Media Stereotyping Sheepies

Have you noticed that in commercials and print advertisements with OESs in them, the product the company is advertising for is some sort of cleaning product? I think most of these advertisers mainly feature them because of the length of hair and assume that a shaggy dog sheds all over the place when we know that is not true. A Golden Retreiver will shed more than a sheepie will. It kind of bothers me that OESs are barely ever featured in ads that do not involve cleaning products.
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Must be all the mud they can drag in :lol: It is true- they are definitiely associated with cleaning products. Hard to break the shaggy dog stereotype in an advertisers mind!
The love of a sheepie! Sorry, but when I think of all mine, I can't help but think cleaning supplies. :lol: The dust mop is a favorite "ride" "chase" toy. The sweeper, they love for themselves instead of the carpets. The stuff they bring in, brings out the actual liquid supplies. The clothes they drag around brings out the washer. Their trip to the water bowl brings out the mop, and they brought out the broom just to remind me I had one. :lol:
Hi All! I just returned from a week in Dallas Tx. I have missed the forum!! On the plane I had an opportunity to look over some recent issues of magazines----O Magazine has a Ralph Lauren ad right in front with an adorable sheepie in a Ralph Lauren Shirt!! It is adorable!

I commented to my daughter when we saw it--that it was unusual to see a sheepie in an ad that did not feature "cleaning products"!! Yeah O magazine and Ralph Lauren!!!
Lol. It's not a stereotype if it's true! May the first one of us who doesn't have to do any extra cleaning because of our sheepie, cast the first stone! :twisted:
Funny my boy is just one big mess after another. I love him and his dirt! Isn't that what sheepies are all about! :lol:
A friend and I were joking the other day that the "Cleaning Fairy" had missed our homes in her nightly rounds, and it came to be an ongoing joke, as we have decided the nightly Cleaning Fairy is allergic to dogs and cats. LOL
I don't think it is a stereo type either, they envoke many cleaning products around here, but then again so do my upright children. I am sure my 5 year old could be cast in a few cleaning commercials as well. LOL

Stormi and co.
There is one place in our house that is much cleaner since Bailey's come to live with us. It's the kitchen floor under his water bowl - since I have to wipe up the waterfall several times a day, that piece of floor is spotless. For the rest of the house, I have needed to buy many more cleaning supplies :)
It's so funny, but true! Mind you, has anyone seen the Chapman Ice Cream commercial? I'm not sure if it's just a Canadian Commercial or not, but it has a SHEEPIE at the picnic table watching everyone enjoy their ice creams! Mind you he's shaved! :roll: Perhaps they thought one in full coat wasn't appropriate while eating ice cream! :lol: Anyway, take a look for it it's at the very end and you really have to look for him!

Colleen and Gucci George=>what's ice cream Mommy?
I have found that there are several places on my kitchen floor that stay cleaner since Pud has arrived. That would be the places that clumsy Mom accidentally drops something while she is cooking, or putting away leftovers. There are also the places where not so well with his aim when fixing a plate drops a bite or two. :roll:
Well, there's at least one commerical profiling our lovable breed as something other than a mess... I absolutely fell off my chair when I saw this late night commercial for Serta Mattresses, on top of which the dog has the same name as ours!

A bunch of sheep are in this woman's bedroom. The sheep are telling a Serta owner they aren't leaving. Suddenly she goes, "Oh, Rufus!" and this Old English Sheepdog comes in barking and the sheep go, "Uh oh. Sheepdog."

Very cute!

The commerical is no longer posted on therej web site, but I've sent off a request to please repost. I'll let you know!
OHHHH! I've seen that one too! It's awesome. I also think that those sheep are so cute!

Colleen and Gucci George
I think Mojo would be great in a commercial for Velcro! The shedding is not nearly as bad as all the sticks, grass, burrs, leaves... that come in on his fur!
Also, Sheepies are so velcroish with people.
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