Back to work

So, the honeymoon's over and I'm back to work :cry:

We had a great time--the only thing was that it was way too short. The hotel we stayed at for the first few days after thw wedding was amazing--the nicest hotel I think I've ever stayed at...we didn't want to leave.

Oh, and my 'evil' bridesmaid turned out to be fine after all--no major scenes or anything. The only funny thing was that one of her many pre-wedding complaints was that the dress store always makes you buy your dress way too big so that you have to have it altered by them to have them get more money--well, she never had hers altered and it was so tight on her that she kept having to go into the bathroom to unzip it so she can breathe! So, I guess that's what she gets... :roll:

Oh, and Barney is back from his 'vacation' at the daycare/kennel. He had a great time. He spent the first day home sleeping constantly. He is slowly getting back to his old self. We also has him shaved, and he looks so CUTE! I'll send pics as soon as I take them.

The one question I have you think it is normal that he is hardly pooping or peeing? I think he's peed 3 times total since Friday, and pooped 2 or 3 times. Do you think he is just readjusting? He used to do his business after each meal, and now he won't...
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I'm so glad your wedding and honeymoon were great! :D

I would really get him checked, I don't think that is very good. :? Better to be safe than sorry! :lol:

Colleen and Gucci George
Glad everything went well with your wedding & honeymoon! Time away is never long Welcome back!
Glad you had a fantastic wedding and honeymoon!!! Please post pictures, I cant wait to see them..Has Barney been eating and drinking normally? If he has and still not going potty, you might want to have him he acting normally?
keep us informed....hope he is okay!!
Work sucks. I'll never understand why I didn't choose to just be independently wealthy...8)

I'd chalk it up to readjusting but keep an eye on him. Has he been drinking and eating ok and it seems like he's plugged up? Or has he not been eating and drinking as normal?
Glad everything went well... going back to work ... blah..... I'm not looking forward to that myself...
As to the pupper, he may just be re adjusting, maybe he had to hold it longer while he was there.... I'd just keep an eye on him.
Welcome Back! Congrats Again.
Sounds like your wedding was great.
Very funny about the evil bridesmaid
Glad you had a wonderful honeymoon.
Hope Barney is feeling better!

Welcome back! I'm SURE you're so glad to be back at work, too, right?? :wink:

I agree with everyone, I think Barney is just readjusting to being back home. Just watch him.

Ah, so now the real world beckons!! Have fun! :lol:

Almost through the first day back at work. Catching up on a million and one emails...Oh, and the company has been expanding and has taken over the office space in the rest of the building, which they have been renovating forever it seems, but of course it was finished while I was gone, and I had no idea where the front entrance to the office was, or even where my desk was! (I found them both...)

Barney seems to be eating and drinking at his normal level--actually he seems to have 'matured' with his is water drinking (not guzzling it up until he throws up) so it is giving me hope that one day I can just leave his water out for him all day long.

I'm not sure what his 'business' habits were for the last 2 weeks at the kennel. I know they slept in the crate (they also said he has slight 'crate aggression', but I am not sure what that means) and then were let out from 8-12:30 to play in the yard, and then crated for 'rest time' from 12:30-2, and then back out in the yard until 6, and then I guess I'm assuming it was pretty much just crate time from then on. They did say that someone comes by at 10pm for 'last call', which is about right for our house routine too. He pooped and peed after breakfast this morning, after a fairly long staredown on the back porch, so I'm just thinking he's been stubborn and just readjusting... :roll:
Welcome home and back to the real world!! So happy to hear all went well with your wedding and honeymoon :D
Glad to hear things went well for you both with the wedding and the honeymoon. Any pictures posted yet? :wink:
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