Sheepie-Boy in Vancouver, BC

There is also another sheepie-boy posted on PetFinder that is in Vancouver, BC. Again, listed under simply "Sheep Dog". This one is very bad. If it's accurate, it sounds like he needs a rescue to assist because whomever has him in the USA might not be able to afford treatment for him. ... mpl=&stat=

poor guy
Sheep Dog

Size: Large
Age: Adult
Sex: Male

Notes: We are posting this dog as a courtesy to a fellow rescuer. This dog is currently in the US. As you can see he has been severely undernourished and has mange. Like all rescues.. the rescue that has seen him at the pound is uncertain that they can afford the vet bills that will be incurred to help. If you would like to donate to this poor dogs road to recovery, please contact us and we will forward your donation. Without donations it may be that the rescue will have to pass on being able to do anything for him.

1atatime rescue
Vancouver, BC
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OMG. This poor fellow needs some love ASAP.
OMG how horrible. He looks awful, how could anyone let him get like that?? He doesn't look like he will survive....
The rescue that provided the courtesy posting indicated in an email that he's-

"...actually already been pulled by a rescue group and is boarding at a vets right now receiving treatment and help to gain some weight.The rescue group has taken full resposability for his care but we are courtesy listing to help them receive some funding for the veterinary expenses as a lot of groups in Louisiana are strapped for cash after the hurricane. He is receiving the best of care and will hopefully make a full recovery.

So hopefully he'll be okay.
Gentle hugs to the poor dude.
Wow that's a rough looking dog! Thankfully he's getting some treatment. Geesh!
I placed a call and am waiting to hear back from them regarding this poor boy, and can pass along the details to you guys.

Marianne and the boys
Me again, okay after speaking with the contact person up here (Sandy) she is desperately trying to find out the status of this boy and will contact her contacts in Louisiana where she had done a lot of rescue work after Katrina.

This sheepie is currently at the Houston SPCA. We are praying that he's made it so far as he was in rough shape and may need donations to pay for his care and vet bills. I will get back to you asap or if anyone lives in the Houston area and can check on him.

Sandy is in Vancouver (my area) and was trying to help as a curtesy to other Animal Rescues thus..that's how she happened to post about him at OES. She recently arranged for the rescue of 48 animals after Hurricane Katrina and those ones made it to Canada.

Will keep you posted


Kaye, Shug....anyone? Any other suggestions..?
PS he's not listed on the Houston site due to his condition
Hmmmm... it was a lady by the name of Sandy who wrote saying he's being boarded at the vet and is receiving treatment. So he's actually at a shelter? He definately needs a pro with experience caring for him.

Marianne wrote:
We are praying that he's made it so far as he was in rough shape and may need donations...

Before donating we should find out if he's actually still "with us". Last year I was going to help a lady who's sheepie had been hit by a car only to find after speaking with her vet he had died 6 months earlier due to the accident. 8O

It's just important to get and verify all the information especially when it's not coming directly from the source. Yeah, I guess rescue has made me question things now. Let us know if you find anything from the Houston SPCA?
I am behind on reading posts and emails. Petey's time was up Thursday at Houston SPCA... So Texas OES Rescue in Houston pulled him. He is being fostered in a home in Houston by a Lady that does Great Pyrenes rescue .....Just talked to Cindy Texas OES Rescue in Houston on the phone. HE is very very sick....Cindy is cooking chicken and rice for him trying to get him to eat.....He has gone so long without food that his stomach can't handle it. He weighs 38 lbs....... Their are not sure that he will make it.......So if you want to donate to help this boy go to Texas OES Rescue website and he is on there and you can donate to his care. They are a small rescue group and don't have much money.They are a Good Rescue Group......Sheepie Hugs, Kaye Second Chance OES Rescue
Thanks Kaye. Why didn't they simply say he was with Texas OES? Lordy... the poor boy. I hope he makes it. Here is the link... be very careful because it will break your heart to see him-

When I spoke with Sandy last night she was unsure of his status at that time and was also trying to track down where his whereabouts were. It was 10 pm, so she had fired off a bunch of emails and was going to get back to me today.

Sooo happy he was taken in!!

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