Is this completely nuts?

I wanted to ask a question in a dog loving community. I was just wondering if I am really weird with this or what. One reason I think I am meant to have a dog someday and not a child is that I get so annoyed with it when I am on an airplane or anywhere where there is a baby that is screaming or making noise.

The thing is that I do not get this way about it when I hear a dog or puppy making some kind of noise when I am on an airplane that allows them to be in the cabin with passengers and elsewhere in public. In my mind I am thinking "awwweee" or "how cute" or when it is yelping I almost feel like crying and when it is that sharp energetic bark I feel like laughing. i really do not get annoyed with dogs making noise whereas I get really annoyed when I hear human babies making noise.

I am just wondering if there is anyone else out there who feels the same way or am I just really weird?
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I don't think it's weird. I don't like noise, especially the noise of a baby crying. The sounds pierces my brain. I've never wanted children. They're cute to look at for a few minutes. And before anyone gets all offended, I think it's great if other people want kids. It just not my desire.
OK so here is how this works; you say something like that and you will end up with 2 sets of twins and marry a guy with 3 of his own. You won't have time for a dog because his kids are going to be older and you will have grandkids at 35. Now take a deep breath and say to yourself I also like kids wouldn't a dog just round things out. BE careful you may jinks it.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Rogers Dad........TOOOOOOOOO FUNNNY!!!!!

Lots of days I like my dogs better than people!!!!!
Just a warning, Wanting. There's a big difference between a cute puppy barking on an airplane for a while and your cute puppy barking every two hours all night long for the first two weeks he or she is with you. I promise you, even you will get annoyed! And mighty, mighty tired.

But that's why God makes them so cute, so we remember why we're putting up with it the first few weeks :D
Other people's kids are great because I can send them home or leave. I'll take a dog any day thank you very much.
Amen Jill!!! Slobbery dog drool over spit up any day :D
My dog will never become a teenager and be a horrible person, do drugs, get arrested, talk back, steal my car, get pregnant or make others pregnant, ask me for money, tell me he hates me because I won't give him money or many other rotten things that older kids do. Dogs love you no matter what!
Hmmmm, let's see, 35 years married, about maybe 75 dogs (owned or rescued) and 0 kids. That's me.

Obviously I understand your feelings :lol: :lol:
Ahhhhhhhh yes but dogs don't get married so that you can go barefoot in the fountain in an ice blue dress swigging southern comfort out of a bottle at their reception............ oh yea, that is a different post!!!!!!
Well I have to agree with Wanting! G and I have been married for almost 13 years and NO UPRIGHT KIDS for us! I think the exact same thing on airplanes! :lol:

Don't get me wrong! I love kids! When I can tease, wind them up and feed them chocolate, then say to their Mom, "well, I've got to get home and let the dog out!" LOL I'm actually surprised my friends and family still let me come over! I also would like to say for the record, that I'm everyones favourite Auntie! Well the kids think that, not my friends and family! Hee hee!

My cousin's little guy, Connor is 3. I'm going home to Winnipeg for a visit in August and he has a calendar marked when Auntie Caween comes come and x's the days off in the morning! My cousin does not allow him any sugar, so you can guess why my little buddy is soooooooooo excited I'm coming! LMAO!

I like being the favourite Auntie, no disipline just all the good stuff, so I think we will keep it that way! Maybe get more sheepies! YAY!

Colleen and Gucci George=>I love kid's too! Mommy's friends never sneak me treats, that seems unfair! :cry:
I'm still on the fence. Bunker was a test for my ex and I. Good thing we broke up because he didn't know how to disapline her. HE never got after her. I was always the meanie. It's okay you burned the house down..... I like kids except bratty spolit ones. I have found kids now a days have no respect for their parents or elders. (I am making myself sound old). I wouldn't have dared talk to an adult they way kids do now a days, as I would have been part of the livingroom wall.
I love to pump my nieces and nephews full of sugar and send them him. My Brother just loves me. HAHA. The other 2, I can't cuz they stay at my house when they're in the city. I do the day they're leaving for the 1.5 hours van ride home. They're mom just loves it. :lol:
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Ahhhhhhhh yes but dogs don't get married so that you can go barefoot in the fountain in an ice blue dress swigging southern comfort out of a bottle at their reception............ oh yea, that is a different post!!!!!!

No, but thanks to having no kids, I can do that any night of the week without even needing an excuse-- in fact not having kids is the reason! :)
My kids have one thing over my dog... they could wear diapers when they were being potty trained. The only poop of there's I had to clean up was actually on them, not all over my house.
That being said, I am quite sure that my children have proven themselves to be awesome birth control to many a single person in the grocery store!! :lol:

Better birth a teen-age step daughter that knows more than you and her father combined!!!!
This has been fun to read, I used to never want kids :lol: I babysat a lot of brats when I was younger, so that tainted me. But here I am now with 3 kids, all hitting the teen years, and really they are so great!! I now can say I truly have it all!! Animals and kids they make a great combination!!
And I let my kids eat chocolate every day of the week!! Poor Max, he just gets his doggie bones :cry:
I've been a mom forever..since I was 16! My oldest is now on his own and my youngest is 18. I have 8 nephews too! So between my sisters and I ..10 boys. :roll: Just last month I became a great aunt..Yippiii a neice!! I also teach elementary school and perform childrens entertainment so I'm surrounded by kids and furballs constantly. Yes, I know I make a lot of typing errors.. but my spelling is fine :oops:

For the past year I can't help thinking about this a lot when I'm at the dog park, and see new puppy owners. Reminds me a lot of first time parents. You can see the love they have for their new furballs and enjoy meeting others in the same situation and swapping stories.

When they poop, pee or vomit..doesn't bother you at all cause you love them so much, it's not seen as a chore. Same thing happens when you have a baby...except they can talk!! Imagine if suddenly your new pup could say "mama I love you". It would make your heart melt and same thing happens when your child says it. Toddlers especially remind me of puppies..they do the cutest things and all you can do is say..awwww. The crawling stage babies go through, also reminds me of young puppy crawling around the house on all fours wearing sleepers. Parents look knowingly at each other and just smile. I'm betting most of you do that with your pups. :D

They also become obsessed with bodily function talk ..did jr poop , pee, eat..ha ha..much like those with new pups!! Haaaaa..even if you swear it's not going to happen to will!!

You may not have a fondness for kids but when you have your own the love you feel for them is overwhelming. Okay, there is an exception, when they hit their teens, but by then you've had years experience previous to that happening, so the bond is still there. LOL! Someone once explained it's why you get em this little and not that big or else you'd kill em within the week. Makes sense to me and your sanity remains intact as you know you just need to survive that stage and they'll be normal again. Same as a sheepie going through their teens in some ways. :lol:

Even tho I really love kids..I no longer want to live next door to any. I love my quiet time..well quiet in my house if none of my three furballs are barking. :D It's probably why I love going for nice long walks in the woods with them....

Did I mention I'm surrounded by kids as both neighbors have several..each have trampolines My dream to to live on acreage..with no kids for miles...but lots of pets! Still I wouldn't trade the experience I've had with my own for a minute.

Marianne and the boys
I guess I'm at that "in between age" (or at least I like to think so) too old for my own babies too young for grand babies (yeah right-someone tell my sone before he gets married in 6 days). I LOVED being a MOM and I enjoy other peoples children BRIEFLY. But for the most part babies and small children get on my nerves. Maybe because I'm around elderly people all day/ Right now my dogs (and Doug :D ) are the perfect companion. Although now that I do have my acres of land out in the middle of nowhere I'm thinkin a goat or two might be nice......
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