Sherwood is 12 1/2, a male. I have had him all his life. In the past two years he deveoped a neurologic disease that caused his back right leg to shake and eventually he is mostly unable to get himself up. He was throughly exrayed about 8 months ago and has no arthritis or cancer and the vet said their is really not much that can be done. Fish oil etc. but he still declined. For the past 6 months he has been completely incontinent as the disease spreads. He can rarely get up on his own. I have been puttin off looking for work because I know he can not longer be left on his own for any amount of time. He is a little bit deaf. He has alot of trouble laying down now and cries out alot while trying to get comfortable and every morning he wakes up in his own mess. Which is heartbreaking and giving him a bath is painful for him now. So it breaks my heart but I am going to put him to sleep tommorow. He was a stunninglying beautiful and charming dog. I have been so blessed to have him. He is sleeping right now on the living room floor after demanding that all doors to the balcony be opened after a bit of breakfast. Most of this summer we had breakfast together on the balcony and read the paper. I have had a long chat with him about his last days. His job is done here on earth and we have both learned so much from each other. I told him how wonderful he was and that he can come visit me in spirit anytime. Whenever I feel sad I run through all of the good and funny times we had and just be thankful for him. Here are some of his wonderful quirks and stories..... He carries his food dish everywhere... he did not like to eat alone and if I got home late at night he would jump up on the bed percariously holding onto his dish, plop it onto my lap and finish his dinner. He was such a showoff... he would drag me over to people if he heard them admiring him. He knew his other names of.. Shaggy Dog, Shaggy DA, Mr. Muggs.. and ooooooooh look at that Dog! I once shaved his coat down and he got so depressed I never did it again. It cost me $250 to get him dematted this summer... at any cost I would not shave him... it would have broken his heart. He is responsible for me meeting my best friend Angela from England. She was a student that lived with us for a year. She loved him as much as I do. When she first came to look at the place to rent he was immediately in love with her... balancing on the 2 inch edge of the couch to show off for her. She even came back two years ago to see him and he just went nuts doing that doggy cry and licked her over and over not leaving her side. She would send chews for him and he would not touch the same brand if I bought it for him but if Angela sent it from England he would go nuts for it. Her and I will have a good cry Sunday morning when she gives me a call. He loved to steal her socks and her Panda bear.... He would bark if he thought the traffic light was taking too long to change. He would bark if he thought anything was not going exactly the way he wanted. He insisted on sleepig where it was cool and hard... mostly the balcony. But he would always lay next to my bed and wait for me to fall asleep before he went out to the balcony. And each morning he was always waiting for me in my room to wake up and the moment he realized I was even slightly awak he would do whatever it took to get me out of bed. He loved to get me up in the morning... buy jumping up on the bed and giving me a facewash, or sometimes pulling the covers right off the bed! He loved morning pets and morning walks the best. He loved car rides.. He will be put to sleep in the car tommorow. There are hundreds of photos of him in Japan as our walk used to take us by a spot where the Japanese tourists would get off the bus and they would all ,every single one ,insist on getting their picture taken with Him... we would be stuck there for an hour sometimes... but we couldn't dissappoint his fans. Sherwood loved it! All that attention. He once stuffed pizza for a secret midnight snack behind the couch cushions after stealing it off the counter when I went to put the laundry on... Pizza was the only people food I would let him have and he would wait on the balcony and bark when he saw the pizza guy coming. We are ordering pizza tonight. He loved to go between my legs so I could scratch his bum and give him a squeeze. That was our standard greeting with each other. He was a show me the biscuit kind of dog. He would do no trick... shake