dog in pain

We need help.

My 8 year old dog who's name is Charlie is in trouble. His right front leg, /shoulder area is sensitive to touch, under clavicle / has suddenly gone lame.

Is this a bone problem or has he been hit by something and we don't know about it? I'm working away from home and my wife tells me he has stopped eating and drinking. When I examined him earlier when I was home I did notice he had managed to rip off a dew claw.

He has alway been a healthy, active, strong dog. Right now a large vet bill will hurt so I'm asking all for any insight for an at home remedy. Thanking all in advance ..........
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sorry to hear that ...hurt to know of a Sheepie in pain....
Do you know if the area is swollen?....Has it any scarches or markes?
it could be a tendon or a muscle ...maybe that is the problem.....if so try putting hot towels fisrt soak the towel in hot water and salt and put it on the area that is hurt, it will bother him a bit so maybe you will have to put something around his mouth just in this for around 20 minutes...after an hour o so see how he reacts.....repeat once a day for 3 days....I did this on myself when a had a tendon and muscle jarred on my leg....and believe it I was going to the Vet for Pisco`s shots and he was the one that prescribed the method....hope it works...
Is the area swollen/infected? If not and it is just sensitive and lame, it could possibly be "growing Pains". There is a longer medical term for this, if you want it let me know. It occurs in larger breed dogs, and happens when the puppy grows too quickly and the density in his bones can't handle the weight. My max had this bad. We had him on pain medication for weeks. It will go from a right front leg to the opposit rear leg if that is what he has. Let me know how he is doing.
Abbi went lame in one leg and then the other front leg when she was about 6 months old.
The vet couldn't help us much, but said she would either grow out of it or need medications by the time she was a year old.
I went on the internet, entered a search at a vet site. One of the articles that popped up said that too much calcium could cause lameness in large breed dogs. So I took Abbi off of her puppy chow, which had lots of calcium in it and I quit adding any yogurt or milk to her food. Her stools became much more firm and within 3 weeks she was walking and running all over the place.
This could have been growing pains. Her legs were never swollen, but she did act as though they hurt. She would lick them continuously, which led to hairballs.
In other posts I have read about many different ailments that seem to lead to lameness in large boned dogs and things that prevent it.
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