I Can't belaeve it, Job Loss

I have been up for hours. Last night at 9:30 Richard got a call from his temp compny he is working for. She told him that tomorrow (Friday is his last day) he's has been there 2 months, after a 9 month lay off. No reason was given! He was the forth person in this job in 6 months. They want him to train the new person today and Friday. He can not appy for unemployment. To soon. They even told him a few days ago what a good job he was doing. I can't make any sence of this. I am so scard I am sick to my stomach. The contracter told Richard they are going to drop the company. They go through people like crazy. So many of the workers have quit in the last few weeks. I just don't understand this. We just got on a payment agreement with our mortage company. Now we won't be able to mank the agreeement. PLEASE say a prayer for us. I have to ask God why is this happening to us again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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We just went through this ourselves.
Almost the exact same thing.
But within a VERY short time, hubby had a new and better job, better hours, better pay.
Same boat with our morgtage company too.
But we had faith that everything would work out, put our trust in a higher power and all turned out well and better then ever.
I hope the same happens for you guys.
I won't tell you not to worry, I know how impossible that is. But know I'm pulling for you guys and sending prayers that your hard times will soon be resolved.
I am so sorry to hear about Richard's job. Things were starting to come around and then you get hit again. My brother-in-law went through the same thing with a temp company but, he did end up with a good job through them. Hang in there, we're praying for you.
Deana, that's terrible! You have certainly had more than your share lately. The thing I never understand is how a company will fire someone and then expect them to train their replacement :twisted: That is SO wrong. Good luck, it's hard to be positive but something better is just around the corner.
We went through the same thing too, just about the same time of year too.
My husband had been with the company for 14 years and on a Thursday they said thanks, get out and don't take anything when you go. They gave them one day (ONE DAY) of severance pay. They 'laid off' half of the office, the shop and even went out to job sites and laid off half the guys there.

But, things do get better! We now have our own company that is doing well. Jobs are getting bigger and more exciting, have a few part time employees now.

There are plenty of places that are looking for seasonal help right now. Might not be the best pay or hours but it's steady work there's plenty of it available. It would give you a bit of a reprive and also help you guys to get to the next step.
Look at all the options out there. Who have you met that might have opportunities available? What skills does he posess that don't really seem marketable that could be? Do you know any independent contractors that could provide an opportunity? Are other temp companies hiring? If he was doing temp work, does one of the companies he temp-ed at have an opening to fill? If they are using temps they might be open to hiring someone who already has some experience, however limited, in that position especially if they don't have to pay his release fee.

Things will get better. It never seems like it will but it will. Don't look at how bad it is, look at what opportunities this might afford you. I know how hard it is to be in this situation. I was on an ambulance call when Bob called to tell me that he got laid off. I didn't usually answer the phone on calls but it just kept ringing so I figured it was an emergency. My partner kept asking what was wrong and when I told my partner, the patient (Who was having a heart attack, P.S.) said "That's really bad, I'm so sorry". When the guy on the stretcher feels sorry for you......

Good luck and we'll all be thinking of you guys!! Get him out there pounding the pavement and working the phones!
You and Hubby are in my prayers, Diana. I think it's cruel to leave people go at this time of the year.
I'm so sorry Deana.... it never rains it pours right? You'll manage, things will be ok....

Hang in there. I'm a true believer: Out of something bad, comes something good! :D
Deana - You & Richard are in my prayers!!
I will also keep you and Richard in my prayers. Hang in there, things will get better. I am a firm believer that God only puts on your shoulders what he knows you can carry. He may let us stumble, but not fall.
Deana, how awful! There's no justification for that. I hope Richard gets an even better position soon. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
We are thinking of you, Deana. I'm so sorry this has happened. You have had a lot happen in the past few months and I hope that the New Year will prove to be a better one. Lots of hugs from us XOXOXO
Deana, Stacey said it best...it always seems to pour. If you need to talk call me. Im saying lots of prayers and sending good thoughts your way for you and Richard.
First off thanks for all your prayers and support. Richard talked more with the Temp agency and she told him that this company he is working for has changed policy and now has to be certified . The new person is. Fact!!! this job does not require it. He has done everything that was asked him and then some. Sounds fishy to me.

