Ear problems

Winston has a very bad ear infection. The vet had to put him under to check his ear to see if there was anything in there. Nope nothing that they could find, She said that it may have been caused by the sprinklers that he plays with. I was thinking to that maybe when he was bathed water got in his ear. How do you keep water out of the ear? Cotton balls or gauze? How do you keep sheepies out of the water! Please help... He sure was well behaved before the medicine wore off. :twisted:
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OES are prone to ear infections because their ears get so full of hair and not enough air gets in to keep them dry.... if you stick to a routine of plucking the hair out of the ears once a month and regular cleaning it will help. I would also suggest a daily supplement of a tablespoon or so of plain yogurt. The bacteria in the yogurt restores some of the natural bacteria to his system that actually help keep at bay the bacteria that cause infection.
Good luck! :)
Amen for yogurt! :D Gucci had been getting bad yeast infections and I started giving him yogurt everyday and it's all better! :D An added bonus is he loves the yogurt and eats his meals all at meal time! :D

I also clean his ears with some baby wipes every couple of days and that seems to be helping as well. He now knows when I grab the box to sit and lean into the cleaning and he also grunts like a pig! :oops: He loves his ears cleaned! 8O

Colleen and The Gooch=>I feels so good when mommy sticks her finger in my ear! :D
Dancer groans and grunts when I clean her ears too, it's hilarious...lol... :lol:
it must be a sheepie thing

einstein love his ears cleaned too grunts and really pushes into you. if you get a certain spot his back leg goes like hes trying to scratch and he won't let you stop gets all excited and climbs on you

will have to try the yogart sound great
Panda does the same thing...pushes into you, but she really likes me to clean her ears...qtips, wipes and even pulling out her ear hair....weird dog.......lol
Thank's I will try giving him yogart. He hates to have his ears messed with. I try to pluck out the hair but it's hard. Sitting on him helps :lol:
Sitting on him helps

He'll probably get better about it as his ears feel better.
Toby had such a problem with his ears being cleaned it was like rodeo sheepdog. You hop on and just try to stay there for the full 8 seconds. He's much better if he can sit up while we do the cleaning and all than if he's laying flat. (Laying flat also makes him cough from the fluid and gunk that runs down.)
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