Back to work today: Mixed emotions

Hey guys... I find the hardest part of going back to work is that I have to be away from the forum all day. LOL How sad is that... anyway.... have a great day everyone! :)
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GOOD LUCK! Hopefully the first day is the easiest (because everyone is excited to see each other, it goes by fast). :)
I hope it is a good day!
Hope you have a great first day back, Stacey!! :D
hope ypur day goes well and fast so you can ger back here and chat LOL :D
Good luck on your first day of work!
Have a good day!!! Do what the rest of us do, steal those spare moments to check in real FAST :D
Ginny - you hit the nail right on the head!! :lol: :P

Stacey - have a great first day! Then have ALL great days! 8)


PS: Welcome back to the working club!
Welcome back to the job world Stacey!
Have a great day..... enjoy being around other adults, and think about the rewards you will receive instead of missing out on

Although we'll miss you....
Hope you are having a good day! I remember going back to work after not working for a while. The first day, 8 hrs seemed like forever. It got better after that.
Thanks everyone :)

Today went well.... it was nice to see everyone, and there are a lot of new faces too.
It was great until I got home :( Then I found out my youngest son got in trouble. He did it on purpose trying to get suspended because he wanted to come home, and wanted me to be home. He has done this before, but I am so grateful the school knew what he was up to this time and didn't fall for it and suspend him. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! He is ten years old, and knows better.... Some days......... :roll:
Boys will be boys :twisted:
Sorry to hear about your son.
At least they knew his game :D and you didn't receive a call at work
I'm glad your first day at WORK went well Stacey! :D It's so great that the school knew of your son's plan! 8O Hope you weren't too hard on him! It would be hard to get that mad, knowing he just wants to be with you, right? :wink:
Sir Gucci's Mom wrote:
I'm glad your first day at WORK went well Stacey! :D It's so great that the school knew of your son's plan! 8O Hope you weren't too hard on him! It would be hard to get that mad, knowing he just wants to be with you, right? :wink:

Actually, it was not hard to get mad. He doesn't seem to realize how serious it is to keep getting in trouble. This year I had such high hopes it would be a trouble free year, I wanted that so badly for him, as well as me, but mostly for him.
Technically what he did earned him a 3 day suspension, mandatory. He uttered a threat. He did not mean it in a violent way, they were playing sports (don't remember what) and he said it in jest... however, it is simply not allowed. Zero tolerance. He knows that. They had also been reminded about that specific rule just that morning in an assembly. Since he had just been reminded, it was something he thought about and did intentionally, regardless if he was joking around.
His punishment was to lose video games for 2 days, and had to go to bed early last night, as well as a long lecture, which was the worst part for him.
What worries me, along with the fact that everytime he gets into trouble it is recorded permanently on his school record, is that if he keeps getting in trouble eventually I WILL lose my job. Which will mean getting another job that is no where near as family-friendly in terms of hours, benefits, pay etc.
I tried to explain that to him.... but I don't think he gets it. Since I was home all summer, he doesn't understand the need for me to work I think. So I explained that finances right now don't include xmas gifts, trips, halloween costumes, bdays etc... trying to put it in a way he DOES understand... I hope! LOL
he doesn't understand the need for me to work I think. So I explained that finances right now don't include xmas gifts, trips, halloween costumes, bdays etc... trying to put it in a way he DOES understand... I hope! LOL

If that doesn't work, I don't know what will! :lol:

It must be so stressful for you to have to worry what the next day will bring! :( I hope the rest of your week flies by without an incident!
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