Separate crates?

Ok so we bought a house in the country...there is plenty of room for all of us! Yippee....
the dogs...right now they each have their own crate in the garage...crates are the largest we could get but not huge. My new garage is like 40ft x 40ft(its actually larger than the house I am in now LOL)
I was thinking of installing a big dog pen instead of separate crates. Does anyone here keep the 2 dogs together when they are not at home. I only use the crates at night (Avalon would wander the house...she hasnt graduated to being out at night) and during the day when I cant be home or I am cleaning the house(Avalon attacks brooms, mops vacuums etc...)

P.S. I didnt mention that my 2 dogs LOVE each other...Merlin is totally smitten with Avalon
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Hmmmmm...... I think I would keep two seperate crates. Have no basis for that except gut feeling. If they are accustomed to their "own" crate I think I would keep it that way. But, hey, what do I know! :D
Actually, I had a dog run type thing that both Micaela (my first oes) and Leah (my great dane) would be in at the same time. They were fine. I would just make sure their collars are off so they can't get caught on anything, or each other.
Depending on how big the pen is it might be preferable. I often keep my 2 shelties together in a 10 by 10 room, but I also have 3 crates in my family room for when I need them all separated. We have found that Bosley enjoys our garage, when he is outside and the garage door i sleft open for him he will lay on a piece of carpet by the door. It is dog-proofed, so he gets the whole area and excpet for during the house-training period, he has never messed in there. You know your dogs best, so whatever you think they would enjoy. They should stay crate-trained, though, and have access to their crates for some solitary timm, also.
I think you know your sheepies best! I know that my guys wouldn't tolerate being separated...but that's them! :D

Is it big enough to host an Ontario Sheepiefest? :wink:
Sir Gucci's Mom wrote:
I know that my guys wouldn't tolerate being separated...but that's them! :D

Is that true? Are they so devoted to each other? That's just awesome and adorable. Chumley doesn't seem interested in other dogs. Do you think it would be different if the other dog were a sheepdog?
Val, impo, i dont think it matters if they are sheepies or not...either they love the company of others or they dont.....Panda would love to have a sibling, but she doesnt realize that she is all that we can handle for right now.....oh and she says if she gets a sibling make sure its not a cat...she loves to chase them 8O
Sometimes it doesn't even have to be love--just tolerance! Lucy and Clyde are out together in the house all day together, no crates and they're great. I think Lucy intimidates Clyde just enough to keep him in check when we're not around. He bothers the heck out of her when we're home but I think she becomes the "big sister" figure when we're out!

Jill (-->using my dad's computer in Florida that refuses to let me log in)
We will have 12+ acres(all fenced with wire farmers fence)...think this is big enough Sir Gucci's mom? :lol:

Bosley's mom: I will still have their separate crates in a different part of the house (probably my bedroom to start off) I was thinking a big pen in the garage because 1) their crates are smallish 2) country dog = mucky dog and 3) the outside heated dog run is just outside the garage back if the dogs are mucky/or soaking wet from the snow... they wont have to come into the house.
We are planning on installing a sheepie bathtub in the garage to clean dirty dogs 8O
We will have 12+ acres(all fenced with wire farmers fence)...think this is big enough Sir Gucci's mom?

Yes! :lol: The Gooch doesn't get off his leash much since he is deaf, so to have a place that is safe would be so great! :lol: :lol:

Chumley doesn't seem interested in other dogs. Do you think it would be different if the other dog were a sheepdog?

I have heard that doggies can be a little prejudiced! :oops: So another sheepie might be a different story! But having said that...The Gooch loves all furry creatures, even if they don't like him! 8O And I'm learning that Murpy seems the same! :wink: So I'm pretty sure that they both would have been fine with another breed as a sibling...hmmmmmm I've always wanted a bulldog! :D Don't tell Grant... :oops: HOW CUTE WOULD THAT BE! We could make a bulldog sandwich with the sheepies as bread!

OMG...I seriously need a vacation or something! I've officially lost my mind! :cry:
Now that I'm over my envy of your new house, my 4 dogs have always been together if we are home or not. They miss each other if one is not there for whatever reason, they lay by the door for hours just waiting :roll: When Luke and Beau were small we put their crates side by side in the foyer, they would fall asleep with their noses almost touching through the bars. If they weren't together they would wimper and cry.
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