Puppy in Trouble

I am desperate to find a home for my 11 week old OES puppy. My husband is recuperating at home from a stroke and cannot handle the activity of the puppy. She is at the vet right now and I need someone to take care of her for about 2 months. We live in Fairfield in SE Iowa.
Please email any ideas.
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Have you asked all of your friends, relatives, neighbors, church friends if they could help?

Have you called the breeder/former owner that you bought the puppy from? If it was a local breeder/home they will probably be willing to work something out for you.
Also ther are kennels who will keep and train your pup for a fee.

You also might ask at the pound if there is any rescue type person who could direct you to a foster home. If you want the puppy back, it will probably cost you something. And assurances would have to be given.

I hope your husband makes a speedy recovery. Keep him as active as you can, even if its just moving body parts. It helps the brain re-learn various activities ... I had to work with my grandmother one summer after her multiple strokes and it is very time-consuming and emotional ordeal. Make sure to get support from whomever you can.
I do not know your age or your health, but a puppy can actually help give you a break and comfort in this stressful time. You would have to crate train the little tike and let him out until he is completely house trained every time he drinks, gets excited, or eats.
Your husband might even enjoy puppy visits and the breaks that your attendance on the puppy might provide. Bed-bound patients can feel depressed about never getting any time alone themselves.
The puppy might actually be the best medicine for both of you if you could arrange for help from others. You will need it even without the puppy.

Just a quick note.... Joan and I are in transit from Hawaii to Boston, stopped here in San Francisco...

First off, so sorry to hear of your husband's illness. We wish him a speedy recovery.

Try this link:

Then scroll down to Iowa, and contact the rescue folks there. They probably can put you in touch with some rescue volunteers who usually foster rescue dogs... maybe one will be gracious enough to take care of your puppy for a bit.

Good luck!
-Ron and Joan
So very sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation! My husband and I have an 11 year old sheepdog and live in the Minneapolis area. We are both originally from Iowa (ISU grads!).

We may be willing to "dogsit" for a couple months. I will talk to my husband and see what he thinks.

Any info that you could provide about your puppy would be helpful.
I saw this posting online and wanted to share it with you, so that you could be aware of this woman in Iowa.

POSTING: We are in need of information from anyone that had contact or may have given or sold an OES to a woman that used Braytonsmom and Momspumkinpatch emails, possibly even other emails. She was very busy on PetFinder Classifieds and on PetFinder period, in 2003. There are OES's unaccounted for along with one rescued. The rescued dogs name is Hamilton we believe. Another was a deaf male named Douglas who is missing, she was trying to get rid of him on the classifieds in Sept-Oct 2003 after conning people to get him to her in 8-03 from MO. She may still be trying to collect and sell dogs, many have met a demise that is heartbreaking. She has been charged with cruelty, but info is still needed. Please HELP! She had other breeds as well, but was highly seeking OES's. She is from the quad cities in Iowa. Delmar to be exact. Any information is highly appreciated. Contact Agape Fosters. Thank-you Email: lora1962@aol.com
Thanks to all. I have found a reliable foster home here in Fairfield. I appreciate everyone's kind thoughts and offers. She seems happy there and I get to visit with her anytime!!! :) :)
I am so happy you found someone close by to help out! Take photos as much as you can.
I am looking for Abbi's puppy photos and I can only find about 5 so far. It was before I had a digital camera, so I have to go through this huge box of photo albums and phto packs. I just have to get more organized!
Abbi sure looks different now!
Good luck. Say hi to your husband for me! The weather is great here today, I need to get out before it changes. Hope its this pretty everywhere .. wouldn't it be great.
How do you get Abbi to pose for you? Maggie just runs and hides or shows me that back of her head..smart little....t. Also, I can always count on you to post to everyone with something helpful and for that, thanks.

Maggie's mom
I needed that. I am thinking I post too much. I really don't want to become a bore. I like this forum. Everyone seems to take things with a grain of salt. Very down to earth bunch of posters.
Posing. Abbi has had a camera in her face since day one. I am an amateur photographer and love to practice on my family. I am not going to tell you how many times Abbi has licked the lens, but let's just say thank heavens there's protective lenses.
Usually I just shoot a phot of her without letteing her know. I have a telephoto camera that comes in very handy for catching her in the act. Once she sees you, she's out of there.
If someone is holding her or she's doing tricks because she's bored, which she's been doing a lot lately, I give her a treat and pick up the camera. She runs through the bow, sit, speak, and lie quite fast ... just waitinfg for the other treat (which she always gets).
Sometimes I use my wideangle, which throws of the perspective, but allows me to get right in her face while I hold her chin. As I click the camera I drop my hand. Sometimes she is too fast and follows my hand and licks it. She seems to like picture taking, unless it runs over 30 minutes. After 30 minutes she's out of there, especially if she sees one of her girls.
I have a Christmas photo with a cute story. It was her first Christmas. And we took the family shot with all of our pets, including the hamster.
But, I will have to tell that one later. I am suppose to be picking someone up right now.
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