Riviera, I Failed You

Dear Riviera,

I first spied your adorable face on Petfinder, being held at a shelter aprox an hours drive from my home. I contacted the Rescue up here but they would not accept you as you were a X. I posted about you here and Sue, Kaye and others tried to help with your plight. I am deeply touched how much you guys cared and thank you for trying.

I'd try to visit you as often as I could but this past summer my son had three surgeries and my van was giving me trouble. I was afraid to make the long drive to visit you more.

When I took you for a walk up the hill to the college located next to the shelter - you happily waved your tail, appeared spry for a senior and enjoyed the tidbits I brought you. My fondest memory was of you rolling on your back on the grass..enjoying the taste of freedom. I fell in love with you then, as 17 years before at the exact same shelter and exact same hill I got to know Shaggy. Just like you ..she leaned against me as we watched the people and cars down below. I wanted you.

I couldn't bring you home as I had enough on my plate with my three males and bringing in a forth would be asking for too much. Why did no one adopt you? Because you were OLD they said. They always expressed interest in you..but then passed you by because of your age. You deserved a forever home.

It was on that hill with you leaning next to me the idea started formalizing in my head...I don't ever want to let this happen again..I wish I had property where the bylaws don't regulate people can only have two dogs and I already had three. I wish I could take you.

Suddenly you weren't on their site any longer...I thought perhaps (wishful thinking on my part) that you were being fostered as no announcement saying you were adopted. I searched the humane society sites in the province as often dogs are transferred allowing for a better chance at adoption. No news. I'm sorry to those that had asked about him as I was too afraid to ask, not wanting to find out if the news was bad. I still hoped he had gone into foster care.

I started dreading what became of you. I didn't want to know...but then I did. I quess I was so afraid of finding out. When those thoughts came in my head I'd push them out and convince myself you were being fostered. I kept checking to see if you'd reappear.

I finally drove there today as because of you I'm trying to put into place my dream of a forever home for aged dogs and cats. I asked what happened to you.

The man behind the counter stopped and tears formulated in his eyes, the girls at the counter put their heads down and I knew.

I'm so sorry Riviera. I wish you could have been with me, or Kaye, Corky, Shelby,Fergus and all the others that asked about you. I'm sorry that this happened to you just because you were old.

I burst into tears and left the shelter, driving home, it was pouring rain and I pulled over to just cry before continuing the drive home.

May you now be playing happily over the Rainbow Bridge.

Marianne and the boys
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Marianne, I don't think there is anyone here who would think that you failed Riviera. You do have your plate full, and are continuing to win the battle with Panda. I cried as I read this, you just can't save them all. It seems that he did know love, as he spent time with you. It would also seem that the staff had cared deeply for him also. Just think, he is probably playing with Shaggy, Fergie, and all of our wonderful babies at the bridge. We will be with them forever some day. Sheepie hugs and kisses.
Oh Marianne! I am so sorry for your loss, You made a difference by trying to do what you could. You did the best you could. he felt your love. I am sure of that. Today there are so many sad posts. I cry for for. You do so much good. Sometimes it just can't be that we try and do it all. My heart goes out to you.

My Love to you,
Marianne, Im so sorry. Hugs.
Marianne I saw your post and felt really sad for you and Riviera. I didn't know what to say, so I logged off.

I went to let my critters out and feed them, but could not get your story out of my head. My heart goes out to you.

It may not help, but try to think positive. If you open a shelter for aged dogs and cats maybe you could name it after Riviera.

Hotel Riviera sounds nice, Riviera Rescue or even Riviera Refuge.

Just think of all the other animals that may be saved just from your story!
I'm so sorry Marianne... *hugs*
I'm so sorry that life didn't turn out better for Riviera. We all failed him. No one should bear the weight of that alone. Before I got CHumley, there was an old german shepherd who captured my heart -- Butterscotch. His owner died. . I don't even like German Shepherds but I felt so sorry for him that his life should turn out that way. It seemed so sad. By the time I contacted the shelter, he was "no longer available." I acted really fast when I saw Chumley. We can't save them all. That's just the way it is. I'm glad you were able to spend that day with him. And clearly the staff were kind to him during his stay there. Let's take some comfort in that.

Hannah wrote:
It may not help, but try to think positive. If you open a shelter for aged dogs and cats maybe you could name it after Riviera. Hotel Riviera sounds nice, Riviera Rescue or even Riviera Refuge.
Great idea!
Oh Honey, I wish I could have helped find someone up there to take him....As we have talked about Very Few People Want The Old Ones.........Believe Me I Know What It Feels Like When You Lose One That You Can't Get To....... My Heart Hurts For You.........He is Running and Playing with My Mo Molly. And He knows you tried.......Sheepie Hugs, Kaye
Oh, Marianne I'm so sorry :( The sad truth is we can only do so much. You did everything you could, feel good about that.
Marianne, my heart goes out to you right now. You did all you could do for Riviera, and as everyone has said - no one could fault you for anything. There's only so much one person can do, and you ALWAYS do so much more.

