How Pisco came into my life

Hi everybody...I`m Vero from Lima, Peru
Belive it...I always wanted an OES but where i used to live (south american tropic )it was to hot for the breed...or so I thougt,but since I moved to Lima I wanted a dog in my life...I was telling my husband one morning and that afternoon he picked me up saying that he had a present for me :) when we got to the place I just fell in love again ...this time to this beautifull 2 month old puppy that nobody seems to want because he was just too big for a puppy, he just looked at me and I said " ok that`s it he`s family"...since that day I don`t have a puppy ...he`s my baby :D, he just makes my days very special, whenever we have to go somewhere if Pisco can`t come one stays with him...we just hate to leave him alone...not because of the mess he will do because he`s very good at not getting into trouble it just tears my heart when I see the look on his face when I tell him he`s not going.
thanks for letting me share this with you all.
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Hi Vero and Pisco!

I just wanted to welcome you to the forum. It sounds like you are a lucky woman to have such a thoughtful husband that gave you such a wonderful gift. I'm sure you'll enjoy chatting with others with such wonderful furballs just like yours.

I'm Marianne from Canada and am mom to 15 yr old OES Shaggy, 12 yr Old BlueHeeler/Lab - Blue, and Merlin my newest addition a 3 month OES puppy, along with 3 cats and a kitten. (I'm thinking I should have called Merlin - Monster however..ha ha)

Nice meeting you! :D
Hello Vero and Pisco!

Welcome to the forum, it is a great place for advice and finding others who love their sheepies! We have Jack, who is almost 8 months old and Annabelle, who is almost 6 months old. We say that we got our sheepies for our 2 children, (Ashlan 6 and Joey 3) for their birthdays, but I researched the breed for over a year and my husband and I wanted them as bad as the kids. They have wiggled their way into our hearts very quickly. We also have 2 Ragdoll cats, O'Malley and Toulouse. We have our house and our hands full, but we love them all.

Thanks for sharing about Pisco and enjoy the forum.

Hi Vero! It was nice to read about how you and your dog, Pisco, became family. What a great husband.
We got Abbi while we were living in Bahia Blanca, Argentina 4 years ago. Actually we moved back about 2 years ago. My husband was sent down there by his company. When we finally moved back it was Spring down there and Fall here in Texas. Sort of strange to skip seasons like that.
Hope all is going well in Lima, Peru. The weather here takes turns for the worst so quickly it takes you by surprise. Yesterday we had torrential rains, today was clear skies and cold wind. Abbi, my 4 year old OES, loved it today. We must have walked a couple of miles.
One of my brothers stayed in Peru for 3 months, I will have to ask him more about it.
This is a small sheepie world.....I`m originally from Argentina...was born there and fell in love with the first OES I ever saw....wanted one ever since....but moved to Bolivia (santa Cruz the amazonian part) with my parents and finally to lima where I got married and finally got Pisco in my life.
We went up towards Brazil before we left Argentina, to see the Falls (Cataracas?) It was beautiful up there. Much more tropical than the Patogonia area!
Does Pisco have dark hair around his eyes?
He looks so fluffy!
The cataratas are beautifull!!!

Pisco has one patch of grey hair on his left eye and cheek but on the other one he has a rim around his eye...just like black eye liner....I wanted to call him Bucaneer :) but to be honest he chose his own name :) those not familiar.....
Pisco is an alcoholic drink that comes from grapes...much stronger than wine that is produce only here in Peru, I have a friend that prodeces it and brings us a bottle every now and then.....the point is that Pisco(OES) didn`t put attention to his original name...but every time my friend came and we started talking about pisco (the drink) he would sit and bark at us....until finally we started calling him Pisco and he responded with no hesitation....:D
I had never heard of Pisco! Sounds intoxicating :lol: !

What a special dog. He picked his own name! Abbi's was chosen by my daughters. I regret it, because my youngest daughter is Angela. And now everyone cals her Angie. So whenever you call her Angie, Abbi comes running. Whenever I try to get Angie to bed, Abbi jumps in.

What is really great about Pisco, as a name, is that it is so unique and original. Your friends also probably think it is a great chiste!
yeah...we have many laughs with the name.....a couple of weeks ago we went rafting near Lima and we took Pisco with us...(not rafting ;) ) that area is a Pisco producing area and It was fun how everybody that heard his name started laughing.....he was very popular over there.... :D
but then again what OES isn`t.....
my truman actually got his name because truman means loyal man in old english, but it has double meaning....we are from kansas city, missouri, where former president harry truman is from. the fact that my boy is a "hairy" truman gets him lots of extra attention around here....but, as you said, most sheepies attract attention everywhere and truman is no exception :)
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