Please make comments. :cry:
I'm so sorry. I'll have you guys in my thoughts and prayers. I hope an even better job comes along soon!
I don't have anything constructive to offer but you have my support and sympathy. Terrible situation, terrible timing. I hope you can take the turn-around examples offered by others to heart. I'd say cut your losses with that temp agency and find someplace better. Easier said than done. Best wishes to both of you. . .
I'm appalled at the way the company handled this, with no warning :twisted: Is the new person a relative or friend of someone at the company? And certified for what?
Hang in there Deana!

Sometimes we are sent lots of stuff at the same time, but remember that we are never given more burden that we can carry. Things will get better soon, I'm pretty sure of it.
So sorry deana hoping all turns out for you and your family, it is a upsetting & worrying time. Things happen for a reason and usually turns out to be bigger and brighter for the future. The same thing happened to us a few years ago, we were devasted at the time, but the future was brighter and all worked out OK. Wishing you all the best and just want to say also what an awful company doing that to people just before christmas, no christmas spirit in that comapany bunch of rotten sods. :evil:
Maxmm had alot of good advice. I will keep your family in my prayers also.
Boy, that sucks! Deana, i hope things get better for you guys soon.

My company just "laid off" 4 of the 10 other employees. Things aren't good in the automotive industry these days.

I think the certified thing is a joke. There are so many people out there who are more knowledgeable & effective than a lot of those certified folks. Real-life, hands-on experience doesn't seem to count for much anymore. But what do I know.
I'm sorry Deana. I know there's nothing I can say to solve the situation but I sure hope things get better. You've been through too much lately!

Remember, lots of your friends here on the Forum are pulling for you during your recent hardships. You are one tough cookie! Just take it one day at a time and we'll keep praying that Richard lands a much better job with a more compassionate employer. They don't deserve his talents, anyway!

Nita, Darrow, Maggie & Nelson
Deana, I'm so sorry that this had to happen to you right before the holidays. We went through the same thing right before Christmas with two previous jobs of Dale's. Some employers have NO heart. :evil: It is heartbreaking, but know that everyone here is pulling for you guys.

Will keep you in my prayers, of course.

I haven't known what to say until now, Deana. I'm just so sorry for your struggles.

I know it seems heartless, but one point of view might be that if you didn't know about it before the holidays, and you were laid off on the 31st, you might spend more money that you can't afford on gifts and such...

I wish you well.
Hi Deana,

When one door closes another opens.....

Sure hearing that at the time may not make you feel any better but seems most of the members here have experienced similar situations and the end result turned out better. In retrospect you will probably look back and feel blessed that it happened which put Richard out in the job market again. Not now, not at this moment..but on the grandeur scheme.

I went through a similar situation a long time ago..two kids, on my own, laid off 2 wks before Christmas. I had for once done all my shopping early and it broke my heart to unwrap my kids gifts and return them to the store in order to get through the holidays as unemployment wouldn't have kicked in until 6 wks later. It made me tougher and set me in a different mindset....I'm now Jill of all trades..take advantage of all opportunities and make myself very employable in several jobs.

Sit down and carefully think of all the talents you and Richard have. Some of you may remember when I inexplicably was asked to pet sit a few months ago..and ironically this came when I had to take time off work to look after my son. Help comes in all forms sometimes. Letting friends and relatives know that you are job hunting..(stats show that people still get a majority of jobs from knowing people.) They don't know you are looking so you need to tell them. Even if the job is short term it will get you through the stress of the holidays. Deana, from what I know of you , you have a warm and giving nature and people would be hard pressed not to help you and Richard out. Humility plays a bit part too sometimes as we often don't want to bother our friends..yet we'd jump right in and help them if the situation was reversed.

