Ryan had his Surgery on Friday

Hi All,
Ryan (my upright son) had his surgery on Friday. He had an undescended testicle. The Dr's weren't sure if they were going to be able to save it and bring it down. They said they wouldn't know until they saw it. If it was healthy they would be able to bring it down...if not they would have to remove it. At our pre-op appt they were telling me all the problems that could result from the surgery. My response was that no matter what problems could occur, it would be better than having him die of testicular cancer in his 20's. Also if we waited any longer the chances of them saving the testicle and of him being able to have kids decreases significantly the older he gets.
I am happy to report that all went well. They were able to save the testicle. Now I have to explain to him what that new thing is down there :roll: :oops:
I tried to explain the surgery, but he really didn't understand. He thought he was in the hospital to have a baby....because Mommy just had one...lol
Even though I told him he could not have a baby. He said You'll see Mommy, I'm having a baby. lol KIDS!

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Happy all went well. Maybe you'll have to bring him a stuffed animal.....or have a nurse or doctor give it to him so he has his "baby" to bring home. Otherwise, he'll be disappointed. I still resent hearing I'd get ice cream after I had my tonsils removed...and all I got was ice cubes and oatmeal! BLECH!!
Thanks SheepieBoss.
We had some paint and markers for him when he got home.
The procedure was a same day surgery procedure and we were home at 11am yesterday. We were up at 4 am yesterday 8O , to be at the hospital by 5:15am.
He is refusing his pain meds because he hates the taste of medicine.
He says it's ok, I'll feel better.
Meanwhile it hasn't stopped him or slowed him down at all. Today he dragged Grandpa around to find bugs for one of his presents...a bug box.
So much for keeping him on the couch :roll:

I am pleased the surgery went well Elissa, and your little lad is feeling better. Bug hunting with Grandpa sounds great fun.

Chris Frodo and Smeagol
Great it all came out ok.

Now be sure to save this page's URL to send the link to his first girlfriend... :mrgreen:
LOL Ron! :lol:

I'm glad to hear everything went well! Kid's crack me up, I love that he was sure he was having a baby! :lol:

Colleen and The Gooch
Glad that everything went well. I am sorry to say that I am laughing hysterically about the thought of him thinking he's having a baby!

I ditto Ron's sentiment. Someday when he's in college he's going to Google "Ryan" and "Sheepdog" and this page will come up and you'll get a phone call. :lol:
Glad to hear all went well. Nothing more nerve wracking than when your kids are having surgery!!!! Too bad he couldn't come home with a new baby :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: heheheheh

Yup, he'll be pleased to know when he's older that his testicles were the subject of internet fame!!! :D
I'm glad everything went well....
At least he's not having negative thoughts about the whole thing....
My cousin's little guy had to be circumcised at 3 years old due to recurring infections, and when she was taking him home from the hospital he was mad at her. He said "Why'd you let them cut my (whatever he called it) off?"
Glad to hear everything went fantastic...give my boyfriend a hug and a kiss for me.....Tell him Im very proud of him!!!! Now YOU can take a sigh of relief, one less thing.....
Thanks Everyone :D
Stacey, That's pretty funny about your cousin's son.
Let me tell you it was pretty hard trying to explain to Ryan why he needed to go to the hospital. He kept saying... "But Mommy, I'm not sick." I told him if he didn't get this problem taken care of that he would get sick. Of course he didn't believe me....He never does.

It will be quite a while before he starts searching the internet for anything.
At least his last name is not here...harder for him to find...lol
Especially being that there are so many boys named Ryan...maybe he'll never find it.

Darcy, I gave him a hug and kiss from you and told him it was from his girlfriend with the pretty ponytail in AZ...lol He said "Darcy?" I said yes. He said I want to see her. So I showed him your picture. :D
I am definitely glad this is over. The MRI is next :roll: Not looking forward to that at all.

Glad to hear he's doing okay! :)
Elissa,Im so happy Ryan came through w/ flying colors.When I saw your post before I read it I thought "uh oh I hope nothing bad has happened too her little guy!!"These kids will put us parents in an early grave wont they???LOL!! :lol: Well anyways a HUGE way too go Ryan,and Im sending blessings your way Elissa!!!
Thanks Gail and Tanya :D
Yay Ryan! Give him kisses from me and the big sheepie in Arizona. Glad to hear he's doing well!
Whew!! So glad that everything turned out fine for Ryan!! 8)
Thanks Sue & Tammy :D
I've never laughed so hard, boys are so precious. Parker keeps us on our toes too.

Glad it all went well, and he will be fine. Yay for future Ryan babies...and better health.
Elissa, I don't know HOW I missed this post - but I'm SO glad Ryan's surgery went well. My nephew had the same thing done but he was about 10 at the time (he's now 26). So far, so good!

And just in time for Ryan to go back to school! Hope he's still feeling fine!

