panic to wind

Hi all guys.

Since you give good advices I'd love to know if you have the same kind of problem with dog panic. (I don’t know if the term is panic… he is scare of wind)

Seems like Shanti has panic of or to wind. When is a windy day like today, he goes to a corner and stays there still!!! Very uncommon from him... and this makes me so pity :cry: . He doesn't eat, drink or pee for the whole day if it is windy.

Do you know how to deal with this?

Dani and of course.... Shanti -who is now still in a corner of the house
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Hi Danik,
I don`t have an answer to that since Pisco loves the wind...but sometimes if he gets scared of something (fire works) I will go to him and start talking gently, hugging and petting him...I doesn`t matter what you say but the tone you use has to be soothing....
hope it helps. :)
Thanks Vero. :D

<I will go to him and start talking gently, hugging and petting him...I doesn`t matter what you say but the tone you use has to be soothing....
hope it helps>

I do the same, but he gets sooooo scare that stays still... even if I put on his legs a cookie, he doesn't eat it... so get the picture! :oops:

Hi Danik and Vero,
In English when someone or something is very afraid of something you say they are phobic (it comes from Greek I think). Like if you are afraid of small or enclosed spaces (tiny rooms, caves, elevators) you would be call claustophobic. Afraid of spiders, arachniaphobic.
Abbi is so afraid of lightenning she does the same thing Shanti does for the high wind. She tries to lay under my feet and will not go anywhere near the windows or doors. She will not go out to use the bathroom either.
When any animal is deathly afraid of anything and you want to cure them there are steps you can take to de-sensitize them to whatever they fear. It is easier if they have a fear of an object, harder to try to ease fears of weather.
I am trying to get Abbi over her fear of lightenning by giving her treats to eat by the windows. I move over towards the windows to do my work. Whenever the severe weather has passed, I try to take her for walks as soon as possible. She still is frightenned, but she will always go for a walk or eat a treat. I hope she will get less afraid with time. So I just keep trying.
Vero's suggestion of talking to him and petting him is what I do too! I just try to get her to act calm, but not so afraid she doesn't move. Also, I had to get my girls to quit screaming every time lightenning struck. I think that is how it all started.
Basically just try to make sure Shanti still trusts you and then try to take his mind away from the wind. Put on some music. Try to tighten up any loose blinds that may be banging around. Make sure he knows you have no fear of the wind, and little by little he will get over at least some of it. Dogs are so sensitive sometimes. Just be patient and try different things. Try training him during a wind storm. Train him to speak, lay, or roll over. Anything to get his attention away from the storm will help.

I am still working on this problem with Abbi. If it rains after lighting has struck, she will not even outside without me. It is getting ridiculous.
Thanks Agingright,

At least Abbi moves!!!! :D Shanti doesn't. :( As you said: it is ridiculous.

Regarding "by giving her treats to eat by the windows". I usally give Shanti treats but he won't move to eat them (I talk to him and place an ie cookie on his front leg)... and nothing

Yesterday was windy. So I closed all windows and doors of my office so he could stays there... He knows I have no fear of the wind. And he trusts me. (at least is what I think)

"Try training him during a wind storm. Train him to speak, lay, or roll over. Anything to get his attention away from the storm will help". I will try but it is sooooo difficult. he doesn't move at all. Well... Only if he listens the door bell or a strange noise...

Thanks guys for your advices. 8)

Hey! Me again... how do you train to roll over??? that would be something fun to do...

I knew you had said you had tried to give him treats and he wouldn't move, but that was all I know to do, and actually Abbi will not move away from me during a lightenning storm. She trips me up when I am trying to cook meals because she will not leave my side. When she was a pup she would run to her kennel and hide in there, but I started giving her treats, so now she runs to me and whines. She is 4 years old now and I always know when a storm is coming because she whines and becomes attached. My father says dogs that were scared of guns were given treats and rewards while guns were fired at first very far away and then closer until the dog no longer feared guns. But it is hard to have lightenning flare up on command or the wind blow when you want it to.

Roll-over can be very easy to teach. But not with Abbi.
Try to wait until the dog rolls over for a tummy rub (which Abbi very rarely will do). Once the dog is rolling over for a tummy rub, say "over" or whatever command you want associated with rolling over. Then give a treat and a tummy rub. Then say up. Then say lay. Then say the command again, OVER. Some dogs get it very fast.
Abbi keeps getting confused. She's the first dog I have had that did not learn PAW and OVER before they were in my house for 6 months. Very strange. But she does lie, sit, BOW ( my daughter taught her this one-- every time Abbi got up she would stretch. It looked like she was bowing to us. So my daughter started saying BOW and giving her treats. She now does it on command and uses it for begging!), fetch, get her leash from the chair for a walk, speak, sing speak (I have her bark to a beat), JUMP, and come UP on my shoulders on command. She will jump up on her grooming table if I pat it. Actually she will jump up on any surface I a m sitting on if I pat next to me. She jumps up into our swing! She will sit and stay and she heels most of the time. She will even resist chasing cats now, but I have to see the cat first. Then I just keep repeating GOOD GIRL, and she will keep walking with me. I was ready to kill her for dragging me after cats. Then I decided that for just one day I would say no negative words to anybody or Abbi, None. And low and behold, Abbi began to heel and stopped chasing the cats. All I had to do is give her leash and keep up the praise. She now walks by my side with a loose leash. If she should happen to slip out of her loose collar that I forgot to tighten up, she sits! I did not teach her that. Well I might have, but not intentionally (I yelled at her once for slipping out of her collar and I made her sit.). Enough about my Abbi. (Can you tell I am so proud of her!) During the day she really is my buddie.
We are working on the OVER (rolling over) and paw command because she keeps acting confused about what we want. When I say OVER, instead of turning over on her back or rolling all the way over, she dances around in a circle. We are trying to use a different command for rolling over, like DANCE. Then we are going to act like we wanted her to roll over when we say DANCE and dance in circles when we say OVER.
So far she only does it sporadically or rarely. It is not a command we try in front of company yet.
So whenever a storm is coming our way I sit her down and try to figure out how to get her to want to lay down and roll over. It is easier if it gets established or taught correctly the first time. To enhance your success in training a dog any trick, always see if you can figure out when he's going to do the behavior naturally and then reward it. That's the easiest training method.
Good luck. And just keep trying whatever you think of to get Shanti to move during a wind storm. Putting him in a place he feels safe is actually a very nice thing to do, but I will see if I can find anything else you could do for him. If he shakes like Abbi does when lightenning strikes I think they are just too scared to listen to us. I am not sure we will ever get either dog to not fear the weather, but I am just going to keep trying. I hate the idea of her being so afraid.
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