Toby won his first point!

We were at three different shows this weekend and Toby, spastic, jerk puppy that he is, was able to win his first point on Saturday.
Friday he actually went Best in Breed but that doesn't really count because he didn't have any competition. It was actually good that the other OES didn't show up because they were both specials and Top 20 dogs! He did alright in the group ring but decided he wanted to lay down while the other dogs were getting examined and then he wanted to run when we did the go arounds with the rest of the group. DOH! The group experience was great too even though we didn't make the cut.
Saturday he went Best of Opposite Sex so he earned his first point. Some nice competition. There was a Tolkien dog there and I can't remember where the other dog was from but her owner was super nice.
Both of those shows were in Bloomsburg PA.
Sunday, we went all the way to Conneticut to visit a friend who lives there and we took part in the Farmington Valley Kennel Club dog show. (It'll be televised on Fox later in the year.)
He was a total dork there. He's never shown or practiced on carpet before and boy did it smell like other dogs! Head down and sniffing followed by mule kicks. Yeah, that looked great! Then he decided he was going to fidget instead of stacking. Once the judge came over he stacked nicely and the exam went fine. His down and back was terrible, he was trying for all his might to run like the wind! The worst part of all is that when the judge sent him around he did amazingly! I had so many people come up and say that his movement is just awesome, when he wants to do it! Grrr, silly puppy!

Hopefully Philly will be just as exciting! :roll:
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Congratulations, Mandy & Toby!! That's so exciting! :D
That is exciting!

You should come to Michigan - we'd love to watch Toby do his stuff. :P
Can't get enough time off to come to Michigan. :cry: It was in the works too. (You can guess part of the reason behind that!)
It would have been great too because his breeder would have been there and at least one of his siblings.
When I get my own private jet we'll be able to make it.
Congrats, Mandy and Toby! He's on his way now! :clappurple:
I hate that guy . . . .
Congrats!!! :clappurple:
That's so exciting, good for you!!! So when do we get to see new pics? LOL
Congrats- that's awesome!!!! i hope we get to see some pics of the pretty boy strutting (or not) his stuff soon!

Karen :)
YAY TOBY!!!!!!!!!
Tell your Mom you can't be a dork or a jerk, you're on your way to being a CHAMPION :D

I hate that guy too.....maybe time for a roadtrip Jil :evil:
Congratulations! That is so great!

I feel like there is a back story here that I am missing. "you can guess the reasons." "i hate that guy." What the??
Go Toby, Go Toby, Go Toby!!!!
:clappurple: :clappurple: Congratulations! :clappurple: :clappurple:
The I hate that guy thing comes from Sheepiefest. I was all set to go and meet up with the Jil(l)s and Holly when my Leave from work got cancelled because one of my 'coworkers' decided since he couldn't have off he would just call in sick. Because of him I got mandatoried (or as we now say around here Mandy-toried, I kill me!) and couldn't go to the party. Grrrrrrr :x

And pictures, I'm embarrased to say that I totally forgot to take any pictures! :oops: I didn't even think about until Sunday after I had taken him down. DOH! I'll be sure to get some in Philly.
Definitely time for a road trip Holly . . . dressed in black . . .

I know, we'll bring Kayli and put her people-skills to good use!!

We could bring the "team". Rosco, Bentley and Clyde could do some damage....well, to treats maybe :)
We'll put the team and "that guy" in a small room and our boys will all pounce & bounce on him. Then we'll send in the Floof to finish him off.
Yeah, tell Floof he's a TRAINER! She'll know what to do :lol:

Mandy-let us know when you want the team unleashed :twisted:
To the Micheganders - if you guys do a road trip before the Philly picnic next year, just remember that there are lots of Pennsylvanians to visit!!
I've always wanted to get to say, "Release the hounds!" I guess this is my opportunity.
Pack now and come down for Philly next weekend. Is that too much wishful thinking? On your way through you can see Chris and Drez (I was going to be selfish but I guess we can share the Michigan people :lol: ). Then VerveUp and Valerie will be there too and maybe we can talk some of the other people into coming too!

Otherwise, you guys can come for Christmas and hang out around the aluminum tree.

Hey Jill, guess who called the other day. :P There's another show scheduled, I'll have to see what the date is and let you know.
Next weekend won't work, I'm having dinner with Mom 'cause it's my birthday! (Hint hint hint)

I thought of your aluminum tree on Sunday at the antique market where they were everywhere. I didn't buy one 'cause at this point Bentley would eat it. :roll:
We should all go on a road trip to IKEA :lol: Just think, 2 whole days of SHOPPING :lol:
How'd I miss this-- congratulations Mandy and Toby, even if he was a spaz! It sounds like it worked for him. ;)

Mandy, will he be coming to dinner or anything? If so, I'd like to suggest we all come down that day... :)
Holly, there is an IKEA out in Philly . . . .

and who are we talking about??? :? :D
It's a nice Ikea too.........

(Happy Early Birthday!!)
Must be a rock star, Jil :wink:
Hmmmm. . . . she's not answering my question . . .

(Thank you!!)
Maybe somebody from Kix? Maybe they think we're too old to know who it is :twisted:
Nope, not Kix! But the same size hair!
Here's the plan ~

We drop off the team + Floof and then go to IKEA, thereby killing one jerk with four dogs.
Yikes, I don't even know who Kix is?!?! Wait, I'm starting to remember a post from ages ago . . . . give me a minute . . . .
:lol: :lol: :lol: I only knew from the chat, Jill and Mandy were talking about it. Big hair....Don King? I like your idea, we'll just bring all the dogs except Beau, Daisy could bark at him until he's insane :twisted:
Lol. It's actually Bret Michaels from Poison. Good guess on Kix though-- extra points for knowing who Kix is/was too!
Yes - his name was on the tip of my tongue for the last couple hours, it was driving me crazy!

Good grief. :roll:
Yeah to Toby and Mandy for a job well done!!!

Marianne and the boys
Yeah! Congrats
Sorry for posting so late, I'm just catcihing up!!!!

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clappurple: :clappurple:

How wonderful for you and Toby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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