Abby's coming!

Some of you are aware that I also absolutely adore huskies... and have wanted one for a long time to add to our
Well.... it's a bit of a long story... but a 5 year old husky named Abby is coming to stay with me. I am fostering her (maybe keeping her) and I am so excited.
I had been approached about her about a month ago, and wanted to help then, but couldn't decide, I was worried about the risk of her infecting my own dogs with parasites, fleas, and who knows what else as she was not in very good shape. She has now been dewormed, treated for fleas, cleaned up, well fed on puppy food to get some weight back on her, and she is doing well. They have had a month to monitor her health, her temperment, how she is with kids, dogs, cats etc.... and she sounds like the ideal dog. I'm so glad she is healthy now, and plan to spoil her rotton to help her continue the road to recovery.
They asked me today if I would take her now that we can be reasonably sure she won't pass along anything to my dogs, and I was elated! I can't wait to meet her!
She will be brought over sometime later today, and we are going to meet outside on neutral territory with my dogs to make sure they all get along. Neither of my dogs have issues with other dogs, and Abby doesn't appear to, so I think it should go well.
I still don't have a new digital camera, but I'll borrow one as soon as possible to take pictures, probably so many you'll be sick of them in no time!
Wooohooooo!! :)
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Congrats! A new doggy addition, how exciting!!!! I can't wait to see pics of the new arrival! Let us know how introductions go...

Karen :)
congrats! Just in time too because aren't your kids heading back to school??? Just figured that would leave some time to train Abby to your house rules.

I can't believe when folks can take care of so many animals. I wish I was them but I know how busy I am now, and we definitely know that's impossible until we can be more stable (uh.. moving/housing).

Glad your family has a new ...hopefully permanent member.
That is so awesome! :D I can hardly wait to see the pics!

Colleen and Gucci George
Uggghhh I can't stand the wait.... LOL
All I know is sometime today. The woman bringing her is going to call me before they leave, it's about a 20 minute drive for them.
My husband has no he'll come home, and it probably won't even phase him. I did talk to him about her before and he was fine with the idea, but then we had decided not to, I haven't told him about the change of events.... :lol: He won't care... too much... I don't think? :?
*taps fingers on desk* Now what do I do? LOL *wait wait wait*
I'm thinking she is still needing a home because either A) it was meant to be (my optomistic outlook :roll: ) or B) she's a real brat and they don't have the heart to tell
I can't wait!!! LOL

Abby will be a great addition to your fur family.
Please keep us posted and of course, pictures.

Nice husky website by the way, very informative!
Woohooo! She called, she should be here in a few minutes! :)
How exciting! Keep us posted and we want Pics.
Good Luck, I hope she gets along well with your girls.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Can't wait to hear all about her!
Well????????? How did it go? The suspence is killing me.....
Husky, Sheepies? Willowsprite will we see you next year in the Ididerod? (sp) :D Waiting to hear more about the reception from the other pets (including hubby).
Sheeeeee's heeeeerrreeeee! :)

Abby is such a beautiful dog! The woman brought her three kids with her, who were I must say, boing boing boing and so noisy! They were climbing on the poor dog, poking her in the eye, pulling her ears, dragging her around. I couldn't wait for them to leave, and I think Abby felt that way too. The moment she got here she came to me and sat at my side, then when I knelt down to her she gave me a paw, but in such a quiet, elegant manner.... eerie really. We spent several minutes outside, I introduced my own kids to her one at a time, and quietly (which Abby seemed grateful for) and she gave my daughter her paw too. Dancer didn't bark at her at all, just sniffed and wiggled, and Abby showed almost no reaction to her at all. Sky was more boisterous, bouncing and barking a bit, and Abby growled at Sky a couple of times.
Apparently this dog has spent most of it's time outside, so I didn't know how it would go bringing her in the house. At the house where she has been for the last 6 weeks or so those kids would have mauled her like crazy and made such a racket it probably was not something the dog would have enjoyed even if it HAD been an indoor dog. Anyway, I brought her in, and she promptly hopped up on the futon in my office and is laying on it behind me right now. :) My daughter is sitting with her petting her and Abby is soaking it up.
Abby is gorgeous. She is mostly black, with brilliant ice blue eyes, a white mask and feet, a white tip on her tail, and some light tan on the insides of her ears and around her eyes.
It's too early to tell, but I really hope this girl works out here, I love her already! :)
AAAWWWWW...good for you...she does sound beautiful. Hope things continue to go well!
And success with the cat! One of my biggest fears was how she would be about cats. I was told she was fine, but I know that huskies have a very high prey drive, and my biggest fear was that she'd take off after one of my cats. Well, Winston sauntered in to greet her, sniffed her nose and kept going. She showed mild curiosity, but didn't budge from her claimed spot on the futon. LOL She looks very comfy. LOL

Hope things go well for your family and your new doggie!

