Oh Taskers Mom....

Okay Ginny has been wondering where Marianne is, but where has Ginny been? I've been back a week and have only seen a couple of posts from her......
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HELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO :oops: Gosh how nice to be missed!!!! I've been off for a brief visit to spend some of my insurance companies money at the hospital. I've reached that age where things have started to fall apart :evil: After feeling relatively lousey this summer I finally decided to go see a Dr (WHAT A NOVEL IDEA!! A nurse going to see a Dr!!!) Spent LOTS of my insurance companies money, had a ton of tests, was a TERRIBLE patient :twisted: and found out I have bleeding ulcers in my esophagus and stomach. Waiting for the biopsies to come back.

I hope it all goes well.
so sorry hope will be ok
How awful! I hope they find a way to make you feel better real soon. And welcome back - we missed you!
Gosh what a thing to discover, I hope it heals, and you'll be okay.
Oh Ginny...how awful! I hope you are starting to feel better! :D

We send you all our sheepie kisses to make you better!
Tasker's Mom wrote:
HELLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO :oops: Gosh how nice to be missed!!!! I've been off for a brief visit to spend some of my insurance companies money at the hospital. I've reached that age where things have started to fall apart :evil: After feeling relatively lousey this summer I finally decided to go see a Dr (WHAT A NOVEL IDEA!! A nurse going to see a Dr!!!) Spent LOTS of my insurance companies money, had a ton of tests, was a TERRIBLE patient :twisted: and found out I have bleeding ulcers in my esophagus and stomach. Waiting for the biopsies to come back.


So sorry to hear you were in the hospital.
Please take care of yourself. Please keep us updated....

Let everyone take care of you for a change of pace :wink:

Maybe the Dr. should order a trip to Hawaii-
theres nothing a papaya drink in a tall tiki glass can't fix! jmo

Sheepie hugs from Bogart and Zahra
I am very sorry to hear you were in the hospital.
I have always been an awful patient myself....but you... Ginny :roll:
I hope everything is ok and that you are feeling better soon.
Good for you spending the insurance companies money... Somebody's got to do it and boy do they take enough of our money.
Feel Better
Oh my gosh, please keep us updated. I'm sorry to hear that. I used to not understand why people thought hospitals were scary. Then when I was there daily for kidney treatment ....it started to freak me out seeing other people in there. I hope you get good news and can give your pockets a rest from all their money stealing. ;) Either way, my thoughts and prayers are with you!
Oh Ginny, Im so sorry. I hope you feel better soon!!!!

Shame on you for not going sooner!!! I bet your kids had something to say regarding that...lol.....

I will sent good and positive thoughts your way. I hear that dog salvia is good for other things besides hair growth....just get extra kisses from the boys! Panda sends her love too!!!!
Dog saliva........hmmmmmmmmmmmm could be a new cure!!!!!! Thanks everybody!!! I'll be just fine, more an annoyance. They have drugs to cure everything these days :D I always tell my pateints not to worry, LET ME DO THE WORRYING that's what I get paid the "big bucks for". Guess it caught up to me hehehehe.

A trip to Hawaii and a drink in a Tikki glass sounds like the PERFECT fix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sign me up.

There is always that bit of PANIC when they say biopsy and until you hear that everything is ok you worry abit but I'm too mean to get REALLY sick :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Besides ya'll need a break from my big mouth once in a while!
Tasker's Mom wrote:

A trip to Hawaii and a drink in a Tikki glass sounds like the PERFECT fix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sign me up.

Just charge it to your insurance, preventative care

(Let alone professional courtesy!
:evil: )
Medical people do make the worst patients. :P

Hope you feel better soon. Those work induced ulcers are rough.
Ginny, so sorry to hear about your recent medical woes, but glad to hear you're on the mend. I guess being in the medical field makes it like a two edged sword when you're sick yourself - you know too much! Take care of yourself!
Oh Taskers Mom....

I know this is going to seem bizarre, but EVERY TIME I see this subject title, I start singing, O Christmas Tree :lol:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
tis the season!!!
I'm chiming in a bit late here, Ginny, but I do hope you'll be feeling better soon.

I agree with Zahra....drinks with little umbrellas in them are a sure cure!
It's the old good news bad news routine...... the good news is the biospy came back good. The bad news is the endoscopy results show that the lining of my stomach and esophagus is falling apart (erosive gastritis & esophagitis). Every doctor keeps asking me if I'm SURE I DON"T DRINK!!!! (apparently it's a condition common to alcoholics!!!!!!!!!!) GREAT JUST GREAT!!!!!!! I had ONE DRINK AT MY SON"S WEDDING this summer!!!! I'm gett ing the "yeah sure you did looks :roll: " One Dr is talking about surgery, I think I'll get ANOTHER opinion. In the mean time NO MORE COFFEE :cry: :cry:
Great news on the biopsy...definately get a second opinion..........I think it sounds like "Oh tanenbaum......"
Tasker's Mom wrote:
In the mean time NO MORE COFFEE :cry: :cry:

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: Just shoot me! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Seriously - surgery? YIKES! 8O
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Every doctor keeps asking me if I'm SURE I DON"T DRINK!!!! (apparently it's a condition common to alcoholics!!!!!!!!!!) GREAT JUST GREAT!!!!!!! I had ONE DRINK AT MY SON"S WEDDING this summer!!!! I'm gett ing the "yeah sure you did looks :roll: "

My friend's husband would up in the hospital this summer with esophagal bleeding, and the doctors did the same thing to him. He's in his 60s and has never been a drinker. In 12 years I've seen him take small sips of champagne to be polite during wedding toasts, that's all. He doesn't even drink soda! Just water and juice. Turned out the bleeding was caused by the one a day aspirin he'd been taking to prevent heart disease.
Tasker's mom... I hope you can find something new out so you can avoid surgery. Gosh.... :( Mr. Joah and I know 4 people who had some tearing of the lining of my stomach. One person, it was from taking a vitamin daily, and the others were from taking medications without the suggested amount of liquids for so many years. I still have my fingers crossed for you!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Maybe I should take up drinking and smoiking and running around :twisted: hehehehehhehehehe anybody up for an adventure with an OOOOOLLLLLLD LADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Taskers MOM
Joahaeyo wrote:
Tasker's mom... I hope you can find something new out so you can avoid surgery. Gosh.... :( Mr. Joah and I know 4 people who had some tearing of the lining of my stomach. One person, it was from taking a vitamin daily, and the others were from taking medications without the suggested amount of liquids for so many years. I still have my fingers crossed for you!

I suspect it has something to do with the rather large quantities of ALEVE I have been taking over the last year or so :oops: ........ Not that a Nurse would know better or anything.
Darcy wrote:
Great news on the biopsy...definately get a second opinion..........I think it sounds like "Oh tanenbaum......"

How lovely are thy branches...................... :lol: :lol: :lol:
What is a tannenbaum?????? Christmas tree..bush...what??? And where did it orginate from???

Alieve huh??? Soooooo maybe an aspirin a day is NOT a good thing???
Darcy wrote:
What is a tannenbaum?????? Christmas tree..bush...what??? And where did it orginate from???

Christmas Tree in German I believe 8O
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