Typical Evening?

My two darling little muttonheads treated me to a full array of sheepie fun last night. :D

Shortly after getting home and taking them both out to potty, I swept the floors. I decided to put them in the kids' playroom for a few minutes, otherwise they'd be all in the dirt (which they drug in to start with!) scattering it everywhere. So, for all of 10 minutes, they were behind a closed door. Heaven forbid! :D

When I went to let them out, an unpleasant aroma greeted me before I even opened the door. My two darlings, neither of whom have had an accident in over three months, had pooped and peed in the floor. :x Since I didn't see them do it, I had to guess, but I think Beau pooped and Gen peed. :x

So, out comes the carpet shampooer! :x

After everything is cleaned up and they're happy playing with their toys, I decided to eat a little something. So, I poured a bowl of cereal. I took five steps into the laundry room to put a doggie blanket in the dryer, turned around and Gen has her front two paws on the counter eating my cereal. :x

In a true test of sheepie love, I ate it anyway. 8O

Later, while I was on the phone working out a rescue/foster situation, they decided to get rowdy. Chasing each other, they take off running full speed from the living room into the den, jumped up on the loveseat and slammed it into the wall making a nice 6"x3" hole in the sheetrock. :evil:

And then, I turned around and Gen was pooping in the living room!! TWO accidents in one night!! :evil: Geesh! What got into them?? :evil: I stopped her and took her outside immediately where she finished her job. After taking Beau out again, I cleaned up the mess. :evil:

I then headed into the bathroom where I nearly stepped in - you guessed it- PEE!! :evil: :evil:

I have NO IDEA what got into those two last night. But whatever it was, I hope it doesn't visit our house again anytime soon!! :wink:
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oh I'm sorry, but I am sat here laughing my head off in hysterics !!!

You certainly need patience and a sense of humour with these dogs don't you.

I can totally relate to the cereal bowl, the cleaning of the floor and at about 8pm Ollie does a mad dash around the house, ears wagging and grinning - I call it his "maddo" oh there he goes maddo time - its so funny :lol:

Reckon they thought, ah lets wind up mum - you gotta laugh or you'll cry 8O
I'm laughing but, boy, is that NOT funny! I was about to say that we haven't had a day like that in a long time but I'd better keep my mouth shut!

Keep your chin up-- today will be better. Heck, it can't really get much worse!
Was it a full moon night??? 8O

This is truly a test of your love for them! Like Ollie's Mom said, you gotta laugh or you'll cry! :lol:

A good place for my mantra - this, too, shall pass. :roll:

Yes, Ollie's Mom & Chris - I did laugh!!! I figured it was the best option I had!! :lol: :lol:

You're smart Jill, not to jinx yourself, by saying how good your two have been lately!! :lol:
my oh my!! chaos!! great attitude. you gotta laugh. . . 8O
Poor Tammy! You have the patience of a saint. I'm going to print this one and refer to it every time I see a cute sheepie on Petfinder and think "how much harder can it be with two...?" LOL!
Why is that they always seem to regress into puppys every few months. Bunkie will be so good, no accidents, no chewing and then BANG all at once. :twisted: We've steam cleaned the carpet on the landing (the only spot she pees, I just had the carpet and underpad replaced in the spring) :roll: about 8 times in the last 2 weeks, thrown out a pair of shoes. She even has the nerve to show me what she's done or brings the shoes to the door. I just want to choke her when she does this but then she looks up at me a its like she's smiling or laughing at me. Little Brat.
I can totally relate to the cereal thing. My husband will put treats in his mouth and let Truman get them, thereby "kissing" each other. He doesn't think anything of that. BUT..... The other day the cat jumped up on the table and took a teeny little lick from the butter dish. My husband freaked out! He said that was gross and took the top layer off the butter. I said, "Whatever...." as I let the cat have a lick of my icecream cone! :lol:
Oh Tammy..Im so sorry, (but I did chuckle)....I feel for you....there was a weird moon here last night...sitting low in the sky and over the west horizon....kinda creepy..when the moon is not where you expect it....blame it on that and hope today is normal again....
Maybe the moon also explains the stick situation that we had last night. (see the Antics area for that one!).
THAT is so not funny!!! But then again........Yea It Is! :lol:
Sometime's they can really test our patience, can't they?
I bet you were beside yourself, I can just see you trying to calm your nerves down, "breath just breath Tammy!"
Wow, what an evening, hope you get no more repeats of these events.
Geez calm down guys, Mom needs a break! LOL
Blame it on the moon, huh? Works for me! :D

You can see why I'm not ready to let them have free run in the house while I'm gone. There'd be no house to come home to! 8O :lol: :lol:
Ironically, all the bad stuff happens when I am home. Wait, what does that say about me? 8O
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Blame it on the moon, huh? Works for me! :D

You can see why I'm not ready to let them have free run in the house while I'm gone. There'd be no house to come home to! 8O :lol: :lol:

The moon can do interesting things-
but sheepies can use that gravitational pull to
create havoc!

Sorry, Tammy for your evening-they both need a little
job. Maybe Dudley can give a class on Carting 101.

Bogart was an angel last night. He jumped over the sofa
armrest and onto the sofa to bypass the chairs we have
there to keep him out. That moonbeam stretched far and
wide last night!