Ever thought of hosting a foreign student? The pay is quite good and the experience is very worthwhile. Some just stay for a few weeks and all that is required is two meals per day (they make their own breakfast).

Pet or baby sit...there is a huge demand for this during the holidays when school is out and people want loving care for their pets. Doesn't necessarily mean it would have to be at your house.
The pets I watched stayed in their own homes. Granted the pay isn't great but puts food on the table and letting the bank know of your situation and calling utilility companies to inform them ahead of time gives you a little leeway.

Search the phone book..no kidding! You'll get ideas from companies or jobs that are required by searching down the buisiness list that you had no idea existed.

Make a list of all yours and Richards job skills..and talents. Don't forget to list talents as they may lead you on the path to a dream job. Considering all the positive comments regarding your culinary skills makes me think you would be in big demand for some of your treats. Don't underestimate any of your past talents too ..sometimes they too have a way of re-emerging in jobs that makes us valuable employees.

I wish you all the best and my thoughts are with you.

Deana, I'm so sorry, what awful news.
Deana, as i said earlier, if my six numbers come up, there will be a very large cheque coming your way and thats a promise - fingers crossed.

But i do believe that something good always comes out of something bad, you don't see it at the time- this could be a blessing in disguise xx
Fergie's Mom wrote:
Richard talked more with the Temp agency and she told him that this company he is working for has changed policy and now has to be certified . The new person is. Fact!!! this job does not require it. He has done everything that was asked him and then some. Sounds fishy to me.

Some companies have a policy of turning their temps over frequently to stay out of trouble. A long term temp looks suspiciously like a full time employee - but with no company funded benefits. State regulators investigate companies that appear to be using long term temps as a way to avoid providing benefits (thereby increasing dependence on government funded benefits).

It sounds like this may be Richard's situation, Deana. If the company is consistently filling the same position with a series of short term temp employees, it should be a permanent job paying benefits.
I agree with you, but this job was temp to hire. This company was just bought out and they are making so many changes people are just sick of it. the guy who is replacing Richard has a MSCE certifation but has not got what it will take to do for this Job. Richard told me last night even the simple tasks were over his head. He also took off this morning for 2 hours. Said he had a doctors apt ( not health related). He also has not worked in 4 years. I am sorry if this offens someone, so don't jump on me but he also is huge, over 400 lbs. :oops:
Deana, I'm sure the new guy won't last long in this job. That's cold comfort I know. But sometimes those thoughts make a person feel better.

