
Hi all, now that summer is done I can settle and ask a few questions. Sam is now 7 months (and actually at this very moment waking up at the vet from getting neutered.) But, that is totally unrelated to my question..lol.

My dog appears to be missing his lower front teeth. All his baby teeth have fallen out and all the adults have come in. Except the bottom front. He's been like this for about 2 months I guess. He definately does not look viscious if he ever decides to try to be.

On the board is one of his litter mates- Winston from Virginia. I am curious if there is a hereditary thing maybe going? Or, if anyone else had late bloomers where all of a sudden just "some" missing teeth appeared out of the blue at some bizzare later date. lol.
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They could be just slow coming in, I wouldn't worry about it for another month or so.
They might be really, really small when they finally do come in too. Clyde's two bottom teeth are so tiny-- they look like miniature Chicklets!
Awwwww....he must look like a kindergarten kid! :lol: I'm sure they are in there somewhere! :wink:
Thanks Everyone,

I can feel Beau's ribs. He just looks bigger than he actually is, because he's in full coat right now. His breeder had said that he'll get to around 80 lbs.

When I got Mollie as a rescue, she weighed 55 lbs and balloned to 95 lbs before she went to the rainbow bridge. She was longer and taller than Beau is and older.
Does Sam have any problem with chewing or eating?

Beau's bottom jaw hasn't lined up to his top jaw (as of yet) so, he looks like he has buck teeth. :cry: The breeder said that they will eventually catch up, but I have my doubts. We love him just the way he is. He doesn't have any problems chewing for eating so I guess that's OK. :D
Actually the vet said yesterday he has an underbite. And we are still giving it more time. If they still don't come in- we were cracking jokes that I may just have a dog that resembles Gabby Hayes. lol.

The only time he had a problem eating was when the baby teeth were falling out and the adults were not in yet. He would go to eat (he's on dry food) and I would find him spitting out whole morsels of food on the floor. But since then, the molars and all other teeth are in and he is eating normal again.
on the subject of Teeth... Phoebe's teeth are rather blunt, compared to our border collie, is this normal?, I had a good look yesterday and its like they've been chopped off at the tips... i can see a little dot in the middle and enamel around it... she doesn't have problems eating, doesn't seem to be in pain, but they just look a bit odd.. i think they've been like that since we got her (few months)
Pepsi, like Clyde and whole bunch of other sheepies...(this is very common.) has two very small front bottom teeth.
Phoebe's mine! wrote:
on the subject of Teeth... Phoebe's teeth are rather blunt, compared to our border collie, is this normal?, I had a good look yesterday and its like they've been chopped off at the tips... i can see a little dot in the middle and enamel around it... she doesn't have problems eating, doesn't seem to be in pain, but they just look a bit odd.. i think they've been like that since we got her (few months)

What was Phoebe's story before you got her? It sounds like she rubbed the tops of the teeth down - probably by chewing/gnawing on metal or something of the sort (like a crate or kennel). I would definitely have the vet take a look at her teeth, that is not a good thing to have the nerves exposed like it sounds like they are.
Hi Lauri....

Any news on the tooth front?
My dog Monty was rescued in Kentucky and he has no front teeth either. The only problem with that though is that since he was a stray we don't know if he was born like that or something happened. On the other hand though he has no problem eating - they think he is about 5 years old...and he loves bones!!

Panda has two bottom chicklets too :D
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