Can you believe this?

My husband and I were at the local gas station last Saturday. We had Max with us as always- the gas station guys love to visit with him. And out of nowhere a lady came up to us and asked if we would like another sheepdog. We couldn't believe somebody wouldn't want one of these hairy babies.

She said that she just didn't have the time or the patience to deal with the dog. So we went and looked at the cute baby, not realy meaning to take him home, but I just couldn't help myself. He looked so sad .

Well, of course we brought him home. He is very shy, has two infected ears and a skin condition. And the vet tells us he is about 30 pounds underweight.

He is about 1 year old. Max just turned 2 and they seem so happy together. So I guess I just rescued a sheepdog of my very own.

And you know it sure makes me feel good to bring home this poor baby that nobody else wanted. He is even starting to loose some of his shyness with me and Max, but he still seems afraid of my husband.
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That is a wonderful story. How great that you rescued him! How unfortunate that the lady let his care get so out of control. I am glad he has you and your hubby and of course Max to help take care of him and give him a home! :D Have you picked out a name for him or did the lady tell you his name? I haven't figured out the whole picture thing yet, but if you can post some for us that would be great. :wink: I hope everything works out for all of you.
oh congrats on the new edition to your family.

i often hope for a situation like that so i can bring walter home a friend, my family all makes fun of me but i think dogs need friends too
The vet says it will be a long road back to health, so just wish us luck.

We have one ear healed, so I guess that's something.
Congrats on your new family member! I think it's wonderful that you rescued the OES and I'm sure he'll live out his days in total bliss in his forever home. Good for you and thanks for sharing this story.
HE had a name when we got him, it was Woodstock, but he just wouldn't answer to it. So we have changed it to Falcor. He comes around a little more everyday. He is turning into a regular velcro dog. It is wonderful watching more of that wonderful sheepie personality show through each day.
Just had to tell you I love the name Falcor!!! I remember watching the Never Ending Story movie with my kids and was amazed at the luck dragon amazing resemblance with my Sheepie. Great choice for a name!

Good luck to you with him and your other one -happy to hear all is going well! keep us posted!

Should mention that was me whom posted earlier as Guest offering congrats (smartened up and now logged on permantly)
Loved reading your story! Glad that he has you.

Kathleen O'Donnell
Santiago de Queretaro, Mexi o
Wow, congratualtions! For you, Falcor and Max!
That's amazing isn't it... things often happen as they are meant to....
And here comes the mantra.... *pictures please!*
What has the vet suggested to put weight back on him? And what was the skin condition? A food allergy perhaps contributing to both the skin condition and lack of weight? Good luck!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh my gosh! What a wonderful story. What a lucky dog he was for his "unfurever" owner to run into you! And how lucky max is to get a new brother!!!

Have you named him? You've done a wonderful thing. And once he learns he can trust your husband, he'll warm up to him too.

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!!!
I will post pictures as soon as possible. Max and Falcore still have some issues. And Falcore is even warming up to my husband, but I think his favorite person in the world is the neighbors 5 year old daughter. The vet did clear up the skin problem. He thinks it was just caused by the dog being to dirty and uncombed for to long. Once we gave Falcore a bath his hair even changed from brown and tan to grey and white. We have since figured out that he is most probabaly a mix between an OES and an Irish wolfhound. Right now he is somewhere around a year and a half old. He is both taller and longer than Max. Also he has long hair like and OES but no undercoat. So it is much easier to care for his hair.
Ok, here is a link to some pictures of Max and Falcore, Falcore is the one with the tail

Isn't it amazing how things happen unexpectedly? You've triggered a memory when I posted back in January, wishing the same thing happened to me. How did I know that less than two months later I would also have another Sheepie flown all the way from Hong Kong? If someone had told me previously I wouldn't have believed them, same as Lennon's dad whom suddenly was offered a Sheepie right at his door and then another a few days later!!! I think we Sheepie lovers are a good bunch as are all the dogs we love.

I really loved your photos...priceless!!! The ones of the two of them sleeping together...awwwwwwww and with the Boarder Collie...they reminded me of cats whom like to snuggle together. All your pictures were fantastic! Thanks so much for posting them!

