It Never Snows!

Oh Yikes..serves me right for opening my big mouth and stating it never snows on the West Coast where I live. Yup...I had to go and say that and of course Murphy's Law would dictate that we'd get a huge dump of snow.

Oh sure it looks pretty, even posted pics of how gorgeous it looks in my backyard. Kids at school - laughing and making snowmen..yup but I dislike the white stuff. On our coast, because people aren't used to it..driving becomes a nightmare. People imitate those at amusement centers riding the bumper cars. Yikes!

Then there is the ice...after turns to ice. Nope can't drive on ice..shudders...terrified to drive in it. Especially when I have to go to my night time job..(more shudders). The drive is down a big hill and then up again along a lonely stretch of road with no houses in sight. I find myself talking to my old van, "come can do it..please let me make it there..and repeating the same thing going home a few hours later, "just let me make it home, puleeeeeaaase!"

Did I mention the slush? It has snowed here ...maybe once every five years or so..and then it only last for a day or so. Our weather is so mild it turns to slush..yucky. A day or so of "slushiness" (made up word) the roads are clear. Nope not this time...cause I opened my big mouth and bragged it never snows!! Serves me right for bragging! :wink:

Here's a pic of my yard taken from my back porch..sigh..yes, it does look pretty..but I still hate the stuff...give me rain anyday!!

Marianne and the boys
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Pretty picture.

What did you get, 3 or 4 inches max?

In Vancouver they hardly had a snowflake..ha! On the outskirts (I live 1/2 hr away in the burbs) aprox 5-10 inches. The further out - more snow. They are saying on the news to expect more this weekend..oh groan!


Well least the dogs like it..and the the ones taken of the boys look as if I've tampered with the pics, but nope didn't touch the lighting at all. They were taken at aprox 6 am..more the boys were anxiously scratching at the door to be let out and daylight was just those photos an blueish tone. The ones of the yard were taken aprox 15 mins later. So there I was at 6 am in my housecoat and boots playing with the dogs. More sighs... 8O
It is a beautiful picture.
If that works for snow can I say "I never win the lottery!"
also if it "never" snows...Ill "never" get my kitchen it looks careful walking....
It looks beautiful, though it hardly looks like any snow at all... lol... Marianne you'd hate Ontario!

We don't consider it any real snow unless it's over a foot at least! 3 feet of the stuff is normal, and it's not that unusual to see snowdrifts that go halfway up the hydro poles! LOL
It got some cold last week we could have gotten snow.
We dropped into the low 30's at night. It wouldn't have lasted long it was in the 70's during the day. I am sure I will get my share of snow when we go to NJ for Christmas. Well at least I will get enough cold weather to last a couple of
Maybe if I say it is never sunny and warm in December in NJ :wink:
I remember one time when I was in California it DID snow, I was so surprised, and everyone seemed to be in a panic. No one seemed to have a clue how to deal with it so they just stayed home and waited for it to melt. LOL
Your yard is very pretty.The dogs look like they don't know what to think.
Looks so pretty, snow is a novelty for us in OZ. Today, yep it is Sunday, lovely day of sunshine and am off up the country to a bush christmas market in the lovely sunshine!! LOL
What are those green things?? and that white stuff?? I thought everyone was brown for the winter.
:D :D

Oh sure rub it in.. ha ha!

brrr Willowsprite, I don't envy you at all! Then again, everyone knows how to drive in the snow back East..(so we've been told! lol)

On second thought, forget about the rain too...give me some place where it's warm and tropical anyday!

Angel, that was a funny thought you started...okay I'm game..if it never snows and I get tons....then I also never win the lotto, never have the best behaved boys, and never seem to catch up on housework. There now I've gone and said it.

Marianne and the boys
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Come on Marianne... one day of snow and you're not rolling around in it??

That's the thing that's nice about NJ. You get snow every now and again & appreciate it's beauty. Sometimes we'll have snow on the ground for a few weeks which sometimes is a pain but the dogs love it. Even goofy Rebecca who won't put one paw on a wet sidewalk will stand out in the snow all day.

I do feel bad for the people up north who don't see grass for months. I think that would drive me a little crazy.
Oh Shudders!! I'm going nutty after the stuff has been here for only a week. (kicks snow and says cuss words).

Apologizes and tries to appear sane again. :oops:

How's that housework coming along, Marianne?!?!?

You can have some of our snow, we get PLENTY in upstate NY.
....I will never catch up on housework....I will never catch up on housework....I will never catch up on housework....(repeats mantra over and over again.) 8O

Marianne and the boys
That pic posted on your thread needs one of your sheepies in it. Ask Valerie to paste one in there and use it as a Christmas card. Looks like you'll be dreaming of a White Christmas. :D
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