a paw, roll over, sit, or speak quietly... if I didn't have a biscuit in my hand. He knew how to use mirrors and when in the back seat would look me rright in the eye with the rear view mirrow. He really liked the idea that he could go around things and come back to the same spot. I will never forget the look on his face when he figured out he could go all the way around the outside of the apartment building and come right back to me. He loved stairs... I rented a place with a lovely garden but he loved the staircase inside the most. The first day we moved in he couldn't reisist going up and the down the stairs for any reason... often carrying his food dish. He loved to swim in the ocean with me... but gave the ocean a stern barking warning when he first met it. He would let me hold onto him and he would float in my arms. He would also let me grab his rear end and he loved to pull me into shore. He had sparkling eyes... always full of mischief even today... always looking for a way to have fun and entertain me. I never went to the bathroom alone... he alawys had to come with me. He just pretty much never left my side. He would not even go for a walk with a neighbour if I was home. He just would not leave me. I will always have his wonderful memories... this is my second dog and for me the only way to get pst is the pain is to rejoice in their life.. and get another dog as soon as possible.... I don't know if I will get another Old English... but no other dog compares... Once you have had such a charming star.. Oh yeah... he once stopped shooting on a show with Lorenzo Lamaz.. upstaged this handsome action star.... we were walking by the location they were shooting at and all the film people came over to pet him... and then on their headsets we hear.. everyone stop petting the dog and back to your posts.... across the street Lorenzo was standing all by himself waiting for shooting to continue... Sorry He once stole a baseball out of play... in the park... a game with fans in the stand and everything.... they umpire and players were chasing him around trying to get the ball and the fans with laughing so hard... it was comical.... I was so embarassed as they could NOT get the ball from him ...they didn't know the magic word... BISCUIT... as soon as I promised with biscuit in hand he dropped the ball no problem and the crowd cheered. When he was a puppy people thought his name was biscuit because I could not get him to do anything unless I promised a biscuitl... so it was Biscuit come... Biscuit sit... etc. People would stop their cars and get out to pet him... run across the park.. yell out at me from apartment windows... I NEVER went for a walk where someone did not come over and fawn over him... once at 3am going to drug store! He was always a good judge of character... if he didn't like someone they were not worth knowing... once he got very aggressive with a plumber and I was very surprised... it turned out the guy was stealing from people and ended up in jail! He would lay down on his own for small children... He loved children.. he would let them pet and play with him for hours. Once he ran into a group of 8 kids and he just layed down rolled onto his belly and they all petted him at the same time... He had a wonderul life.... long walks every day in the suburbs, forests and ocean walks here in Vancouver, BC. He never hurt another animal or human being... he was a charming, often demanding, and a true best friend. He would always cock his head sideways and listen to me. I am sure he understood every single word I said. Especially.....I love you Cheers, Rachel Sherwood's Mom |
Dear Sherwood's Mom,
Thank you for sharing Sherwood's story with us. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Sherwood. We will keep you both in our thoughts.... God Bless you and Sherwood |
That is a beautiful tribute to a much loved friend and companion. Thanks so much for sharing your story. I have such sympathy for your situation. You clearly love your sweetie very much to be able to release him from his debilitated condition. Be brave! My heart goes out to you. |
First Let me tell you how sorry I am. We went through this last year so I know how you feel. Kassie was 12 too. As I read your post the tears were running down my face. What a wonderfull dog. He loves you so. You had a great life with him and him with you. All the things you said were such loving memories of him. No one can ever take that away from you.
