Duds is having a birthday soon!

I'm having a birthday soon, in 10 days. I'm gonna be
4 this year! Wroo-WROOO! Last year on my birthday,
my mommy took me to the Puppy Wash, and I got a bath
and some yummy treats and a new bandana with chili
peppers on it. I don't like the baths so much, but I
like the attention. I am getting better with water
this summer. My mommy puts on the Sprinker and I like
to bite the water and jump around in it.

I don't know what my mommy will do for me this year.
I betcha if she had a doggy birthday cake recipie, I
might get a Special Birthday Cake. I got to eat
Upright cake at the Picnic last summer, and it was
quite yummy. Maybe doggy birthday cake tastes like

What do your mommies and daddies do for your

Your pal,

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Dear Dudley,

My mommy takes me to the doggie park so I can run and play with my friends. Then when we get home she makes me take a nap because she says I get cranky :( . When I wake up, there are lots of presents to open. Last year I got a new squeaky baby, a new bed and a huge rawhide bone. Mommy will make me anything for dinner on my birthday, but because I have a delicate tummy, she just mixes really good wet food with my boring dry food...Im going to be 2 this November and I cant wait to see what I'll get this year!!!

P.S. She tells me that I'm stubborn because Im a Scorpio...but I dont believe it. I tell her its all in the genes!!!

Happy Birthday, Dudley!!

Love, Panda
Dear Dudley,

Happy Birthday!! I think you're going to have fun on your birthday again this year. Don't worry too much about the bath part - just pretend you're in your puppy pool and it goes by really fast! Plus, you get lots of attention!!

I don't know what my mommy does on birthdays yet. My mommy adopted me just two weeks ago and my birthday is not until October. So, I guess I'll have to wait & see. But, she did say that I'm special because I'm adopted, so I get to celebrate TWO times a year - my real birthday and my adoption day!! :D But don't tell my brother! :wink:

Hope you have a great birthday, Dudley!
Dear Dudley ~

Happy Birthday, man! 4 years, huh? Wow - I'm still working on my first one! Hope you get some cake and some cool new toys. You should start dropping some hints to your mom. Those uprights are a little slow sometimes, you gotta start early. :D

Oh yeah - don't let my sister Genevieve fool you. She just thinks she's the only one who gets to celebrate twice a year. :wink: My mom says I get to have a birthday party with my friends on my birthday and we will also celebrate the day she brought me home. I don't remember much about it from last year, but it must've been a big deal because everybody around had decorations and was celebrating. I think she called it Christmas, but I'm pretty sure it was all for me. :wink:

Have a great one, Dudley!
Your pal,

My name is Rosco and I will be 7 in September. I hope my Mom makes me something with liver cause it's my very favorite. Since I'm way older than you I've had lots of birthdays. I get new toys and stuff, but I have to share with my brothers and sister :( If you want great presents act real nice for a few days before your big day and do all the cute stuff you know, Moms can't resist that :D Sometimes if you act REAL cute you even get extra treats BEFORE your birthday. Have a happy birthday! Beau, Luke and Daisy say happy birthday too :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: We all send you a cake(mine's the one that's half eaten)
Hiya Dudley! It's me Panda the handsome dude in the photograph.. :D I gotta tell you I'm envious of you..you look smashing in your daily tuxedo and pretty cool pulling that cart. Just wanted to tell you that. Have a great birthday and hope you get spoiled rotten.

Hey Dudley! It's me Merlin and I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday and yup give your uprights those loving looks and they'll be eating outta the palm of your paw instead of vice versa. Works for me! Have a good one! :D

Hello Mr Dudley, I'm the ole man of the group..my mom always forgets if I'm the ancient age of 15 or 16. Think that happens when you get older..memory starts to go..however mine is fine as I remembered to wish you a Happy Birthday. Take it from me...be expecially good the day before and then act really goofy on your special day as all is forgiven. May you enjoy many more years of happiness and love with your uprights. That's the best gift of all you know. :D

Hi Dudley - Special wishes and belly rubs from me too!

Marianne and the boys
Happy Birthday Dudley! :)
Yesterday was the big day, and we had a small "family party" at my mother's house.

What do you get for the birthday dog who has everything? (gross alert) Horse feet!
Having gone to see my horse earlier in the day, I was able to bring back some horse hoof trimmings from the farrier who was also there. Every dog I've ever met LOVES to chew on horse feet trimmings, and Duds is certainly no exception. Add in some nice stinky barn smells, and they are as happy as can be!

There are some photos of Duds' party here: http://www.kodakgallery.com/Slideshow.jsp?mode=fromshare&Uc=nnr0umt.mnhrhcl&Uy=5k1s3y&Ux=0

~Katie & Dudley. ("I'm 4 now!")
Katie, Looks like Dudley had a wonderful time at his party!!! Happy birthday again Dudley.

Love, Darcy and Panda
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