A trip to the vet

I took Pud in for his annual over the weekend. I am happy to say that she was very pleased. She could not believe that he was the same dog that I had brought to her a year and a half ago. We have managed to put 18 pounds on him since we finally got rid of those darned heartworms. He actually has hair without mats too. She asked me who I took him to for his grooming, so she could recommend them to some of her patients. I got to brag a little and tell her that I did all of my own grooming.

We got a perfect bill of health!
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That's great! Glad he is doing so well!
Great news! Yay for Pud and Yay for Betsy! :lol:
That's wonderful news, Betsy! :D
Yey for Pud...and for you!!!
thats such good news!
sounds like you have a happy and healthy boy!
Betsy, what a feeling that must have been and what a tribute to you regarding the wonderful care you are giving to Pud!!! Way to go!!

Just to refresh memories can you give us the initial background on Pud? This is a great story how lots of love and a wee bit of determination, patience and perseverance (regarding grooming..:O) ) can do.

Hugs to Pud and sloppy kisses sent from the boys

Marianne and the boys
Puddy was somewhat of a rescue. A couple of friends stopped at a gas station near where they live and they saw Pud running around greeting everyone who stopped by. After they bought what they had stopped for and got almost home they saw him on the trailer that they were pulling. When they got home, they called back to the gas station to find out who he belonged to. When they contacted the owner, she said he was just too much for her to handle. If they could find a good home for him, that they were welcome to him, she didn't really want him back. :cry: That is where the hubby and I came in. My hubby had always wanted an oes, and I always thought they were beautiful dogs. I must admit, I didn't do alot of research on their care until we already had him, but by then I was commited. The morning after we got him, I took him to the vet, only to find out that he had heartworms. We had him treated for heartworms within the next three weeks. He now seems to be a very healthy and some what well adjusted baby. Are oes ever truly adjusted? The catch is someone forgot to tell Pud he is his Daddy's baby. He has ended up being a Mamma's boy :lol: . I wouldn't have it any other way :!:

I thank goodness for finding this forum within a few months of his rescue. It has been a great source of information and comfort.

How blessed you are for taking in Puddy. What a great happy "ending" to his journey.

My Maggie had a similar history. Her original owner had several back operations and could no longer care for her. She gave her to a friend while hoping the breeder could locate a home for her. The "friend" had her tied up 24/7 in their yard during our hot month of June. When I looked at her she was filthy and heavily matted. When we took her home she was very defensive and would try to bit you if you came near her with a leash (why not?). She has since become a real sweetheart.

Congratulations on your good care.
That's fantastic Betsy!

Kudos to you for the excellent grooming work and congrats to Pud for finding a wonderful forever home!
I didn't know Pud's story, Betsy. Thanks for sharing it with us! I declare I do LOVE happy endings!! :D
Pud has a wonderful story! I'm so happy for all of you.
Pud knew he had to be on your friends' trailer so that he'd end up with you! Congrats on the clean bill of health and I wish you many more.
Congratulations!!!! What a great feeling it must be!!! I didn't know you could ever get rid of heart worms once they had them!! What a good (GREAT) MOM you are :D
Someone must have been watching over him to bring you all together.
How wonderful. So glad he is doing well. He looks great!! :D
Thanks guys, you are all the best. I have managed to misplace my digital camera (I think my hubby's truck ate it), but I am going to get some new pics up soon. What would we do without this forum?
WooHoo Pud and Betsy! Apparently he's pretty smart, he knew which trailer to jump on that would take him to his forever home!
I love stories with happy endings!!!
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