Idiots in Public

Whenever I take the dogs out in public, I always get 2 questions......

1) What kind of dog IS THAT??? Haven't these people EVER seen an OES before??? I mean, I know they are hard to find, but what am I missing here??

2) The one that drives me insane is........"Do they shed a lot?" or something to that nature like it's something evil. Does anyone have any witty responses to this. My husband just says "all dogs shed". That is not good enough for me. Guess I'm too much of a smart-arce!!

Any thoughts???
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Don't have a answer to the first question but as to the shedding.

Tell them that everyone of your family members are getting a OES sweater for Xmas, you knitted them all! LOL :x
I tell them "No. Sheepdogs have hair, not fur, so they don't have a shedding season like some other dogs. Now, they have a lot of hair, and some of it breaks and falls out just like mine (I point to my head, they laugh) so there is some around the house, but it doesn't come out in big clumps."

Good thing they didn't ask a tough question, eh?
I usually give an answer similar to Ron's. I typically tell them, actually, they really don't shed very much. I tell them dogs like Golden retrievers and labs shed a lot more then sheepies do, and their hair is coarse and sharp and gets all over everything.

As for the 'what kind of dog is that' question, I just answer. It always surprises me too, since I think they they are such a distinct-looking breed (I would understand if I had one that had a tail or something, which people wouldn't be expecting...) Maybe you should keep Xeroxed copies of the AKC OES breed info and hand it out to people when you ask what type of dog. They ask, you reply by handing them the paper...(keep it in a fanny pack around your sheepie's neck) (I'm having way too much fun with this...)
Ron wrote:
Sheepdogs have hair, not fur, so they don't have a shedding season like some other dogs.

Pardon my ignorance, but could you explain to me what the difference is?
crazy4sheepdogs wrote:
Whenever I take the dogs out in public, I always get 2 questions......

1) What kind of dog IS THAT??? Haven't these people EVER seen an OES before??? I mean, I know they are hard to find, but what am I missing here??

2) The one that drives me insane is........"Do they shed a lot?" or something to that nature like it's something evil. Does anyone have any witty responses to this. My husband just says "all dogs shed". That is not good enough for me. Guess I'm too much of a smart-arce!!

Any thoughts???

You have to love it though. There must be five yellow labs in our neighborhood. Not very exciting. Our kids are so unique and you are right, most people do not know what they are. It does give us a chance to brag about our kids a little though. Lots of cars stop to ask or tell me how cute they are. I love it!

I like the sweater knitting idea mentioned above. I think I will start asking what size they want.

Have a great day,

Love the sweater idea. I also get: where are his eyes and tail, who's walking who, how long does it take to brush him, and is that the dog from that movie. I don't mind though, like SheepdogMarine wrote, he gets a lot of attention. I have had people stop their cars and come out of their houses to see him. Most of the neighborhood knows him now and have been watching him grow. Think he would be very disappointed if he didn't get lovin' from at least a couple of people on our walks.
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Ron wrote:
Sheepdogs have hair, not fur, so they don't have a shedding season like some other dogs.

Pardon my ignorance, but could you explain to me what the difference is?

Technically, there's no difference between hair and fur. Hair is fur, and fur is hair.

I use the phrase to try to reinforce in people's minds the concept that the sheepdog's hair is similar to our human hair, and not the hair of a shedding dog.

This kind of goes with the theme of "idiots in public", but I'm really not that cynical; it is just the way I've found best to explain it quickly. :D
Don't forget the ever popular: "Can he see?"
ButtersStotch wrote:
Don't forget the ever popular: "Can he see?"

oh yes, "Can he see?"

There's also, "Is he going to get much bigger than THAT??" Honestly, some people with their dang ankle biters. They think having a little dog is the best thing. I never trust anything with an underbite that bad!!!

Love the sweater idea. I'm going to start using that. You guys are too funny!!
"is he friendly?"


*end scene*
"Do they bite?"

"Yes, all the time, but hey we start out with ten fingers right?!"
Willowsprite wrote:
"Do they bite?"..........

"No, but I do."

Can I pet him? "If he'll let ya."

What kind a dog is that? "What kind of question is that?"

Can he see? "Once in awhile."

Does he shed? "Yeah, but that's ok. I wanted a new carpet and everyone
just loves the color of my new one."

Is it gonna get much bigger than that? "Depends. Sometimes he just
bites. If he swallows, his tummy gets bigger. Wanna."
pet him?"
I also get "who's walking who?" as I am approching someone. I feel like saying "Sam is just SO excited to knock you down!!!" :lol: !
:oops: :oops: :oops: she has this thing about men...and where she puts her nose :oops: :oops: :oops: ...
Funny you brought up this topic. I was very late trying to find accomodations for the Centennial. I found a Best Western 15 minutes away and I had the only OES there (Frank) and had to go to the lobby to get to my room.

The hotel was rather large with banquet facilities and we seemed to encounter many wedding guests who I guess had never seen a sheepdog before. I had one guy keep asking me "is he real??!!". He was from Australia and literally thought he was a mechanical toy or something. He insisted on taking a photo and telling me how the photo was going all the way back home to Australlia. Not sure how many cocktails were involved, but Frank was certainly a big celebrity at the hotel. It was pretty crazy that he couldn't go potty in peace. I'm just glad all the attention didn't go to his head!
LOL! We get asked about Jasper ALL the time. They definitely aren't common around here. I don't mind though - I like showing him off (hehe) and meeting some friendly people in the process. :)
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