Need an advice - indoor flowerpot!

I have a new flowerpot in my living room so Shanti is peeing on it. What can I do? First I thought he was “marking his territory to this new thing” but during the night or when I don’t see him, he still peeing on it… how can I change this? My living room smells very bad! Advices pleaaaasseeee!

Dani and the smelly livingroom.!!! :oops:
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He may be marking his territory. When he first peed on it he left his smell. Now every time he goes by and the smell isn't strong, he has an urge urinate on it again.
If you could scold him in the act and punish him that would probably end it, as long as you could change its smell. You cannot leave it smelling like his urine. Try something like clove, orange or (cinamon)canela oil or pine oil or something very strong and concentrated that YOU like.

I also would recommend you put the pot outside where it wouldn't hurt if he peed on it, but still discourage his urinating on it at all. Even outside, make sure he knows you do not want him urinating on your flower pots. Just buy a new pot and put the new pot in a different corner and sprinkle it with good smelling stuff and lots of pepper around the base and on top of any soil or moss. One good sniff should be enough to stop him.
I think that if you can divert or convert a bad behavior to a good one that is best. But sometimes Abbi gets told NO! and is put out. Peeing is one of those things. I felt so bad when I found out she was incontinent and couldn't help herself.
But if a male dog is peeing, then it is time to be letting him know that it just isn't going to be tolerated. If possible, don't let him in until you see him pee outside. And disguise any urination that isn't "cleanable" with some very strong good smelling odor like pine, orange, cinamon, clove, or even peppermint oil. Don't mix them, you may not like the effect. Clove and cinamon mixes well with orange oil though. Just use a little bit and then more until it is at the right strength.
Try cleaning the smell out with diluted lemon ammonia, rinse and treat again. Air it out. If ammonia will yellow the pot or floor, use one of those orange cleaners or that pet odor eater stuff they sale in pet shops. Usually they have enzymes in them that help. Sometimes a diluted clothes detergent works too.
Give that big shaggy trouble maker a pat from me. He is still looking so huggable!
Thanks Agingright,

You know, I have tried that... :cry: did work for a couple of days, but he pees on other plants. My house would look like I am doing a withcraft (jeje) if I have to put pepper all around...

What I am doing is : when I see Shanti peing outside of if he asks me to go outside... I would say:"VERY GOOD Shanti" -congratulate and give him a cookie..."

Worst now, as it is summer, he is mostly all the time inside the house bcause the Air/Cond.
1 of 10 times I could scold him in the act and punished him: With a Big NOOOOOO!!! and open the door pointing here- here (patio)

The worst time is during the night (even he wakes me up at 2 or 3 am so l let him out) and when I go out for a couple of hours.

Maybe is my mistake :oops: as when he first came home I potty trained in the kitchen. When I know that I will be out for several hours (not couple of hours), I place his water bowl and newspapers in the kitchen... he goes fine that way... but isn't him old to still working with newspapers? am I not making the rules clear to him? This March he will be 2 years old... and he still peeing on almost everything that has a vertical shape (chairs, plants, etc. etc.)

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