Congrats :D
Sounds like Abby is happy to be away from those CRAZY kids.
Remember...the first day is usually the hardest. I remember when I brought Pepsi home. I cried the entire first night, thinking I may have made a mistake. The second day it got easier...
Good Luck and give Abby a welcome kiss from Pepsi, Harley and well maybe a small growl from Peanut ( little brat!!).
This is so great, Stacey! I'm tickled to death for you! Huskies are wonderful dogs and it sounds like Abby is going to be a good fit for your family too. Lucky girl! Lucky you! I just adore happily ever- afters!! :lol: :lol:
Thanks everyone :)
I'm really enjoying having her here, she just fits right in.
I just fed her, and she gobbled it right up, I fed her the first few peices by hand and she is so careful and gentle taking the kibble out of my fingers.
Then I offered her some water, she licked some off my fingers but wasn't interested in the bowl. Then I took her outside, and I had a hard time getting her to get off the futon and come but once she was out there with me she seemed to explore a little bit, pee a little bit, explore a little more, pee a little more. LOL And you know what?! She lifts her leg to pee on trees!!! LOL I've never seen a female do that! LOL (I double checked, she's definitely a girl) :lol: :lol: :lol:
Awwwwwwwwww, how very very VERY exciting!!!!! Abby, what a lovely name!!!! Doyou suppose that we could ever have "enough" puppers???? Seems as if there is always just ONE MORE out there that needs us. She sounds just perfect and she must think she's died and gone to heaven :D

We definately need a picture of her on the futon and to hear where she sleeps tonight!!!!!!!!!!

So far so good, although Abby snapped at Sky when Sky came bounding into the room at full speed about to jump on the couch with Abby. I really hope they end up getting along. So far they are just not sure of each other....
I'm not sure what the sleeping arrangement will be. Abby has never been crated, to her the house itself is a crate I think. She seems to both love being in the house and apprehensive about it at the same time. I think we'll probably let her sleep in our room for tonight at least until we see how it goes. I don't want to leave her out in case she does decide to chase a cat, and Dancer and Sky bark in their crates when they hear me talk to jealous puppers. LOL
Congrats Stacey, Sounds like you have yourself quite a good girl there!
So lucky....our town only lets us have 2 dogs... if only we were allowed more LOL....
So lucky....our town only lets us have 2 dogs... if only we were allowed more LOL....

Is that true? I don't know if I have ever heard of a place that limits pets...My mom was watching Oprah yesterday and the show was on 'hoarding' and there was a woman with 88 (I think) cats and 6 dogs. I guess she must not live in your town!

Congrats on Abby--I hope she works out. She sounds beautiful!
Oh Stacey! That is so awesome! I'm sure Abby and Sky will get a long great- it'll just take a little bit. She sounds so gorgeous and well mannered! I can't wait to see pics of her- sounds like a match made in heaven!!!

