Review Time !!!

Well, its that time again. Yearly reviews at my job. Tomorrow at work I get to have the one on one with my boss.....Just wondering if i am going to get chastised again for not going to the xmas party last year?? Like I was the year before. :headbang: I guess he is right. I am not a team player... :lmt: When I make a vacation request, I do not take into consideration when others might want off a few days so we are not short staffed...NOT !!! I do not help out the others on mondays making their boxes to ship things back to the warehouse in...NOT! I do not help put their information in our computer at work....NOT !!! I never offer anyone else any of my snacks if I am eating them....NOT !!! I never email or call any of the others if they are out sick to see how they are or if they need anything....NOT !!!
Seriously, I am not that bad compared to some of the things I have heard about in other markets. Actually the more I think about it, I am not bad at all. I do have one area that is weak and I admit to it. But if they would make my days/routes shorter I would not feel so rushed and would be able to clean like they want us to. But when I am running behind, that is the least important thing to worry about. You can always clean it the next week. And talking with some of my co-workers, they do the same thing. Imagine that !!!! Just hoping I can stay calm and not put my foot in my mouth. Will let you guys know what happens......
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Good advice to yourself.
Stay calm and focus on the positives.
I loathe and despise job reviews. I had a boss who actually clipped his fingernails during mine. Needless to say I no longer work there by my choice. I didn't know you were expected to share your snacks. Is this pre-school?????? Good luck and don't take it personally.
Sharing snacks? :roll: Christmas party? :roll: Vacation request? :roll: If I offer my snacks, ok, but don't assume it's ok to help yourself, Christmas party should be optimal, what you do on you time is your business. I'm fussy who I drink with! :lol: Does everyone in the company have to fill out a vacation request? Where I work, we do and it has to be ok'd. Sounds like your boss is a wenie. :potstir: If you get a written review, you must be able to write comments and/or rebuttals. Where I work, reviews haven't been done since the first year I was here. Now 18 years later, still not. I would like to see companies implement a policy for the workers to review the bosses. Some supervisors are good, others, not so much.
I once had a supervisor at a different company, who wrote a review
that was nothing but criticism and accusations. Not one thing was the truth. I told her it was character assignation, the company could keep their $.05 raise because obviously they needed it more than I did, I ended the review and walked out. The I contacted HR at the corporate office. She was spoken to by the higher ups BUT she still kept her position. Not long after, I got another job and gave my notice. She tried to make my like miserable for those 2 weeks, but it didn't work!! :excited: :excited: Good luck and remember to stand up for yourself. If you don't, nobody will.
No review yet. I have been sick again and was going to stay home but decided to try to work and that lasted about 3 hours. my dr couldnt see me so went to er.....was there from 1p to 7p by the time the dr saw me i was not having the symptoms of wheezing and not being able to catch my breath and she looked at me like i was lying, so then my blood pressure sky rocketed....i was p d off. :evil: like i could afford to take the day off and spend $$$$ at the er for giggles.....I was so mad I called my boss and told him the er dr acted like I was lying so i would just work until i fell over dead.
I am not expected to share anything. But the way I was raised is you do not eat in front of others unless you offer them some. I just always have crackers and stuff with me to snack on because I can not eat large amounts during the day and bend over and stuff with my hiatal hernia thing.
Woke up to snow today, dont know if working or not yet. we here in the south close everything when it northerners can snicker, its ok :lol:
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