The words don't come easy with something like this. We only had 1 day to make this choice. But in our hearts we knew it was what was right. Again let me say how sorry I am for your loss. Nothing I can say will take tha pain away. My husband I and cried a river. Nothing wrong in that though. With deepest regrets, Deana |
I'm so sorry you've had to make this tough decision.... it's the right thing to do though, and your final gift to him is one of peace and relief. |
My thoughts and tears are for you and your Sherwood. From your post, it is clear that Sherwood is so much more than just your pet. You loved him, cared for him, but most of all, you shared life with him. And he is blessed to you have you as his Mommy for all of these years. Hugs, Crazy |
Dear Sherwoods Mommy,
My heart is broken in a million pieces for you and your task at hand. I too have my beloved companion who is 12 ½ years old. He seems so happy and still looks forward to car rides and dinner and mommy coming home at the end of each day. He hurt his knees a year or so ago and can no longer get up off the ground, but if we leave him on the couch, an old futon, he seems able to get up and able to go to the yard to eliminate when needed and can get back onto the futon when he comes back in. He doesn’t know when he is pooping so at night we put him in his knickers with a babies diaper pinned in place. So far this is agreeable to all parties. I cried so hard while reading your posting, as I know that it is only a matter of time before I will be making the very same decision you have made. So all of our time together is as high a quality as I can make it and I also go back and remember the good times with him, but then there really has never been anything but good times, don't you think? I know that when you are adrift and deep in your grief, you don’t want anyone to remind you of what you just lost. I know that only too well, I went two years after I lost my sweet Ivory Lee. My mom talked me into getting Tyler and it was like love at first sight, we were meant for each other. So my word to you is that when the time is right and the right spirit is embodied in the dog you choose, it will be right. I know can’t even see myself with out Tyler in my life, but when I no longer have him, I have promised him that I will find another soul who needs me as much as he did, and we will make a go of it too. All my best to you and Sherwood. |
Rachel, its so hard. I sent my darling mean ol' Molly off earlier this year. It's so, so hard...for us. Sherwood's time has come. He's probably so ready to start his new journey on healthy legs, with a healthy body. He probably is waiting to know that you are ready. His love will always be with you, and you will always and forever, carry him in your heart, until you are reunited once again. Its interesting you've told him you'd welcome his spiritly visits, because, I believe Molly has visited me, and sent me many messages since she went to bridge, And each time I feel her, well, I "feel" her. He will be free, and you will be sad. But, console yourself knowing you've given him a great gift, and that he will love you for it, for ever. Hugs to you. Oh, please be sure to take home his collar. I didn't do that, and regret it often. My heart is with you. Deborah |
Hellow Everyone,
This is Sherwood''s last night... and we are waiting for Pizza... you words mean so much to me... This is so hard and your kindness and wisdom is giving me the strenght to be brave and do the righ thing... more later.... Rachel & Sherwood |
I hope he enjoys his pizza! I've been thinking of you. I can't imagine how hard tonight must be. I know you will treasure it, as you've treasured his whole life. I am so very sympathetic. ![]() |
I'm so sorry for the situation you and Sherwood are in. I know how it is to let go even when it's the only thing left to do. I hope your pain can be eased by all the happy memories you have. Holly |
My heart is with you , my sheepie Tommy went on to the Rainbow bridge one month ago, I cried as I read your post, because it reminded me of him. Your sheepie had a wonderfull life with you, he was loved like a family member. In one of the posts someone who lost their dog had a little flock of fur cut from him, I wish I had some left from my Tommy. My prayers are with you and your family.
Tanya |
What a beautiful tribute and testimony of the love you two shared all these years.
My heart goes out to you. Releasing Sherwood from pain is the last ultimate show of love and kindness you can bestow upon him. He's so lucky to have had you all these years. He will know, as he goes to sleep one last time, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he is so loved. Rest well Sherwood, your sweet memory will live on. |
My thoughts will be with you on this difficult day. We lost our first sheepdog 20 years ago and he has never left my heart. I hope there is some comfort in knowing he will alway be alive in yours. |
What a beautiful tribute to the love you and Sherwood have shared. He is obviously a very beloved companion and friend. Even though I'm crying while reading your words, I can still feel the joy that is there for all the fun, the love and the laughter you shared with him.
How lucky you both are to have had each other! My heart breaks for you. I know your pain. You are brave and kind to put his needs, once again, above your own and release him. He will cross the bridge knowing how well he is loved. |
What a lovely tribute to Sherwood!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you.... |
What a beautiful and fitting tribute to your best friend, Sherwood. Most of here on the forum have known your pain and fully understand the grief you will feel for quite awhile. My own sweet, sweet Drezzie is 12 and getting a bit more lame, so I look in those eyes and wonder to myself when we'll have to make that decision. It is the hardest thing to do, but it is the right thing to do. God bless you for making Sherwood's life so full of love and happiness. And God blessed you with Sherwood's love and devotion as well.