Karen :)
We are required to license our dogs here with the town. Every now and then the patroll officer comes knocking at the door to see the license. I was not quick enough to do what my neighbor does. They say they are 'dog sitting..its not their dog" LOL However if caught there is a hefty fine for not licencing your dog. I seem to be the only one around here that has licenced my dogs. Most of the neighbor dogs are not licensed and are free to run around the street :roll: They come to our fence and create a ruckus with my 2. Last year one came up onto my porch and tried to attack Merlin thru the screen door. I punched the dog thru the screen and told it to go home. When the owner came home from work I told her if I saw her dog over here again I was calling animal control. This is the same dog that feels free to use my Christmas tree that we have on the porch as its peeing post. :x
I think if we lived in the more rural part of our town we could have more pets. We used to be allowed 3. No people didnt have to give up their dogs if they had 3 when the law changed to 2. Their dogs were allowed to stay, but when the dog died they were not allowed to 'replace' it.
Wow--I guess I'll check to see if my town has any rules about numbers of pets...
What a mean dog, and I can't believe how careless its owner is. That is a lawsuit waiting to happen if their dog does something bad to anything!
Oh, Stacey - what wonderful news!!! I hope Abby's first night went well. And I'm sure she and Sky will eventually come to terms with each other. Abby sounds gorgeous - I love blue eyes! :lol: Can't wait for pictures!
Our town has a limit of 2 as well, however for two reasons I am exempt from that, for one, I am a rescue contact for the town, and for two, you have to pay a fee every year to have a license to be a breeder. It's 370.00 a year. If a call comes in and some says that so and so has a bunch of dogs or cats and is believed to be breeding, the place is inspected. If their animals are well cared for, properly housed etc, they get to pay a fine and then are told they have a time limit to become licensed. If the animals are not well cared for or it turns out to be a mill, their animals are confiscated and the person is charged. An excellent system in my opinion.

Anyway.... last night went well. Abby slept in our room, and didn't make a peep all night, and no accidents either. I took her out first this morning, and then Sky and then Dancer. Dancer and Sky are gated in the kitchen right now and Abby is in here with me, on the other side of the gate in my office.
Dancer and Sky bark at Abby when I talk to Abby, so she seems a little more timid. When Dancer came to sniff her though Abby growled and snapped..
Any suggestions on how to get them to get along? Abby is just such a quiet and calm dog, and my girls, especially Sky are more "bouncy" which seems to frighten Abby. For now I'm just keeping them seperated and letting them get used to the sounds and smells of each other.
Having three myself.
My suggestion is to let them do what they are going to do.
Step in only if it gets ugly... it's the only way they will get used to each other.
Also given Dancer and Sky extra attention so they don't feel left out.
I agree with Elissa, sometimes dogs are like kids; you need to let them sort it out themselves. The less interference from us the better. I always told my kids that unless there was free flowing blood, leave me out of it :D
You have to let the dogs sort it out themselves. (of course make sure no one is getting hurt) If you intervene it just will take them longer to get adjusted.
Now that Avalon is a bit older, Merlin is no longer putting up with her puppy nonsense. He lets her know when she is being a pest and a few times there have been squabbles over food. She always eats faster and then barks at Merlin to give her the rest of his. When she was a pup he used to give her a few nibbles of his food. Now that she is a bit older he says no way and she has poked him while eating and he let her know that this is not ok. It upsets the kids when they do this and I told the kids it is no different than when they(the kids) fight, it just sounds worse when it is the dogs. :lol:
Good luck!
Kim, Merlin and Avalon (yup forgot to sign in again :oops: )

I so glad that Abby turned out to be as mild mannered and congenial as you describe. Our town has a limit of three dogs. Although I don't think they enforce it unless the neighbors complain about excessive barking. As for letting them get used to one another, when I got Maggie she was all over Barney establishing herself as the boss. At first I kept them separated for a week, then a friend of mine came over to show me that with a handful of treats I could get them both to control their behavior when I wanted to and reinforce myself as the pack leader. Then gradually I began to let them just fight it out, stepping in only if I thought things were getting out of hand.

My hardest adjustment was wanting to continue to show favoritism to Barney since I had him as a pup and suddenly I was watching Maggie demand a higher position in the pack. I resisted until my present trainer explained to me that if I showed favoritism toward Barney, Maggie would take it out on him. He convinced me that I have to let the two work things out for themselves and accept the results. So now Maggie sits by me at the desk and Barney is by the door to the room. At night I still separate them to remind Maggie that I'm in charge.

Can't wait to see the pics.
Congratulations on getting Abby...I LOVE the look of Huskies but after having one they are too smart for us. She sounds gorgeous.

Have you heard her woo-woo yet?

I hope your adjustment period goes well, and you find yourself her new mommy. Fortunately siberians like to be in a pack, and that can be good. Best wishes to you.
Congrats! Can't wait to see pics of her :) I LOVE huskies (gorgeous dogs) but they shed way too much for hubby. :(
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