If theres no other reason in the world- Quit Smoking Because


Today I got home from work early 3:30ish.. and like I do everyday after letting the dogs out and calming them down I turned on the computer and logged onto my favourite forum, (with a smoke in my hand) to see what's up with you ladies and gents and find out the latest news in the OES world.

As a smoker, your post immediately caught my eye and I was saying to myself you can do it Darcy.. and maybe I can to....again. (I quit for 10 years, but in 02 after my seperation and divorce I started again).

Anyways, while I am logged onto my computer my sister MSN me and says.. "call me.. I need to talk to you".. she lives in another province, she is 3 years older than me.. which makes her 45, the mother of two teenage boys and is in excellent physical shape, an aerobics instructor.... all expect for one thing.... she smokes.. and has smoke her whole life. We grew up in a smoking family, mother, father, brother... So I call her and ask her what's up.... and do you know what she tells me.. She got her test results back.. (she hasn't been feeling well lately)... SHE HAS LUNG CANCER. Her prognosis is not good. I am devastated... for her, her sons and her husband.. you wake up in the morning.. with your dogs and family and kids around you and you think.. life is good and then wham!!

I threw my cigs out.. went to the grocery store and spend a crap load of money on fruit and heathly snacks

If there is no other reason in the world.. quit for you, your family, your dogs, your sons or daughters and your husband.

Dudley and Murphy's Mom.
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I am just speechless. I am so sorry for your sister's (and her family's) troubles.
Wow....I am so sorry. I am speechless. I dont know what to say, Im sorry seems so inadequete...I will not only quit for myself and my family, but for yours as well. I promise you, that every time that I have an urge for a cigerette, I will say a prayer for your sister instead. I hope it will help both of us. We can do it. If you want to Pm me, Im here for you.

Dudly and Murphy's Mom,
I am so very sorry. You and your family are in my thoughts with all kinds of positive energy headed your way!! You have the best reason in the world to quit smoking now! You and your sister can support each other. Even though she already has cancer, her treatment and recovery will be helped if she can quit or reduce the amount she smokes.

We never know what live is going to hand us so hug your sheepies close and cherish what you have.

you were looking for support, maybe the money you use can be put in a pot for three months see if you can find out who the person is who wrote that cash can be used to send the ladies children on a little trip. You could be the support. pepe
Darcy, Ron and Ginny,

Thank you so much for your kind words and support, it means a great deal to me.

After I hung up with my sister and went to the store, I decided to take the boys for a walk and think. I thought about my sister.. mainly.. will she be able to sleep tonight, will her husband hug her tight tonight.. how is she going to tell her children.. what can they do for her medically.. and I thought of you Darcy.. and that is when I decided to post a reply to your story...not to take away from your struggle, because quitting smoking is stuggle in itself, but to share the consequences of the unhealthly things we all do to ourself and think we are invincible, and think oh that would never happen to me. That could be anyone of us on this forum..

I am going up to my sisters tomorrow to be with her and her family. I will tell her she in in your prayers and for that I am grateful.

Thank you all.
my "struggle" with quitting is small compared to what you are going through....Lets just support each other..give your sister a hug for me!
Dudley & Murphy's Mom -

Please know how very sorry I am to hear of your sister's prognosis. Your entire family will be in my thoughts & prayers.
Dudley & Murphy's Mom,

Thank you for sharing with us. My thoughts and prayers are with you sister and her family and for help and encouragement to you. As an ex smoker for 50 years (I started at 16) I know quitting is hard; It not easy to think of the real consequences when you have that desire after a difficult day are when you want to celebrate with a puff. But one day at a time, each day makes the next day a bit easier. We'll all behind you and Darcy. God bless.
By the way Darcy, FIREBALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the suggestions I learned in a seminar I took (I teach smoking cessation as part of my Cardiac rehab program). Popping a fireball can help curb the desire becaue it gives your mouth something to do and the zingy flavor of the cinnomon (the painful rush) gives a bit of an fake endorphin rush.

I never smoked but I LOVE FIREBALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ooooooo, Ill try those....Im quitting cold turkey... If it makes me angry, I figure Ill work with that anger and make it work for me.....I just hired a personal trainer...subsitution at its best! one day a week for one month...should get me through the worst of it...and honestly every time I have wanted a smoke, I have said a prayer for Dudley and Murphy's mom. It seems to have curbed some of the anger...I just want to wish her better............
Dudley and Murphy's mom - I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. I will keep her and her extended family in my thoughts and prayers.

And Darcy - way to go! We're all so proud of you for your determination to kick this nasty habit. One day at a time . . .

Dudley and Murphy's Mom:

I hope against hope that your sister does well through all of this. Lung cancer used to be automatically terminal but you would not believe how many patients I have transported as of late who have recovered (in various forms, transplant, treatment, etc.) from this. I am amazed when we take patients for routine follow ups and their primary diagnosis was lung cancer.

Do the research, read everything that there is and discuss options. Above all, continue to hold onto hope and pray as hard as you can.

My best wishes to you and your family. Keep your head up!
Dudley and Murphy's Mom,

I have been thru having someone in my family with lung cancer. If you ever need to talk, or just want to vent, please feel free to contact me.

I will keep you and your family in my prayers and thoughts. and please dont hesitate if you would like to talk.
I am so sorry to hear about your sister. My thoughts are with all of you.
Laugher they say is the best medicine and her state of mind is so important..send her cheerful notes, jokes, inspirational poems and keep her strong for this fight which she's about to endure.

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