Fence climbing/jumping?

We have a 4 ft wood fence and chain link (bordering neighbors is wood privacy fence, rest is chain link) fence surrounding our back yard. I've never really had much trouble with any of my dogs jumping or climbing it. I had a schnauzer that would climb it, but he would come right up to the front door and stay there until someone opened it.

Well, today is trash day, so I was taking it to the road. Imagine my surprise when an 80 pound furball came running at me from down the street and jumped on me. I checked the fence, it's still shut, so Jasper must have climbed it or jumped it. Eek! Right now, we've been letting him in during the day and letting him sleep outside. Now, I won't feel comfortable letting him outside by himself at all! Any suggestions on stopping this? Is it possible once they've figured it out?
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Puddy is a fence climber too. I finally had to resort to a kennel run from Lowe's that is 6' tall to keep him corraled in. I even tried catching him as he was coming over the fence and telling him no, that didn't stop it either. Sorry I don't have a solution, maybe someone else can help us both out.
I don't know, Gail, if it's possible to stop him once he knows how. I had a puppy once that climbed fences like a rock climber. Nothing kept him in.

Maybe if you could get Jasper to show you where/how he got out? Keep an eye on him and see if he trys it again. Then, perhaps you can put something in place to keep him from doing it. Is it possible he stood on top of something & jumped over?

I don't blame you, though, I'd be freaked out too!
We had the same problem with Truman. He jumped over our chain link fence like it wasn't even there! He usually went to visit an elderly man who lives 2 doors north of us. He fell in love with Truman and was sorry to see us solve the problem of fence jumping! What we finally did was have an electric fence installed around the perimeter of the yard inside the chain link fence. We felt this was the best solution as our back yard is quite large and the expense of a 6' privacy fence was not in our budget at the time. Also, we have an expansive view from our patio that we really didn't want to cut off with a wood fence. This works great for us. We usually don't even need to put the collar on Truman now. He has plenty of room to tear around the yard within the perimeter of the electric fence which is a good thing since he is the official squirrel chaser of the family!
My first OES could climb any fence, dig through anything including concrete and drywall, escape any crate or room. :roll:
Every dog is different....
My dog doesn't climb the fence but the two rescue OES get out of my 6ft fence ever time. So going higher isn't always the answer. I like the idea of the electric fence that would stop them I bet.
Thanks everyone. He's jumping over it. He scales across it without even touching! My dh was home for a visit today, and he joked that he can see the fence to jump over it now, where before his hair was covering up his eyes. Maybe he's right? Hmmm...

Not really sure what we're going to do. We're talking about buying a smaller enclosure (like 12x12) with that black sun shade mesh type stuff over it (I'm sure you know the kind of screening I'm talking about). That way we can still let him out during the day some without worrying about him getting out and running into the street.
I think the 12x12 is a good answer for now. But be sure to secure the underground escape routes. Some sheepers are real ground hogs, tunneling under the Berlin Wall if necessary. One solution is to put 4" square metal fence on the "floor" and then cover with pea gravel. That way when they dig they hit the the wire. Also if possible, go for the thicker than normal chain link.....you have to look around for it.

Some dogs will chew their way through the fence. You can put a 3' tall section of the shade cloth around the bottom of the fence. Yes, pee does degrade it, but it also discourages chewing out. Plus is shows you quickly where they may be working a section.

Put a dogloo or dog house out there for a nice dark spot to nap. Also plenty of toys.....they get bored. When you are home with them, wear them out so they sleep while you are gone, HAHAHA! Your neighbors will thank you.
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