I am so sorry for your heartache. But remember, LOVE NEVER FAILS!!! Find peace within yourself knowing that he is now at peace. Don't beat yourself up with guilt. You done for him what you could, you gave him your heart and the love within. You would have only failed him if you hadn't loved him. He was more fortunate than a lot of our human elders. A lot of them are put in nursing homes and never visited. He was truely blessed by your love, as you were by his. God bless.
Marianne, I am so sorry about what happened.

I'm so sorry this happened. It's not your fault and you didn't fail him.
You showed him compassion and love, although he wasn't officially yours. For that, I am sure he is greatful. You did your best and that's all anybody can do.
Please don't blame yourself. (((HUGS)))
You did everything you could, Marianne. Please don't blame yourself. He knew you cared about him. Now he's happily romping and playing with all the others across the bridge. And because of him, someday other seniors will have a home from the dream he inspired in you.
Marianne, you did more than most people would've done in that situation. Even though you knew you couldn't take him, you took time to spend time with him and show him love. You did a great thing and you certainly didn't fail Riviera. I'll bet he'd agree!
Marianne, you certainly didn't fail Riviera, it just feels like you did. We're all limited by various things and you did what you could within those limitations. Riveria knew that you cared about him because you spent time with him.
i think this just proves my theory that sheepie people are among the most genuinely compassionate people out there.
Marianne, I'm so sorry. This story has really moved me. You didn't fail him...you did so much for Riviera and I'm sure he was very grateful for your love.
Hi Marianne,
Riviera...is playing with Chivas and Fergie right now up there....You haven`t heard of the Sheepies...with big Wings flying up there, to take care...of the OES who are still alive???
THEY ARE THERE taking care of their Familys...Owners...to protect them of every incident...what could happen...
See it from this Side...much easier for YOU...
Michael from Germany....Daddy of the "Shaggy Bears" and lost Boy: Chivas
So Sorry


Kim & Maizie
Thanks to everyone that commented about Riviera. Poor old guy and Hannah you're right, a home for aged dogs containing the name "Riviera" would have been a nice tribute to him. Someday I hope to make that a reality.

I know he's happy trading sheepie kisses with his many new friends at the Rainbow Bridge.

In walked a stranger, looking for me.
It was her plight to set me free.

She walked with me and loved me,
explaining our future, how it could not be.

Since theres only so much, that one can do,
She'd done all she could, all that she knew.

In walked a stranger, looking for me.
It was her plight to set me free.

She held my hand, and gave me a shot
She apologized for the future, that I would have not.

My thoughts were clear, her eyes full of tears.
As I fell asleep, I remembered my years.

But my final thought, was of the two that cared,
I hope they both know, that I was not scared.

They opened their hearts to set me free,
neither knowing which plight would be.

What will she tell her when she comes,
Of the plight, that they'd just won.

I wish I could tell them, from where I've gone
To suffer no guilt, twasn't their fault that things went wrong.

I cherish the love of two women that cared.
The one with the needle, and the one so scared.

We knew from the start my freedom would be,
Your plight together, and God's plan for me.
Oh, my! It's very hard sitting at my desk right now, with tears streaming down my face. How appropriate, how lovely! Thank you so much!
Im crying too....that is so good! Did you write that Mouthy?
How beautiful....and appropriate....thank you!
Darcy wrote:
.........Did you write that Mouthy?

Yes. Needed a little more editing, but thank you. :oops:
The Riviera's will forever be honored each time the plight for freedom ends in success. He is truely free..................
That is beautiful mouthy.
Hi Mouthpf,

I am absolutely awe struck at this poem! Please accept my heartfelt thanks to you for taking the time to write it and post it. It's just beautiful!


Thank you. :oops: No thank you's are necessary, it was an honor to do so. There are times when the Lord touches my heart to write about something, this was the case when I read your initial post. I only hope (not because of the poem) that you are feeling much better and have been able to put the worse of this behind you. Thank you for your effort, and for opening your heart when you know their freedom may end with your heart being broken. God bless. Pam
Marianne, I'm so sorry :cry: . Hugs to you from all of us. One of the reasons I don't come to this section very oftem is that is always makes me cry!!!! But then I always remember the thought, with great joy comes great pain.........
I'm crying onto my keyboard. Pam, that was so beautiful and thoughtful. I am always amazed by individuals who write poetry. Poems express one's feelings so vividly and clearly for those of us who just can't find the right words.
you mustn`t be afraid anymore...Riviera is playing up there together with Chivas, Fergie...and all the other Sheepies and dogs...
AND: she has always an watching Eye on you....never forget a person...who treat her very good!!!
And on Christmas Eve, take a look up to the sky....you will see a blinking star...it`s a candle...lightened by Riviera..to say Hello...
Like we do over here...for our old Boy Chivas.....
AND:our little Babies who wanna be born overhere...in Germany, in Spring they are also little memorials...that`s for sure, for the Sheepies who crossed the Rainbow Bridge, with Pain in the Heart..to Early!!!
Take a Look..up there...over Christmas..and remember the good Times..always...
Take care...Regards from Germany...Grandpa of the "Shaggybears of scottish Highlands" Michael
I am constantly thinking of this boy and will always have him near my heart. He'll be playing up there on the Rainbow Bridge, pain free and running as he did in his youth.

I'll be looking upwards tonight Michael and thanks for your kind words.

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