I missed it too! How's his baby? ;)
Thanks Daisie :D
Chris he actually missed the third day of school. But the timing couldn't have been better with the three day weekend to recuperate.
Jill, He has been walking around with this baby boy doll that we got him before Hayley was born so he could practice taking care of his baby.
He said last night..."This is my baby that I had in the hospital"..lol
He's too much!
All right, that's just a little too cute!
At least he doesn't go around yelling owwwww my TUNIT hurts, leaving us to explain he's talking about his privates. Now at 4 he uses the correct word.
Actually we had worse... The day after his surgery he was in Petsmart with my Mom and his sister and yelled that his (correct word for his private parts) hurt. 8O
I'm glad I wasn't with them...lol
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Too funny!
If they hurt, WE hurt...so the saying goes

I think they like to punish us for doing things they think is mean, so the best place of course is in public, or in line at the grocery store when you are almost done....so you have to finish.

Kids, hope he is all better tho. We had Parker circumised after his birth (2-3 days later)...if I had seen pictures, I probably would never have put him through it. But all is fine now, and when it came to that decision I kinda left it up to hubby. I'm sure tho I'll get blamed for it when he's older if he wishes it never would have been done.
Well all seemed to be well....for a little while.
I had seen Ryan's umm privates during his follow up visit. It looked like the one that should have been fixed was missing... but what do I know. I was quite confused by the Dr seeing him who had asked if he had had the surgery yet. He said he wanted another Dr to take a look. We were in the room for an hour. By this time Ryan was freaking out wanting to leave... We had been there for 3 hrs by this time. He started hitting me and pinching me and saying I want to leave now. I finally yelled at him to get back on the table on that we would leave after the Dr came back. After hearing the commotion the original Dr came back in and said "Didn't I say you could leave? I said no.. not repeating what he had said earlier, I was just so annoyed that we left. I thought there may have been a problem. When I helped him getting dressed later on that week I took a look.
It looked the the testicle was gone. Of course I wouldn't touch it...
So last week we went to Ryan's pediatrican about getting some referral for other problems. I asked her if she could please check the testicle.
She said it was exactly where it was before the surgery.
Now they had told me that the canal was too narrow for it to get down to where it needed to be. That is why they took it out and inserted it where it should be. Now how the heck did it get back up?
Now we have to go back to these awful Drs at the County Hospital... Probably spend another 3 hrs in their waiting room with both kids :roll:
to be told that he is going to need another surgery.
To top it off Ryan has his Brain MRI this week. This is to monitor the growth of the cyst on his brain. We have this done every year and a half.
If the cyst has grown he will require surgery.
I am so stressed out like you wouldn't believe!!!
Also there has been some real craziness going on here. I feel like I am going to have a breakdown.
The stress just keeps getting worse and worse
Elissa :(
Wow... all I can say is... good luck, and I'm pulling for you.
Oh Elissa, what a rotten week! :cry: It certainly sounds like the Dr's are not helping in this stressful time at all! When are you going back with Ryan?

I don't have any experience with any of this, but I do offer all my support! I hope this week is better.
Geesh! Hopefully you'll get some good news soon. Who needs so much stress?

Hope it gets better soon! Yikes. I think the girls need to bring the drinks to you this time!
Bless your heart, Elissa. That is stressful!!

