Steel and a Rooster

Steel has never been normal but this is him either being very Sheepdogish or being totally opposite, I don't know which! This is going to be filled with questions and I will do my best to paint you a picture. Behind my house a neighbor has several chickens a one verrry annoying rooster. It cocka doodle doo's from about 5am until 2-3pm. It's been very hot here, I turn the air off and open my windows early in the morning to get fresh air until about 10am. Steel can't see this rooster! It is through the woods. Can't even see the house, it's far away. Certainly walking distance though. This stupid rooster is LOUD! It is antagonizing my dog! Steel hardly ever barks - he does "talk" a lot. Well he barks at this rooster. He acts like a cat. He hunkers down, gets all stealth like, moves slow in the direction of the house and acts like he is going to attack (pounce)! He continues to bark in the house every time the thing cock a doodle doo's! I don't allow my dogs to bark outside. Only indoors. So, the minute he starts to bark the others bark too. He runs to the nearest window to that house and makes that hunkered down move and acts like he is going through the window. It was funny for awhile but now I am wondering if he might kill them all if he happens to get lose. The chances of that are slim to none but I learned a long time ago to never say never. That neighbor is a real jerk. My nice neighbor right next door saw Steel do it the other day and is begging me to let him go on purpose, she is quite sure his intent is to do damage to the rooster and she is tired of listening to it! No one likes that neighbor. Everyone likes Steel! I'm afraid of what a rooster beak would do to his pretty face! Is he trying really hard to get there to protect the rooster or is he trying to protect my family from the rooster? He has had several deer families pass him and his reaction was to play, not to herd. He didn't make that pounce stance. He wanted to chase, tail wagging and play. I think he thought they were dogs. Do you think he can smell the chickens since he can't even see them? How in the world does he know exactly where they are? The rooster sounds are only periodic. This neighbor does not pen the chickens, they walk freely all over their yard. Somehow, they know to not go in the road. They live on a busy road. If Steel's intent is to do damage it is going to be bad if he get's up there. I thought for a fleeting moment about speaking to them but no one has ever had good results with that and honestly I'm sure all they would say is take care of your dog. Valid point! I just wonder maybe if I took him there and he saw them if maybe he would lighten up and not want to eat them. Because I am completely ignorant on this topic and because I don't recognize the signs I am currently seeing I am hesitant to do anything. I just would very much like to lower the volume in my home and lessen the tension in my Steel. Input please. Steel is not a high strung dog. The barking window thing is very out of character for him. He might get up 4 or 5 times a day to have a 10 minute play session. Otherwise he is very content to lay around and nap or be rubbed. He likes his little mini walks a few times a day but just enough to see the sights, he is much more comfortable in the house chatting with his people.
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I would advise against letting the dog out to see what will happen. I would keep my a/c on and the house stays quiet.
Our next door neighbors (we are rural) got 3 hens and 2 roosters last year. They managed to free themselves from the coop and while Butchy chased them back home he didn't hurt them. The roosters would sit under out bedroom windows and crow, didn't appreciate that very much as neither one of us sleeps that well.
You need to take the upper hand here and tell Mr. Barker to stop. Yeah it was cute initially but now his barking is getting out of hand as he wants to "get that darn sound." Constant reinforcement to stop barking, even catching him before he starts with a warning sound, whatever you use. (remember the gravel in the coffee can-give a quick shake to startle the dog and unplug the bark mechanism) I hope the birds have clipped wing so they can't fly or else they may come to visit and Steel could kill them. Took my dogs awhile to learn to live with the chickens and their fluttering (inside a pen, would never let them mingle!--that prey instinct would kick in immediately and dead chicken)
Monty had a barking issue, I squirted him in the face with a water bottle when he barked. It only took 3 times, now we only have to show him the water bottle and he stops barking. He just watches quietly now. It doesn't hurt, it doesn't stop the interest, it doesn't hurt the spirit, it will just eliminates the barking.

I wouldn't let the dog run after the rooster or chickens, he may not hurt the birds but it could cause conflict with an already unfriendly neighbour which can escalate and make for much more uncomfortable living.
I don't think they can fly. I have never seen them unless I am driving home. They stay near the proximity of their own home. The only way I could get Steel there would be to walk him on a busy road and I wouldn't do that. If I took him there it would be in my truck and after listening/reading that is out. The barking happens one other time and that is when the others finish eating before he does. Sonny ALWAYS tries to sneak in and I don't know snoop! Steel eats slow. He doesn't inhale his food. SO he barks at Sonny to leave him alone. He isn't guarding his food. I guess you would have to see it. He is telling Sonny to leave him alone. If Sonny ate some he wouldn't bite him or get angry. He just wants space. Maybe he is in a way guarding. Anyway, he will look at me first and then bark because I have told him to stop barking. He waits for the go ahead from me first. I can definitely stop it because he always turns his eyeballs to me first to wait for permission so I'm going to see that bark coming. In the case of the cock a doodle dooo, I don't think a simple NO will work. I may have to resort to the spray bottle as mentioned. Sounds a bit harsh but Steel has a very bad case of selective hearing that comes and goes. In order to break this habit I may need to resort to a tough love and then close the farthest windows to prevent any further teasing. You can still hear it but it's not quite as loud. A friend also mentioned the noise ordinance here. I don't live in the city limits but right on the border. Ironically, I think they do! Haven't had a minute to check into it yet but it's on my list of things to do - the rooster is not letting me forget and neither is Steel! I never thought to socialize any of my dogs with farm animals. I never had any intention of teaching them to be actual herding dogs. I also have an Australian Shep. mix. I got them because of the protective but friendly nature amongst other things and it has served me very well. I could go on for years about how amazing I think my fur babes are but as long as cock a doodle doers don't come in my yard and my herding and hunting dogs don't go in their yard I think we will be o.k. Thank you so much for your input!
Did you check with the city ordinances??? Maybe no livestock allowed inside the city limits? That is how it is where I live...that might solve your problem :lol: :lol:
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