1/2 years old. Bandit is located in Wise, VA. He looks like he needs lots of exercise!!! "

Susan, aka Sheepieboss
Still no word on this girl but I will let my friend know that there is interest in her. Thanks for all of your help .
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