
Having read all the grooming reports, everyone's OES seems to love being groomed. Our 8 month old terror has made it a crusade not to be groomed either lying down or remaining still. I try and groom her most evenings but it's a battle of the wills. Do I take her for a walk to tire her out. Do I give her a bone to chew to occupy her. Do I play with her in the hope that she doesn't realise I'm grooming her. Do I get cross with her because my temper is giving way. I'm afraid I've tried all these methods and still she tries to chew the combs and brushes (I've replaced 3 already). All the advice given is to get your loving adorable pet to lie on his/her side and to start at one end and work your way along. What no one mentions is how to get the dog to stay still in the first place. I had 3 OES before and have never had problems. We've been grooming her from 7 weeks old but she's determined. When the combs and brushes come out she doesn't hide or run away, she loves it but on her terms and not ours. I can get her to sit and to down but the minute the brush goes on her she's up and away. One point in her favour is that she loves her ears being groomed and I can comb to our hearts content but there's an awful lot of her left that she's made a no go area - any suggestions or ideas. Apart from the grooming she's turning from mischevious and boisterous pup into a lovely reasonably well behaved dog.
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Occasionally my Maddie was difficult to groom as a pup. Refusing to stay still and so forth. My trainer (the individual who invented the Q collar) suggested using the Q bone (its just a small plastic bone with three prongs on the back that fits on to a regular flat collar....suggested putitng the q bone on a leash and then looping the leash around her stomach and having another individul hold the leash. My Maddie had alread been conditioned to not pull against the collar so when she felt it on her stomach, she was as calm as could be. After just a couple times I only had to use a leash and now I just put her up on the table and she doesn't move.
Hi Chrissie,
Although Pisco is very good at being groomed, he sometimes won`t take it. that usually happens when I have to use the comb to untie some knots, when that happens I usually show him a cookie and won`t give it to him until he understands that first come the comb and then the cookie.

I know it`s not much of a help but try giving your OES a cookie after each grooming no matter how little you got done...and start lasting a bit longer every worked that way for Pisco it might work for Maddie.
Hi Chrissie,

As you yourself said in the thread on behaviour - the OES can be very stubborn but they do get better! - Our Woof (now 12 months) went through a period at 8 months where he wouldn't be groomed, except on the head. We found that the best way was to groom the bits he liked extensively (until he relaxed - and this would mean he'd lay down without being asked).....and then move onto other areas. As soon as he got stressed, we'd go straight back to his head.

In fact, we still use the same method now, as he doesn't like his underbelly being done much! - best of luck!
Wow, thanks for all the replies and what sound advice. I think Vero's 'cookie' one is probably going to be the most effective as Daisy's (what a sweet name but very deceptive) heart is definitely through her stomach. I think that's where we've been going wrong, we've been feeding her titbits throughout to try and keep her still so I shall now 'firmly' groom and as Mikeyg says, groom the bits she likes, then stop and give her a treat. Jessica, I'm not sure I've ever seen a Q bone. This is the thing in the UK, unless you go to shows etc, ordinary pet shops over here only really sells things that are run of the mill. like leads, food, toys, pet cushions etc.
Anyhow I shall let you know how I get on and although I've given out advice on training it was quite nice to hear from you that 8 months seems to be a bit of a rebellious age - here's hoping anyway.
Just to let you know that my reply on all your tips on grooming was posted through as Christine 'guest'. I'm not sure what I did wrong but hopefully I've logged in correctly this time.
Abbi was very stubborn about being groomed until she was about 12 months.
At 8 months it was pretty rough. Her coat was changing and she did not want to be groomed at all. I did it the "rough" way and gave her a treat afterwards a couple of times and she has always allowed me to groom her since. Every groomer I have taken her to in the past 3 years says she is well behaved and only sulks when they try to do her chest area. For some reason the backs of her legs and her chest area are the hardest to keep unmatted.
Now I have found that if I give a yummy treat of turkey hotdogs or sausage after the grooming she will actually come and lay down for her next grooming when she sees me bring out her brushes and combs. It helps when you groom regularly too. I now groom her every other day and she seems to enjoy it. And I am a lot gentler and calmer too. I have learned to tease the knots out and scratch her belly while I am doing her back and legs. I tickle her chin when I do her chest and throat area and give her a good ear massage whenever I finish. It is rather relaxing even for me. Looking back 4 years I wish it was this way from the beginning, but we have worked up to it which is rewarding in its own way.
The grooming fight probably led to me keeping her in a short coat for the first few years too. Abbi's coat isn't what it should be due to some type of reaction earlier this year, but it is getting longer and fluffier finally.
With the colder weather it is fun just to watch her romp around in the wind. Good luck. It all works out in the end.
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