oes pees when excited..

I recently got a 1 year old female oes from someone who could no longer take care of her and she is just the sweetest, happiest, bounciest dog ever...But there's one problem, every now and then when we go to pet her she pees! It's not that she's has to go and we haven't let her out, I think it's just excitement. We've had herding dogs before, (and lots of loveable mutts!) but we've never had this problem before. I'd appreciate any advice or tips you could give me, preferably before my carpet dies! :cry:
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When Dylan comes to visit every week he will run through the house peeing so we go outside to greet him until he has calmed down-saves floor washing, you have to be ready for her to do it and quick say outside and troop out before to much damage done.It will stop in the end.xx :tea: :wag: :banana:
It might be submissive peeing. Or it might be a mild bladder infection, you should check with your vet to be sure.

Some dogs (especially if more nervous in nature) pee when first greeted as a sign of submission i.e. Don't hurt me, I'm not a threat to you.

Bending over them and/or patting them on the head can cause them to pee but so can a direct stare at them.
I notice you said you recently got her so once she has settled in to her new home it may stop.
It may help if you don't make a fuss when you get home and if you and especially visitors don't make a fuss or look at her until she has come to you on her own terms in her own time and then if you pet her on the chest and throat rather than the top of her head or back.

Good luck I hope your carpets make it :crossed:
Welcome to the forum!
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Welcome, we look forward to your posts.
Welcome to the forum!!! I'm certain that someone will have great advice. Just wanted to say hello from West Virginia. What is her name?
Welcome~~~I am sure you will get many posts about your question.

I do agree with Mim~~if you want to greet her when you get home the most non invasive way is to stand up straight with your back to her and dangle your hand so she can approach you. This may help, since then, she will feel in control of the greeting.
Also, you may want to get her checked out for a UTI~~it is very common for a dog to get this type of infection when they go to a new house, new yard etc....

Keep us updated on her progress in her new forever home.

:wag: :wag: :wag: :wag: :wag:
auntybren wrote:
Welcome to the forum!!! I'm certain that someone will have great advice. Just wanted to say hello from West Virginia. What is her name?

Her name is Fiona, like Fiona from adventure time..We also got a rough collie from them named Finn (the people insisted they stay together) The people we got her from had a young daughter so I can assume who came up with it!
I'll try to post some pictures soon!
Fred will submissive pee when she meets men sometimes. I'm careful to not have men approach her and lean over to pet her... I let her choose to approach them, it helps.
Perhaps if she's excited when meeting people, try to wait until she is calmer before petting her as a greeting?
Just a theory.. don't know how to put that into practice myself.. they are so darn cute you want to just squeeze them right away, lol!!!!
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