I don't need or want anything for Christmas, so my Christmas wish is that Richard gets the job he deserves.
I don;t want t sound rude, but why is your Husband training this guy? I would have walked out and told them where to go and how to get there.
Try not to stress too much, something bigger and better will come along. It always does.
the reason he is doing this is because its 2 more days pay. We went through everything we had before , he had been a temp before got laid off from Birdseye Foods He had been there 2 yrs and they had a big layoff, took 9 months to get a job. Money is money
Deana,....... Remember when we have chatted about problems and getting thru them..... I have learned a lot since My Husband got hurt....I learned really what was important........It isn't the material STUFF.......It is ONLY STUFF......You are Much Stronger then you think you are. You will both be Stronger after this Trial. You will both get thru this.......Just Hold on to Each Other Real Tight....... If I can Help at all just email or call me..........Sheepie Hugs, Kaye
Thanks Kaye!!!
Deana, I didn't want to come off to you as if I was thinking this situation was trival.......It isn't trival ......I understand a lot I didn't understand before.....I think a person doesn't realize what someone else is going thru until they have been there themselves.....It isn't because they don't care ...they just don't understand... In the last few years I know so many people that have lost their jobs that they have been on for years......Thinking they were going to retire with that company and into their Golden Years.. They were Over Qualified......Older and competing with younger applicatiantes.......Worked their whole lives to get ahead and then the employer kicks them out the door..... .A Women that never worked outside the home...Lived a Very Good Life....Her job was to be a take care of the house and Raise the Uprights...... Thrown into the job market with no skills or experience.... Some people in this life just seem to sail right on through.........Others seem to just go from trial to another..... I don't understand why it is that way .It Just Is........So you have to do what you have to do........ Like Marianne and others have said......Look at some talents that you have......I know several people that are doing very well selling on ebay....Some buying from garage sales and reselling on ebay... One Little Lady has knitted her whole life and gave it away..Now she is knitting and selling it on ebay.... She only had $427 a month coming in from Social Security.... and is 70 years old.. with many health problems.... I know several people that are working 3 jobs to make ends meet....... It is just Amazing What The Human Spirit Can Do..... As hard as this is now......You will get through it....... What works for me is when things are so bad that I can't hardly breath....Can't hardly put one foot in front of the other...... I reach out!!!!!!! I reach out to help somone else that has it much worse then I do.......It lifts My Spirit.....Im sorry if I am coming off as preaching to you.........I certainly don't mean too......I just want you to know there is Light At The End Of The Tunnel....... Getting through this trial will give you the tools and strenght to get through the next trial........ and you will get through it.......Sheepie Hugs, Kaye
You know Kaye, I thought what you had to say was probably the most 'helpful' out of all of us. We sometimes turn so fast to fixing, fixing, fixing that we forget that sometimes the greatest thing to say is, "It'll be alright".
Hi, we've been in similiar situations the last few years too. My husband's 20 person graphics company of over 13 years, had to close back in 2001 because of an investment of over 1 million dollars of printing equipment for a new specialty printing technology. He had huge contracts with companies like Pitney Bowes & EDS but the equipment that was supposed to be up & running in 2 weeks still didn't work after 6 months. So contracts were lost and even though they got the money back for the equipment, it was still not enough to sustain the company any longer. He had a crappy lawyer and in order to get the money back for the equipment right away (which he needed to do because a couple of people's houses were on the line), they needed to sign paperwork saying they wouldn't sue.

Less than a year after the business closed, a firm in GA hired my husband to work at their company to develop the same type of specialty printing technology (lenticular). We moved everything down to GA to follow the opportunity. 3 months later, and after stealing 2 patents from him, they fired him. Even though they paid to move us down to GA they wouldn't pay to move us back up to NJ. The whole experience cost us about 10 grand that we didn't even have.

Deanna it is really unfair the way the company let go of your husband. The thing that is going to be the toughest is to try to just put the whole experience behind you. It can also be a new beginning for you guys once you get past this hurdle. Currently my husband & I do graphics out of our house. We work really hard but it is very rewarding and we do enjoy it.

I hope that things will turn around for you soon!
oh deana sorry i've not been around much its hectic here

i'm so sorry about richards job their right it never rains its pours

my thoughts are with you

good luck and hugs from einy and me

love zoe
I hope he is able to find something soon. my hubby feels stuck in his job, he's been there for 10 years now, they've sold 2 times, and he's managed to stay with new owners...etc it's been stressful. Plus everytime they changed hands, they freeze the salary's and he is being underpayed...but they still won't increase.

So our eyes are always on the lookout for something, but it is all on hold. In order for him to take another job, he'd have to start over and be at the bottom. He is now not qualified for other jobs, because his training has been focused for this company only....catch 22.

Our plans to get a cheaper house, is to enable us to change jobs somewhere down the road, and be okay with a lower income....

So sorry it's happening now, but as Ron said better than if you had bought all new gifts etc. For this reason we do not do contract work, or consulting...which is all temporary. My father in law went through the same thing, temp-possible hire...they found someone else after he put all his effort into getting the job, and made some improvements too. Now he has another job, not using any of skills...but it pays his rent. And enables him to get some upgrading as well.

Good luck, I am sure things will work out.
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