I am so sorry for your loss. You will be in my thoughts during this trying time. Chris |
Dear Rachel,
My tears for you and Sherwood this morning are heartfelt, as I read your beautiful story. Knowing that yesterday was your last day with him and he is now in your heart and memory. What a wonderful life and love you shared. In great love there is great pain but he will be with you forever and you will always have the love of a very special sheepie to hold close and remember. I am so very sorry that you are going through this terrible time. It makes me gather my own critters a bit closer and dread the day when I too will have to them cross that rainbow bridge. Hugs and sheepie kisses. Ginny Tasker & TY PS I hope you will stay with us here on the forum, it is a great place to share memories and to find comfort from other sheepie lovers and who knows, someday another sheepie may cross your path. |
It was hard yesterday coming home... you just can't stop yourself from looking for him and expecting him at the door... and this morning the same... up looking for him...
If I feel sad I just bring up all the joyfull memories and a smile comes to my face. But I know he went peacefully in my lap in the back of his second favourite place in the car. He was snoring... it was so cute. And if you believe in Angels a lovely man came to me in the park just before we had to go to the vet and he was wonderful with Sherwood and reminded me of a movie with Robin Williams... and I forget the name but I have seen it... he goes looking for his wife and crosses over to the otherside... and this man reminded me that the dogs were also on the otherside.. kind of like the movie version of the Rainbow Bridge... if anyone remembers the name please let me know of the movie.. I will watch it again soon... I had been asking God for a sign that this was the right time to let Sherwood pass... because sometimes you think well maybe I should wait a few more days and weeks... but when this man came and spoke to me... I knew it was a message and this it was the right time.... the most peaceful feeling came over me and I remembered your kinds words and was able to let Sherwood pass with grace, joy and dignity. I did keep a snippit of his hair and his dog tag. I will get his ashes and spread them in his favourite park.. Sheepdog Lovers are the Best... your words have made this so much easier and I simply coud not have done this without you All.. I have joined up... I have come to this forum over the years and I a am sure I signed up before but with moving and new emails... lost track. Thank you so much for being here for me... God Bless everyone and your lovely Sheepdogs.. I am even looking for a new puppy and I know God will guide to just the right one... Love to you All.. Rachel |
My eyes welled up with tears, he is in a much better place now. running with other sheepie friends. Bless you Rachel, its hard but the right thing to do. We all love you very much and pray that a new OES will help ease the pain. My best wishes go out to you. Hope your pain will ease soon. It's never easy.
It is been 18 months for us and I still can cry and miss our dear Kassie. She had liver cancer. But also wecome to the forum, glad you joined! Deana |
Your tribute to Sherwood was one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. You did the right thing by letting him go. He will always be kept alive in you heart and in your memories of him. My Deepest Sympathies Elissa |
Dear Rachel, Yes, I believe God sends angels to help guide us. I know you probably want to find that man again, and thank him. But you probably never will. He did his work to help you and Sherwood. I'm sending you my deepest condolences. I'm so sorry. Deborah |
Dear Rachel
I think people in this forum are very nice and there is a lot of info about OES that can be found here, I came across the forum a few month ago when I was looking for info an anything that could save my Tommy( he had a kidney failure, he was 10).I joined and had been reading it preatty much everynight especially after Tommy passed away, it helps, and I love looking at all the pictures and reading stories about the dogs. I also consider getting another OES, when I feel like it is the one, I would like to get a rescue to help another sheepie have a loving home. My thoughts are with you . Tanya |
Dear Rachel,
