Is it wrong that I........?

Is it wrong that lately I've taken to call Zeke Whitey Bulger? :lol:

I know the real Whitey is a horrible person/murderer.
I don't know why I've started calling him that. Maybe because I've called him whitey for so long now and with Bulger in the news alot lately.

Anyways, I posed that question to my brother & his daughters (16 & 13) last night.
The younger one wanted to know who he was, so I told her he is a ruthless murderer.

She asked me if Zeke was a ruthless murderer.
I said no, but he is a ruthless.......herd-erer. :lol:
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I call Cubby my Wooley Mammoth. lol I'm sure we all have nicknames we call our dogs and some we won't print on lol
I've never heard of Whitey Bulger, so it doesn't bother me! For years I called Bob "Puddy" after the Seinfeld character. But he wasn't a serial killer, just a grease monkey.
If Zeke isn't insulted, I don't see a problem. I call K-dog "phatt dog" and she says, "Look in the mirror tubbo." Then she runs to the cookie jar.
:lol: :lol: :lol: It's just how our brain works.........murder or herder.

I had a wonderful oes-boy once called Maurice. He was the calmest and most patient maildog ever, always very nice to all other dogs.
So how did he get the name "the killerdog"?
Well - he met a boxer, a youngster, who was more than playful and who teased him for a long time.......then at last Maurice kind of tightened up and did one loud "BOFF" at him. The boxer passed out for more than a minute or two.......I thought he died, it was terrible, he's lips turned blue, until the owner told me; Don't be frightend - it,s only his heart - he'll probable get up again we just need to give him some time - the youngster did wake up again, he got too much excited and almost got kind of a heartattack every time he had a possibillity to play.

So - that's how the kindest dog in the wolrd became "the killerdog" :lol: :banana:
:lol: :lol: :lol: hope the boxer puppy outgrew that problem!
SheepieBoss wrote:
:lol: :lol: :lol: hope the boxer puppy outgrew that problem!

The boxer was spayed because of his heartproblems and then he behaved calmer. Poor boy...... :roll:
I'm grateful Kensie didn't suffer problems from her heartworm! She came to us infested with heartworm and gut worms...probably contracted as an adult, not a pup :phew: She couldn't run when she first got here, no breath. Today she and neighbor labxgsd run the fence barking at each other, great fun. Kdog is an older lady but still "gets around."
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