Avalon....the farting dog...

Anyone else have a very gassy dog? Not only is she gassy but you can actually HEAR her tooting! Never before did I ever have a dog that you could hear pass gas! She seems totally unaware too. Merlin looks at her with disdain when it happens. She is SO not a ladylike dog! :lol:
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Yep! my Fergie also passes gas aloud. She just sits there and lets go like nothing could be more natural. :lol:

She does this daily. :oops:

Barney burps and farts all the time. He has actually cleared a room because of his farts before. And he too just walks around unaware...if he could talk he'd probably say, whoever smelt it, dealt it! Troublemaker... :roll:
I think something has died inside of Clyde and its soul is escaping through his butt. Lucy's are actually worse, just not as frequent.
Same for Norman but it looks like he's actually laughing about it! Jerk dog!
I agree - I think they enjoy seeing us gag!! :D
Dancer will act like it was Sky who did it if she farts... but Sky doesn't seem to care.... :lol:
Sofa farts from time to time and we have to sound an alarm to evacuate the house. :lol:

Lennon think's its fun to get really close to your face and then let out a loud belch.... 8O
Merlin does the belching like Lennon! LOL! Always to ME tho, arent I lucky. :? He will just stand and look at me and I say what's up Moo and then BELCH! And at night while watching tv both have to sit right by me. HELP I need a gas mask! :oops:
My last guy Bart used to fart out loud, then turn and look at his own butt! :lol: It cracked me up everytime!

Colleen and The Gooch=>I don't fart... :evil: But it sounds like fun! :twisted:
Drez is a master in the art of passing gas! :roll: She used to be SBD (silent but deadly), but now you can hear it coming. Good thing, too, so you can get the heck outta there! 8O
Pud does the out loud thing, blamed it on my hubby the first time he did it. At least you know to be prepared for the aroma that is about to hit you in the nose. Those silent but deadly ones are the ones that get me. No warning and then wham, there it is.
My parents' sheepdog farts and then looks back startled, like there was someone else back there making that noise!
Bunker can wake me up from a dead sleep when she farts. Saturday night she ate a bar of ivory soap. YUK. I wonder if it tasted good. The gas that was coming out of her that night was horrible. She was banned to the hallway. She stomach was gurgling and the smell. She lets a silent but violent one go and smells her butt and walks away sometimes. Most of the time she just lays there and watches me choke. She like to sit on the lamiate floors so they echo. She belches like a trucker, right in your face.
casearoo wrote:
Bunker can wake me up from a dead sleep when she farts. Saturday night she ate a bar of ivory soap. YUK. I wonder if it tasted good. The gas that was coming out of her that night was horrible. She was banned to the hallway. She stomach was gurgling and the smell. She lets a silent but violent one go and smells her butt and walks away sometimes. Most of the time she just lays there and watches me choke. She like to sit on the lamiate floors so they echo. She belches like a trucker, right in your face.

oh gosh - ivory soap - i would think it'd smell better:)
You would think so, but it didn't. :lol:
Pooh is quite the burper...usually he gets Andi right in the face...as for tooting, it's always the same....every evening after dinner while snoozing in ou rden the "vent" opens and BAM! We're gagging....
oh gosh - ivory soap - i would think it'd smell better:)

That's exactly what I was thinking! :lol:
Our first OES would crawl under the bed and fart. Now that will wake you from a deep sleep. When #2 sheepie started the same, the vet said to eliminate any amount of soy in their diet. Worked immediately.

Since then I've worked hard not to allow my guys to be gassy. All was well until Jack came last April. Granted he will eat anything so it's hard to control his diet. Finally I had to switch everyone to lamb and rice because of Jack's gas. (I refuse to have separate foods for the gang).
You are not alone. Our girl Maggie is the toot-queen. She also snores in harmony with my husband. It is just lovely. :-)
Whew! What a relief! I thought something was wrong with my Darla. She toots and toots and toots. Just the other day, my hubby was combing her down on the floor and when he lifted her leg to get the underside of her leg, she tooted on him. How precious was that???? At least she never stinks! Now Reba is another story. She is the Queen of SPD's. You'd have thought I fed her some rotten cabbage!
You guys have to STOP!!!! I am at work, and laughing so hard I am crying..and trying to muffle it in a kleenex.....!!
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