My gosh, I think she's got it

As many of you may remember, I took in a litter mate of Mickey Finn's when her 2 legged mom became ill. I had taken her with the intention of eventually rehoming her. She was barely 7 mts old and had a laundry list of issues reported from her Mom. All the issues were worked out very quickly except the potty issue. She had been kept in a crate most of the time. So she was going potty in the crate. When I got her home, she continued to go potty wherever she was standing. That really worried me, because I was afraid she had lost the instinct to look for a spot to go potty. Her Mom had said that she didn't have a problem when she first got home from the breeder, she held her potty until she went outside. That part broke down when she was left in the cage and not taken out to go. Anyway, that was the reason I decided to not rehome her. Most people don't have a lot of patients for a dog that potties in the house...the big reason for rehoming or rescue. So I decided I am a very patient person and felt that if it was possible to get her back to her instinct, it was a matter of time. My house is mostly tile and with 4 dogs I was the floor often as it is. It has been a long process, over 2 months, but it has been two weeks since Cubby's last accident. I am so proud of her. She even will go out in the rain to potty now. We have a doggy door, so going out to the potty is at her discretion.

So for those parents of new puppies don't be discouraged, just patient. If Cubby can relearn an old trick your puppy will too.

Cubby has brought so much brightness to our house. She and her brother Mickey Finn are thick as thieves. If I see him she's not far away. The two of them play constantly. She has put on weight. She came to us at 26lbs, the size of a 4 mth old oes. Chuck says having a smaller sheepie isn't a bad thing, gives us more room on the bed. lol She's become very affectionate as well. She and Declan are about the same size, so it's nice to have someone your own size. Helene plays with her too and Cubby loves to swim in the pool like Mickey Finn and Helene do. She loves to eat as well, rarely turns down a meal. I will figure out how to post some pics on here. Anyway, that is the update on Cubby
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What a good girl, Cubby :clappurple: :clappurple: You are a wonderful person to not rehome her with her potty issues and patience to teach her......Yay to you as well. :clappurple: :clappurple:
Good deal!!

I know 1st hand how difficult it is to house break an older dog.
Zeke was 1 year & three months when he came to us. He wasn't potty trained.
It took 4-5 months to get him squared away.
That is great news! Are you still thinking of rehoming her or are you too attached at this point? Either way you have done a wonderful job! :cheer:
That's great news. :banana:
Your house sounds like great fun!!
Mady wrote:
That is great news! Are you still thinking of rehoming her or are you too attached at this point? Either way you have done a wonderful job! :cheer:

We decided to keep her shortly after we saw her potty issue seemed to be she had lost her instinct to find a spot to go. We decided that she had already been through enough in her sort life and she was a great dog. We had already had Mickey Finn for a number of months, so knew what a great dog we had if we were patient. She came to us with food aggressions too, but that was solved quickly by feeding her around the clock to keep her from ever bein hungry. The other dog in her cage, I think, was eating all of her food, so left her hungry. Her first meal she had her own bowl and she ate with the other dogs. She was a little aggressive about her food, but I didn't give up. She just needed a full tummy and an assurance that she would never go hungry. Chuck works nights, so he would feed her a bowl of food during the night, so when breakfast was served at 5:00am she wasn't starving. We kept feeding her every couple of hours for about a month then we cut the night feed out and she was fine. Since that first sign of food aggression we've not had that problem. She eats in the same room with all the dogs, as she has since day 1 and I sit and supervise. All the dogs have accepted her and she is happy. We love her very much.
What a lucky girl to have you. It is heartwarming when a dog has a rough start in life and ends up in a home with a family like yours, both two legged and four legged!
Mady wrote:
What a lucky girl to have you. It is heartwarming when a dog has a rough start in life and ends up in a home with a family like yours, both two legged and four legged!

I agree, we are all winners. :D
A Failed Foster.... AWESOME!!!!!

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

Laurie and Oscar
violet wrote:
Chuck says having a smaller sheepie isn't a bad thing, gives us more room on the bed. lol

Boy, Ain't that the truth! :- )

Glad things worked out, happy dogs make a happy life.
MO was a small sheepie and it was wonderful! You know I love large dogs, but her smallness was refreshing. She could outrun all, agile, jumped like an Olympic jumper, etc. And yes, she didn't take much room at all on the bed, snuggling DH's legs. I've had em tall, big and small.........and I love them all, but the small was something special.
Bebe is a little smaller than Tiggy and it makes her seem more the baby. :kiss:
Great news.
What a wonderful story of a house of fun and love. :hearts: :hearts: Bless you Violet for your patience. :hearts: :hearts:
Isn't it amazing what a little patience and a lot of love can do????? I am so happy Cubby is where she belongs!!!!!! Hugs to all!!!!
SheepieBoss wrote:
MO was a small sheepie and it was wonderful! You know I love large dogs, but her smallness was refreshing. She could outrun all, agile, jumped like an Olympic jumper, etc. And yes, she didn't take much room at all on the bed, snuggling DH's legs. I've had em tall, big and small.........and I love them all, but the small was something special.

I know what you mean by the jumping. Cubby will jump right over the big dogs is she needs to get past them, she's very "springy" like Tigger. lol
What a great story :hearts: I just love win-wins!!!
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