Thank-you for sharing all your stories of Sherwood! I lost my Bart a couple of years ago to exactly the same thing! Our last night together was something that will stay with me forever...he had "chasing rabbit" dreams all night! I knew that the time had come as well, to let him go to the bridge and get rid of that body that was holding him back for getting the rabbits! I love how you are dealing with this, and will keep this post forever in my heart! I eventually got my boys, even though I swore I would never get another sheepie again and I'm so glad I did! I'm sure Sherwood would be honored if you got another one! That's how I looked at it anyway! He will be with you always! All our thoughts are with you and I hope that Sherwood and Bart get to meet! I'm sure they are happily chasing rabbits together! |
i can find no words to express my sympathys and no way of easing a broken heart but i found this today and thought that it was right for you
My best friend closed his eyes last night, As his head was in my hand. The Doctors said he was in pain, And it was hard for him to stand. The thoughts that scurried through my head, As I cradled him in my arms. Were of his younger, puppy years, And OH...his many charms. Today, there was no gentle nudge With an intense "I love you gaze", Only a heart thats filled with tears Remembering our joy filled days. But an Angel just appeared to me, And he said, "You should cry no more, GOD also loves our canine friends, HE's installed a 'doggy-door"! Jan Cooper 1995 i cried as i read your words and again when i found this it moved me and i hope in some small way it helps you too much love zoe and einy |
My heart, prayers and tears go out to you. You had the compassion and strength to do something so hard. You reminded me that our time is so limited with our babies. The boys have gotten extra treats and hugs the last couple days.
What Dreams May Come.......I believe that is the name of the movie you are referring too. An absolutely beautiful movie. |
What a tough decision, gave me pause to think over our OES losses past: Ashley, Pete and CeCe. Each was a pleasure in their own way to have known. And was it worth it!
Best wishes |
I am so sorry for your loss. I also lost my Bobby at the same age . the same circumstances . I worked in the vet where i held him until he fell asleep it was the worst day in my life . I was sent home from work i was so upset. that was 3 years ago . The pain eases with time but your memories stay with you forever . Theres not a day i dont think about him. Just be glad he was yours and you gave him the best 12 years that you could and loved him soooooo much. take some comfort in that. |
Your story about Sherwood was fantastic. He was truely loved. We have had 4 OES's. Sherwood was part of of all 4 of ours. The traits that this breed have are carbon copies. We mad the mistake and shaved our 2nd sheepie and she like Sherwood was so embarrassed she refused to go for walks. I had to make the tough decision like you but I had to put 2 51/2 year old sheepies down. We didn't know they came from a puppie farm. One showed hip problems at about 4 and at times she couldn't get up. Some days she was fine. The one we thought was healthy had cancer in her breast area and her front right leg. There names were Abby & Suzy and their story is 2 down from Sherwoods. As you can see, they had many of his traits also. At least you had 12 1/2 years with him and both of you were blessed to have each other. |
Our family sends our condolences on the loss of your wonderful Sherwood. Even though I'm sitting here with a lump in my throat for your loss I am glad you shared your memories. He sounded fantastic and I got a charge out of his antics especially the pizza nonsense and being an attention junkie. But the thing you must remember is Sherwood not only loved you but he knew how much you loved him. I know because I always tell our sceptical son that Mopsy knows what "I love you" means and I really think that she does. Sherwood will always be with you and will make your other sheepie relationships richer. Take care. Judi & Mopsy |
I have read your posts many thoughts are with you. |
Sherwood's Mom wrote: ...........So it breaks my heart but I am going to put him to sleep tommorow.
Putting my Shadow down "tommow - Friday"as well, I extend to you my deepest symphathies. God bless you and your family. Pam |
Sherwood's Mom, our hearths go out to you.
Danita, Saul, Lennon & Sofa. |
WOW! What a beautiful story of LOVE! Thanks for sharing. |
Thank you so much for sharing all of your memories of Sherwood with us. There is something so magical about this breed. I am sure you will find a place in your heart very soon for another pup. I hope you find comfort in this forum. I am very sad for your loss. |
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