are banannas o.k.?

my daughter was eating a bananna the other day and max followed her around everywhere until it was gone. he really acted like he wanted some but i wasnt sure, so we didnt give in. anybody know anything about this? thanx
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Should be fine... if they'll eat it! LOL Sky will eat anything, Dancer is more picky and doesn't like bananas, unless of course she's dug it out of the garbage and then it's a prize so that's different! LOL
Dres LOVES bananas. If she gets a scent or it or hears you open one, she will stalk you! When my son (who's a monkey when it comes to bananas, can't eat just one - more like three) eats them, he puts a whole one aside for Drez. But they have to be a certain ripeness. Too ripe, too green - nope. But just right, and she'll pounce on you!!
Tuc LOVES bananas. He does the stalk and pounce thing for them too lol
thanx once again everybody---as always, your info is much appreciated :D :D
I agree with everyone else. Banana's are healthy! ...but as long as your dog doesn't react to it, it's fine. :) My small dog is allergic to it BIG TIME.
what are some of the signs of an allergic reaction for a dog?
My dog wouldn't stop throwing up bile. Her stomach kept making this "wave" movement (very visible and disturbing).

I'm sure your dog isn't, but I HAVE met several (more than 6) people with dogs also allergic to bananas.

I DO give Yuki (my OES) a piece of my banana whenever I'm cutting it into my cereal or smoothie. She's always so confused by the texture. haha You should see her face. :lol: :lol: It's like she's afraid to bite too hard because she'll hurt it, so she chews VERY slowly. haha
hahahaha... funny!

We bought Lennon and Sofa some fried bananas from our vacations and they can't get enough of them... Neither can we!
Joahaeyo wrote:
She's always so confused by the texture. haha You should see her face. :lol: :lol: It's like she's afraid to bite too hard because she'll hurt it, so she chews VERY slowly. haha

Bailey does the same thing - since everything else he eats is crunchy, the banana pieces fascinate him. He'll take if off somewhere and examine it for a while before he eats it. But every time I have a banana he comes over for a piece so he must like it!
bananas have high potassium but in small amounts they are ok jsut dont feed them several bananas a day.

I was cutting a banana into my cereal yesterday and Barney just so happened to be there. I've never fed him 'people' food before, but I decided, hmm...let's see....
So cute! I took him away from the counter area so he wouldn't (hopefully!) associate this treat with anything being cut up on the counters, and I gave him the little slice. He took it gingerly and just kind of stared at me and then swallowed and started jumping for joy--like it was the best thing EVER.
Pooh will stare at you until you give him a peice, but then he remembers he doesn't like the texture.

My inlaws old Bichon Frise would it comes.....wait for it...."bananas" for bananas. He he. They called is the Banana Tax, and he would have to be "paid" everytime someone ate one.
Annie loves bananas. This is one of the only "people" foods that my husband will give her in the morning. He finds it quite entertaining as Annie takes a piece so gently and seems to savor it. She usually grabs and scarfs everything else. I wonder why bananas are so special. She does the same thing with a piece of apple.
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