Suggestions for fur over the eyes

Bosley's hair is over his eyes so he is having trouble seeing. I do a lot of training with hand signals, so obviously this is something we need to deal with. I have moved to voice for the time being, but I love the "watch-me" attention so would like to make it easy for Bosley.
I have heard of trimming the fur above the eyes, and of using hair clips or elastics to keep it up. I put some hair clips the other day and 5 minutes later they were out and he was chewing on them : )
Any suggestions with detail on how to do it would be appreciated.
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Using a comb and thinning shears seems to do a nice job. You use the comb to pull the hair out straight and then trim with the thinning shears. It looks more natural, still a cute shaggy look, but the hair is removed from above and below their eyes.
Here is an example...

Such a cute picture. Which puppy is that?

We had the same trouble with Mojo. Tried the clips, but like Bosley, out they came.
Are you doing the watch me training with the clicker? That is what we did. Our trainer said to count it if it was in the general area. It didn't take long for me to know Mojo was making eye contact, even though I couldn't see his eyes. He does love those treats!!
That's Frazzle, he was 8 months old in that pic... he is Sky's brother. :)
Pepsi sees the scissors and goes running in the opposite direction.
How about you take a nice vacation to beautiful Palm Springs and teach me how to cut Pepsi's hair like this? :wink:
Hubby won't help....Guess he's destined to keep running into me :roll:
Are you doing the watch me training with the clicker?
Yes, I use the clicker for practically anything with Bsoley. Even our hoop jumping! Check the recent pics. He sure is a quite study..Today I will take out the scissors and give his bangs a whirl, but I'm sure he will not be impressed. Hmmmmm, maybe we will get some use out of the leftover giblets from yesterdays turkey!
After we cut Clyde's bangs, he walked around shaking and swatting his forehead like something was missing. I thought it was an ear infection and had him checked out but he was fine. Turned out. he actually seems to like having the hair over his eyes. It's really long now but sometimes I pull it back in a ponytail, spray it with spray wax and hit it with the blow dryer. It sticks back pretty well for awhile (even once the elasstic is out) like that and the wax doesn't make it sticky.
I take the easy way out - I cut the hair all around Drez's eyes. 8) She tends to walk into things if it gets too long, and I can't live without seeing those gorgeous eyes everyday. So since she's not a show dog, I have always cut the hair away. She sits very still for me, so it's very easy.
I go with the hair clip or an elastic band. Took a little bit of time for him to get use to it, but he doesn't mind now. Will rub his head against the furniture if I pull his hair too tight with the clip.
I keep Panda's eye hair short..except around Christmas...I let it grow long enough for a bow.....then cut again after the holidays.....
I got out the scissors a few weeks ago and trimmed the Pud Monster over the eyes. It didn't matter, the next thing he did was run over me anyway. :wink: But seriously, he does seem to avoid a few things, if he is watching where he is going.

A little off subject, but is it Amy or Dharma that is the Aussie? They are both beautiful.
A little off subject, but is it Amy or Dharma that is the Aussie? They are both beautiful.

Amy is my sable and white girl who is 19 pounds and Bosley's "squeaky toy", and Dharma is my blue merle, just under 30 pounds ( a tad overweight) . Both are shelties. The blues aren't as common, but I love them. They are so unique in coloring.
At first glance Dharma looked my now gone to the bridge Aussie Maggie. Sorry. :oops: They are all three absolutely gorgeous.
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