
Today has been one year since my sweet little Pumpkin crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I'm remembering her today with smiles and laughter as I recall stories about her and tell them to whoever happens to be nearby. :D So, if you'll all indulge me, I'd like to pay a little tribute to my dear, dear friend. :)

Yes, there are a few tears in my eyes as I retell the story about how I came home from work and found her on the sofa with a her head on a pillow and the blanket pulled over her. No one ever believed she did it herself...but no one else was home! She made me laugh all the time. :lol: She always was a cover hog. And she slept with her back right up against me, no matter how much room I gave her in the bed! :D

She came into my life when she was about a year old and gave me unconditional love for 13 years. A more devoted, loving companion, I could never have asked for. She was as velcro as a sheepie! A friend who was staying with me once told me she'd never seen a dog who was so completely devoted to one person. She said "You are her world." And I tried every day to live up to her expectations. May sound silly to some, but she made me a better person. :)

Because of her love and to pay honor to her memory, I found my precious Beaureguard and again opened my heart to the love of a dog. :D

I know she's waiting for me across the bridge. Until then, my sweet Pumpkin, have fun playing with your friends. Mommy loves you!! :D :D
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Tammy, that was beautyfull, what nice things you have say. Its still hard for me but it is only one week for Fergie. Your love shows through like a light. Thank you for sharing.
Tammy was a beautiful tribute to your beautiful "Pumpkin". By your words it was obvious she was so well loved and she knew it too. I'm sorry for the loss and although it's been a year..they live forever in our hearts don't they?

Marianne and the boys
That was lovely and brought tears to my eyes. We will never forget those sheepies that we love so much. They will forever have a place in our memory and we'll never forget their importance in our lives.
Tammy, what a wonderful tribute. It's always a comfort to know they are waiting for us.
What a lovely tribute to Pumpkin! You have such wonderful memories that will stay with you forever, and for 13 years, you gave her as much unconditional love as she gave you. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Memories are a wonderful thing to have and share. Thanks for sharing with us.
Tammy, what a wonderfull tribute to your sheepie. Thank you for sharing your story with us.


That was a beautiful tribute. Thank You for sharing your sweet girls memory with us, it was very touching and your post just conveyed all the love you had and still have for her. (((Hugs)))
Thank you all so much. It is comforting to share with you because I know you understand and that means the world to me. :)
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