I agree with Mandy - the girls need to get you out for an evening!!
Elissa, you poor thing! I feel really bad for you and for Ryan. In my experience it's really hard to have a conversation with medical specialists, it seems like communicating with with the patient and patient's family is never on the top of the priority list. Can't your pediatrician talk to the specialists for you and help translate?
Colleen, They can't fit us in until November 10th :evil:
Thanks for the support everyone...but there is other stuff going on too.
It all started on last Wednesday when there was a card left on my front door and a voice mail from Child Protective Services. There was a report filed by someone at Ryan's school. (For those of you that don't know Ryan is in Special Ed. He has numerous developmental delays and was diagnosed as being slow last spring.) I was first told Ryan had a bruise on his ear. So I checked... no bruise there and I took pictures... Then the story changes to Ryan had a red mark on his ear the size of a dime. (If you have a red mark then that is something that just happened) I am sure this was his teacher who made the report. She had just met Billy for the first time the week before and gave him nasty looks because he was wearing a Harley Davidson T-Shirt. Anyway they questioned Ryan and he said that "We were going to live in a hotel because Billy is a mean Billy" 8O I have no idea why he said that. My husband and I am very happy. He also told them that Billy kicked him in the ear into the pool. Now if Billy has kicked him anywhere he would have a lot more than a red mark the size of a dime.
The woman from Child Protective Services said she had spoke with Ryan and when asked if Billy had hurt him he said no.... also she asked if Billy ever hurt him and that was also a No. Ryan went on and on about Billy taking him to Home Depot and Lowes...etc She worked with kids in Special Ed for 8 yrs before starting this job, so she knows how they can be. (Ryan told my father two weeks ago that there was a murder scene in our backyard) I actually asked the teacher where he would get something like that. Her answer...not here... Ok then from where????
Anyway... The Woman from CPS said they need to make a home visit to make sure Hayley is ok. That's it's procedure...then they can close the case. She believed Ryan and did not observe any bruise.
So this had me all upset. As for stress, well I am supposed to avoid all stressors. I have a disease which is made worse by stress and practically cripples me.
So I find out about this... head to Ryan's Pediatrician for our appointment... Get rear ended at a light...no damage.
Then find out about the testicle. By the evening I can't walk 8O
The CPS is woman is supposed to come Wednesday for the home visit.
Yesterday Billy cames into the bedroom while I was trying to nap. He tell me that there is a Cathedral City Police Officer there to talk to him about Ryan. Nobody told me the Police were coming. After he spoke with Billy
he asked to speak to me and Ryan. Ryan was immediately making up stories for the Police Officer. The Cop said he does have quite the imagination, maybe he'll become a writer. He can tell that Ryan is not quite right also. I let him know that Ryan was in special ed.
So the Police Officer left. I called my Sister who is a Special Ed Teacher.
She sadi she has dealt with many cases from CPS and has never heard of the Police coming. I also spoke with my best friend, Her mother is a School Psychologist in Paterson NJ (Not a nice area) and deals with CPS all the time. She too has never heard of them sending the cops out.
So now I am even more stressed out. If this case is being closed, why were they here.
I am trying to get a hold of someone right now. I left messages at CPS...and at the Regional Center - Which provides all of his afterschool programs and babysitters through the state for kids with Problems. I had spoke with his Case Worker at the Regional Center last Thursday.
He was the one that told me to take pictures for evidence. I need to findout if this is normal procedure in this county for the cops to come....even though the case is being closed.
This is just wonderful!!
I will update when I find out more info.
Elissa (The Stressed One)
Oh my goodness Elissa. :( It blew my mind to read your last 2 posts. I don't know what to add, but I'll pray for strength for you and Ryan's medical problems to be resolved with good results. ((hugs))
Wow Elissa... I'm so sorry to hear you and your family are going through so much... it can be so overwhelming, and just when you need to be your strongest, all you want to do is crumple into a ball and cry.
I hope you have lots of family and friends who can be with you through all this, and hopefully everything will be resolved quickly.
People always say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and I know it is true from experience, however, I also know there are times when you just want to scream "enough already, strong enough is just fine!"

We're here for you. *hugs*
Elissa, how horrible for you! Having met your entire wonderful family, it's just hard to imagine all of this happening to you. Ryan does have quite the imagination, I remember him making up dozens of different names for Darcy's turtle in the short time we were at her house. I guess it makes this kind of evaluation much more difficult when a child is imaginative and loves to tell stories, I would hope that the professionals are trained to see through that.

I'm sending lots of strength and peaceful vibes your way! I only wish there was more that I could do.

God bless you, Elissa! I'm so sorry you are having to go through so much at the same time. I will keep you in my prayers! And like Stacey said - we're always here for you.
Wow Elissa. That is alot for anyone to deal with and to have it all happening at once -- sheesh. I don't have anything to offer but my sympathy and positive vibes. Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and your family. Hang in there!
Elissa, so sorry to hear that this is continuing.....after our phone conversation the other day re: CPS and all their junk, I got really upset.....Im just tired of CPS and their backward way of handling things
Im here for you! On the computer, on the phone, and if you need me, Ill come out!!!! Hang in there...give the kids a kiss from Aunt Darcy.....
Good Lord Girl!!!!! YOU Need an umbrella drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLess your heart!!!!!! We are here for ya!!!!!! What a challenging week!! 8O
:cry: :cry: :cry: :evil:
That just sucks. I'm sure it will all work out okay...too bad you have to deal with all of this at once.
I'll be thinking about you...
Thanks Everyone :)
Bailey's Mom wrote
Ryan does have quite the imagination, I remember him making up dozens of different names for Darcy's turtle in the short time we were at her house. I guess it makes this kind of evaluation much more difficult when a child is imaginative and loves to tell stories, I would hope that the professionals are trained to see through that.

I tried to explain to Ryan that he can't keep telling stories. I even told him the story of the boy that cried wolf. Hopefully some of that sunk in.
I still have not been able to get a hold of anyone today.
I have been a nervous wreck.
I will update when I know more.
Again thank you to all of you for your support and a big Hug from me :)
OMG Elissa! :( Hang in there! I am so upset for you....I CANNOT believe that no one will get back to you! :evil: That is just not right! I don't believe that this has gone this far...surely they have REAL cases that need attention! :evil:

I also cannot believe that your next appointment for Ryan is Nov 10th! :evil:

You remember that you really need to take some time for yourself, as hard as it may be! You need to keep healthy!

I am sending all the positive energy I can muster your way! :)
I am a little behind on my reading and just found this post. Elissa, I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. As Gucci's Mom says, you have to take care of yourself. I know it's hard to just leave it all for a little while, but you need your strength right now. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers and those of my family also. The Pud Monster sends sheepie kisses to you and your family. Please let us know how things are going.
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