When Dudley offers that course, you can be sure
in the front row at class will be Beau, Genevieve and Bogart. :D
This is CRAZY! 8O I woke up to poop downstairs and then again when I got home from work! :evil: After I had cleaned that up...of course you never know who it is...The Gooch started pooping right in front of me! 8O

They never act this way! :? It really must be something in the air! Or else all our sheepies have gone mad! 8O

They are all soooooooooooo lucky we love them soooooooooo much! :lol:

I can :D laugh only because THIS time it didn't happen to me.
Hi Zahara- we named our sheepie Bogart too- love the name :) I don't want to jinx us, but Bogart has been really good. He has his moments- but for the most part- he is a great boy!

Sorry Tammy about your chaos- and yes- you just have to laugh and tell yourself- just a phase- it will get better. In the meantime we enjoy the stories and can sometimes relate.

I'm really starting to believe there was a strange moonbeam last night!! :D

It's nice to know I'm not alone!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Wendy6 wrote:
Hi Zahara- we named our sheepie Bogart too- love the name :) I don't want to jinx us, but Bogart has been really good. He has his moments- but for the most part- he is a great boy!


Our guy has been great, with a few adolescent moments !

Do people ask you where Bacall is ?
We get that question all the time!
I'm assuming that these are all 'normal' poops and not indicators that they've eaten anything wrong...Have they been indoors more lately? If they are used to running around outside either on their own or through a walk, maybe they just have pent up poop...
I'm sorry and I hope it gets better soon!
I was having a laugh earlier, but oh you should of seen the mess I came home too !!! Let me paint a picture, Ollie is 15 weeks, so we're not leaving him in the kitchen, so he has his own bedroom, we even took the door off its hinge and replaced it with a dog gate so he doesn't feel closed in when we're out - we laid thin rubber flooring, or as we Brits call it - Lino, put newspaper down and blankets for his bed amongst all his toys - last week the lino was up and all over the place, water bowl tipped up etc etc - well I had to laugh, so at the weekend, my husband stapled the flooring down (industrial strength) and laid thick tape around the edges (what a labour of love - took him a good couple of hours) I came home last night and all one side was ripped up, poop and pee everywhere and Ollie looking up at me laughing - I left it for my husband to see, but told him about all your mails first so he's see the funny side of things - bless them :?
Makayla -- good story! So did your husband laugh? 8O
Ollie is adorable!!
What a riot! Am so glad to be able to say - been there, done that! They can be so destructive when they're alone!

I'm getting spoiled that Drez doesn't do much any more, that I will have to learn all over again when we get another dog!

Valerie - yes he saw the funny side of it all, you just have to don't you. My husband has always wanted an OES since he was a little boy - he's 46 today infact - and he just adores Ollie. I wanted another labrador, but since getting an OES, Id never change my mind OES's forever :D
Ollie was quite proud of himself, huh? :lol: How funny!! :lol: :lol:

I'm happy to report no incidents last night!! Keeping my fingers crossed that the "moonbeam" has passed for now! :lol:
LOL.... that had me laughing.... we have the occasional day like that too. More than occasional really, I think they stay adorable their whole lives just to survive!
My husband mentioned the other day that when I first convinced him that we should get another oes that I had told him the first two years are the worst for training, they are such clowns and then seem to settle, though they're always puppy like compared to other breeds. He asked if Dancer was going to "grow up" now since she is approaching her second birthday. I laughed and said well not really, but don't you just love them?!
Now he's hooked. :roll:
Well...the moonbeam has intesified! :cry: I came home to runny poop on the carpet! 8O I didn't know which boy it was...checked bums...both OK! :? I get out the steam cleaner and clean it up.

Then I go up to do my daily cat litter change...runny poop in the box...and the wall! 8O I don't know which girl it is...checked bums...both OK! :?

So I'm cleaning the cat area, turn around to open the new cat litter box, and Gucci is doing the froggy in the living room on the WOOL area rug! Murphy is right by my side, helping me clean the cat area....or telling on The Gooch...who knows! I run over, grab Gooch take him outside...guess what? The Gooch has the runs! :cry: So I hand wash the area rug, takes me a while, and the whole time I'm praying that I'm not going to find another runny poop somewhere! :(

SO FAR SO GOOD! :twisted:

It's still raining here as well...I think it's going to be a long night! :cry:
Wow, this is crazy! I think I'll go give B a big hug and take him for a walk just because I'm so grateful that I'm NOT cleaning up poop!
My troubles all started when Fozzy was recovering from pneumonia; two weeks of rest, leash walking only. Fozzy was very put off that he couldn't run out the door with the other three dogs, so he took to pooping in the house. This so intrigued the Brittany, that he began to poop in the house too. I just caught Ben squatting on the living room rug. I am just wandering around the house, a glazed look on my face, with a handfull of paper towels, Clorox Cleanup and Febreeze.

Sharon Hooper and the Poopers; Ben, Fozzy, Ruby and Dudley
Halloween, Tammy - TRICK OR TREAT :twisted:
Oh George!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I sure hope we don't have a repeat of that night soon! We've got a new boy that we're fostering right now. It would be awful with THREE on a night like that!

But....there is a full moon tonight.... 8O 8O :D
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