What would you do?

Brick hates his Advanced Dasuquin supplement. So much so that he won't finish his meal if it's in there. I've tried everything to get him to eat it but it's just a huge battle.
So I'm faced with him either not eating his whole dinner, or him not getting his supplement.

As you know, he's lost weight the past few months.

So what would you do? Keep trying to give him the supplement at the expense of him not eating a full dinner? Or skip the supplement so that he eats a full dinner?

The same hold true with his fish oil capsules.
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Could you try a different supplement? I am not sure what he can take with his Cushings meds. Cosequin DS, maybe, or Missing Link Hip, Joint and Coat? Unfortunately, glucosamine can cause tummy upsets, so maybe that's why Brick avoids them.

Personally, I would want Brick to eat more, so I would leave the supplements out of the food. I got Oscar to take his pills by wrapping them one by one (21 pills a day, more if he was on antibiotics) in Kraft American cheese, and then rolling those in grated or shredded parmesan cheese. I threw them to him like a treat, and he would grab them mid-air and swallow them whole. But he had a huge mouth! 8O

Sadly, cheese is contraindicated with pancreatic involvement. :(

I know how hard it is to figure all this stuff out with a medically complicated pup.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

I bought tortilla bread and would tear off a piece, smear it with cream cheese, or peanut butter, and hide the pill in there.
My sheepdog is 13 and refused the Dasaquin two years ago. Now, I break them in half, feed half in AM disguised in a pill poket. The other half is given in the evening. She thinks the are treats.
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