Grow Old with Dogs

Grow Old With Dogs

When I am old...
I will wear soft gray sweatshirts...
and a bandana over my silver hair.....
and I will spend my social security checks on
wine and my dogs.
I will sit in my house on my well-worn chair and
listen to my dogs' breathing.
I will sneak out in the middle of a warm summer
night and take my dogs for a run,
if my old bones will allow...
When people come to call,
I will smile and nod as I show them my dogs...
and talk of them and about them...
...the ones so beloved of the past and the ones so beloved of today....

I will still work hard cleaning after them, mopping
and feeding them and whispering their names
in a soft loving way.
I will wear the gleaming sweat on my throat, like a
jewel and I will be an embarrassment to all...
especially my family...
who have not yet found the peace
in being free to have dogs as your best friends....
These friends who always wait, at any hour, for your footfall...
and eagerly jump to their feet out of a sound sleep,
to greet you as if you are a God.
With warm eyes full of adoring love and hope
that you will always stay, I'll hug their big strong necks...
I'll kiss their dear sweet heads...
and whisper in their very special company....
I look in the Mirror...
and see I am getting old....
this is the kind of person I am...
and have always been. Loving dogs is easy, they are part of me.
Please accept me for who I am.
My dogs appreciate my presence in their lives...
they love my presence in their lives...... When I am old this will be important to me...
you will understand when you are old....
if you have dogs to love too.

~Author Unknown
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How lovely!
That actually made me cry. I feel silly sometimes how much I love my dogs. My friend is not an animal person and just doesn't get it. She'll roll her eyes and say there just dogs.I have to respect the fact that she had a bad experience with a dog when she was a child and it scared her.I just wish there was some way to get her over the fear of dogs. That's exactly how I want my life to be when I get old. I think they are more than just pets they are a part of your family.
I always feel bad for people who have never experienced the bond of the love of a dog!!
I have tears in my eyes too. How sweet!
How precious. My parents grumble when they come over and see all these big dogs. My Mom can't understand how I can deal with all this hair and dander in my house. I always tell her, A clean house is the sign of a wasted life. When I get old, it won't matter how clean my house was; but my life will be richer because I've spent it with my pets. I've never heard anyone regret having a dog to love.
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