That is amazing. I think sheepdogs must atract sheepdogs. Because I have been offered another one since. I politely declined. Because here in Kansas City there is a two dog limit and I have already exceeded the limit. The border Collie has been with us for 14 years now and was another adoption.
From what I've been told, Missouri is highly populated by puppy mills - so there are probably alot of unwanted sheepies around - people buying them on a whim - not realizing the work involved.

I don't think there is a formal Rescue program in your area - but you may want to provide anyone with a sheepie in need the contact information for NEOESR, Inc. - - they often help outside of the New England boundaries. It may save a few from being dumped in a shelter and/or continuing to live in bad situations!

I'm thrilled to see that you took in Falcore - he looks like he's living a good life now! I loved the picture of them sleeping on top of each other - best of friends!!!

A sad update. I came home from work today to find both Falcore and Junior (our border collie) were missing from our yard. My husband put all 3 dogs out at about 2:30 and I got home at 3:15 as usual. Two dogs were gone but Max was still here. We had learned a long time ago that we must put an extra "hook" on our fence. But when I got home the gate was standing wide open and the hook was hanging beside the gate on the fence. I really don't think that a dog would have first unhooked the gate and then replaced the hook back on the fence. I don't understand how Max was left behind but I count this as a blessing. If anybody in the Kansas City Area can help me out feel free to email me at
Ron - is there anyway this information about Falcore & Junior being missing could be moved to a topic of it's own so it may get more attention!

I have posted this information to the OES List - as well as the Beardie Yahoo Group and the Deaf Dog Yahoo Group - hoping to get the word out to as many dog people as possible. There are a lot of Border Collie people involved with the Deaf Dog group - so if anyone contacts them - they will know about Junior & Falcore.

My thoughts and prayers are with them and I hope for a quick safe return home!

Thank you all for your concern. Falcore and Junior came home late last night. It turns out that the gas company forgot to close the gate after checking the meter. They have always given us a courtesy call before they came to check it in the past, but this time forgot. We have put a pad lock on the fence now so that nobody can get in without us knowing. This should solve the problem. Again thank you and big hugs to all for your concern.

That is terrific news!
I am glad everything worked out okay. Puddy escaped from me not too long ago and was gone overnight before someone finally called me about him. I know how horrible it feels to think they might be gone forever.

I'm really glad to hear that everyone is OK back home, and congratulations on your rescue... Is not everyday that people drop sheepies to your lap. :D

Get ready for many sheepie adventures!!!
I'm glad they are allright and back home. I have had problems the local gas company too. after a few choice words :oops: they no longer leave the gate open.
I am soo glad that they are ok! I was reading the post and had shivers going down my spine. A friend of mine told me to be very careful with our new puppy when it arrives, because there are people out there who steel dogs for medical experiments, and other horrible stuff! So, when I heard that the gate was left open, my heart jumped. These people should give you a free month of gas for putting you through this! I am also impressed that Falcore found his way home. I thought that you were just recently presented with him. Maybe your other dog lead them both home! Anyway, so gland that they are all well!
marley wrote:
These people should give you a free month of gas for putting you through this!
Why would she need free gas on top of the free indigestion?
You are funny, Ron!!! he he he :lol: But I guess I kinda walked into that one! :oops:
The worst part of this is I should have known better. This is the second time that the gas company has done this to us. After talking to the gas company, I am realy surprised that they didn't turn the gas off. Let's just say I was less that friendly. :oops: But these are my babies. And they acted like I was being unreasonable
After the gas bill I got today, and the rude service I got whe I called the gas company to suggest there may have been an error, go ahead and give em hell!!!!! For all of us!!! :twisted:
:D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: What an amazing story! I am at work so I have not had time to read all the messages. I absolutely can not believe that anyone could give up the most wonderful thing in the world. A SHEEPDOG!!!!
Also, thank you for the pictures! :P Looks like the sheepies are getting along great! :wink: Way to go!!
Whew! What an amazing adventure! Best of luck to you and your sheepies! :D
wow!!how truely blessed those dogs are they have you for a mom!!!every dog deserves too be loved no matter what,and what a blessing you and your fuzzy family was at that gas station at the same time as that woman!!God works in all kinds of ways.i looked at your pics of those fuzzy boys and man they are sooooo sure you feel blessed too have him in your life now.dont dogs make us act so silly??? :lol:

I have so much respect for you for taking that poor dog into your home not knowing what/if he had pricey medical issues,your truely his angel :D
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