i have several questions...hope you dont mind

[1] do OES shed a lot when doing everyday things?
[2] do OES get along with other dogs...we have an english springer spaniel
[3] are OES good watch dogs??
[4] do OES get along well with people

thanks for answering this if you do,
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1) Mine doesn't shed but a few hairs here and there, and I only notice it if I'm wearing black clothes or grooming her. I'm very anal about cleaning too, so to me that says a lot. Some people have OES' that do shed.

2) Does your present dog get along with other dogs? Otherwise, it seems that if they are socialized as young puppies, they get along great with other dogs. We have a small dog that our Sheepie loves EVEN THOUGH the small dog may not "love" her. The small dog would say she likes her on most days though. ;) Plus, when we go out to interact her with other dogs, she is always ready to play after sniffing them down. :)

3) I consider "Watch Dog" ...a dog that barks when something out of the ordinary approaches/happens. For us, I'd say that would be the only time she did bark, but my small dog does a better job at noticing things. Actually if it weren't for my small dog, she'd miss 50% of the things outside. My husband blames the hair over our OES' eyes for the things she doesn't quite catch. ;) There could be a small rabbit across the street and no matter how many times we point or direct her head in that direction... she will not see it. hahahaha She loves cows though. However, she was not brought up in the kind of environment where she was being used to "watch over sheep/us" or had other dogs to teach her.

4) I think they get along GREAT with people! Super friendly. One thing we do notice about our OES is after the intial greeting and the person she sees isn't throwing a ball or giving her a treat... she will go back to sniffing her surroundings. She prefers other dogs over new people, imo. :)
Pepsi does not shed at all.
We have two other dogs, A German Shepherd and a Toy Poodle they all get along great. We also bring him to the dog park wher he has met tons of dogs...no problems there.
Peps will bark if he hears unusual noises. He is very good about alerting us when something is not right. A Piece of our fence came down in the middle of the night and he kept running in and out of the dog door and whinning...turns out the other two dogs had left the yard.
Pepsi is wondeful with people. Everyone that meets him loves him immediately. He is super friendly. The biggest thing is that OES are great with kids. I have an 8 mos old daughter and a 7 yr old son. Pepsi would give his life for these kids. I grew up with an OES and always wanted one to raise my kids with. I found Pepsi in our local shelter last November. I was 7 mos pregnant when we got him. He is just the sweetest dog you'll ever meet.

[1] do OES shed a lot when doing everyday things?

The only time I've noticed hair coming off Jasper is when I brush him (which is daily).

[2] do OES get along with other dogs...we have an english springer spaniel

He plays with my brother's pit bull puppy really well. He plays with our two cats well too. :)

[3] are OES good watch dogs??

Jasper is. The boys & I were staying in a hotel by ourselves, and Jasper was with us. He slept by the door and everytime someone walked by, he did a low growl, came over and licked my hand, and then went back by the door. He also barks whenever anyone visits. Having said that, he loves people and is more likely to lick and bite. :)

[4] do OES get along well with people? Yep, he's definitely a people-dog
Mojo is nine months old and he sheds. It is much different than my sisters short hair breed. When I pet them the fur flies and gets all over your clothes and furniture, seems to go everywhere. Mojo leaves little clumps around the house. It doesn't come out in your hand when you pet him. We keep him in coat and brush at least every other day.

As far as getting along with other dogs, I would say in general, yes. Each dog does have it's own personallity. If it is properly socialized, any dog will get along with others. Mojo is almost 90 pounds and plays with the neighbors 8 pound scottie! He loves playing with other dogs.

Sheepdogs are people dogs. Mojo would let anyone in the house. He doesn't bark at normal commotion, but if there is something out of the norm he lets us know. Again, in general, sheepdogs are defensive against aggresive behavior. I have no doubt that if I were threatened Mojo would defend me.

If you are wanting a sheepdog, you have come to the right place. There are so many informative posts. Several people here work with rescue groups. There are several wonderful sheepies up for adoption right now.
I support the other answers.

Neither of my pure oes shed unless I brush them. On the other hand, I have 3 Great Pyrs, they SHED. My dust bunnies are the size of Maltese.

My pure OES are not particularly friendly towards the other dogs. They want to be alpha which makes an interesting situation here. Hubbie and I are constantly watching and warning.

Watch dogs? Yep, they bark but also let strangers into the yard, that is those who aren't itimidated by 6 large barking dogs. We have a locked gate so anyone coming in is coming at our invitation. That helps.

Get along with people, LOL! Oh yeah! But even that will vary, MO will lick to death, Jack is still somewhat wary, but readily accepts pets.

Each dog is different and their behavior will depend on how they are raised and your home atmosphere.
SheepieBoss wrote:
My dust bunnies are the size of Maltese.


I always think when I groom Yuki that she has enough hair on the comb to give our maltese a weave.
I have a 55 gal garbage can that I fill two or three times a year with dog hair.......mostly the Pyrs. I've been giving it to spinners and weavers, vowing to learn to spin and keep the gleanings. I don't keep all the hair, the shorter leg hair on the Pyrs I toss.
Good grief!!! I bet you go through vacuums quickly. ;)

My favorite dog, off appearance only, is a Great Pyrenees. I just couldn't handle all that hairrrrrrrrr!!!
[1] do OES shed a lot when doing everyday things?
Chumley doesn't seem to shed at all. I brush her daily and there is a bit of hair in the brush when I am done but it is nothing compared to the amount I get off my cat.

[2] do OES get along with other dogs...we have an english springer spaniel
Chumley is not particularly interested in other dogs. She is only aggressive if someone tries to mount her. Otherwise, she is mostly oblivious to them. Once in a rare while, some dog will excite her and she barks at or runs with him. But mostly, she ignores dogs.

[3] are OES good watch dogs??
Chumley does not seem like a particularly good watch dog. She's excited to greet visitors but she does not do any warning barking.

[4] do OES get along well with people
Chumley LOVES people. She expects to be petted by everyone and mostly she gets her way. At the dog park, she spends all of her time going from person to person for petting.
Vacuums.......I've learned how to take apart and repair all brands, LOL! None is much better than another in this house. I like the Oreck because it is light enough to flip over and pull the hair off the brushes. At the other end is a Hoover w/o belt drive, it's like a transmission. Gads is that thing heavy! It's going to the church rummage sale next month. And I have several other brands in between......the Rainbow is nice except the brick floors tear off the rollers on the canister, etc, etc.

Fortunately half the house is in hard floors: brick, tile, wood and vinyl......are real decorating nightmare but easier fur ball capturing.

1. Barney does not shed in the sense that people usually think of when they think of shedding...he kind of clumps. If you look around the house there are just a few fur clumps by the end of the week in the corners.

2. Barney can't get enough of other dogs, even when the other dogs have had enough of Barney! He just loves to sniff and the play and jump with them. When we go for walks and he sees another dog he just keeps on looking back after the dog passes, for like 5 minutes! The other dog is long gone and around the corner, yet still he looks...

3. I think Barney is a good watch dog, to a degree. He has the best deep bark that he really only uses when he thinks something is amiss. The other night I was home alone and he heard a noise (the rain!) and he let out a few deep barks. I don't know what he would do if someone actually was there--probably would lick them and pee on them a little (have to work on that!)

4. Barney loves loves loves people. Any and all people. When he was younger he actually loved my brother a little too much, if you know what I mean...He still gets so excited when people come over, though, that he squirts a little pee, though. But he loves to be pet and ooh'd and ahh'd over.
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