
Frodo is developing a bit of a stubborn streak, but only when he’s outside. Lately, he’s begun to plop down on the ground when our walks are over and he refuses to get up. No amount of coaxing will get him to budge. I often have to manually pick him up and take him inside. Interestingly enough he mostly does this in the morning prior to me leaving for work or around midnight, his last walk of the day. Do you think that it has to do with him knowing that I’m going to work (or bed) and trying to keep me home (or awake) by staying outside? I’m telling you, sometimes I think Frodo has a higher IQ than most humans.

Incidently, I have the trainer coming over this Friday and I'll bring it up with him as well.
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Panda does the same thing...when I tell her to go potty before I leave for work, she just lays on the grass and looks at me with the "whatcha gonna do now momma?"....I walk over to her, her to stand and walk around until she goes potty...
Yep, that's exactly what Frodo is trying to do - get you to stay with him longer. Cassiopia did the same thing. Our trainer had me try all sorts of things to get her up again - treats (worked for a while), me leaping around to get her up and playing with me (that worked also - but had the neighbors giving me a LOOK). I also tried to lift her to her paws - but she mastered the limp pupppy routine (lift her up and she would immediately collapse in a boneless bundle of fur). Once I managed to encourage her to get up, we continued back into the house - where she got a treat. It has taken a few months, but now she is mostly over that stage.
Yes, Gucci George does the same thing! The most embarassing display of his stubborness was at the beginner obiedence class. It was our last class, graduation day! We all had to show what we learned. So we got up in front of the class and I put him in a sit stay. I turned to walk to my mark and the class started giggling and sure enough, there he was following me! So I walked him back and put him in a firmer sit stay. I walked to my mark. Oh and I was so proud! There he still was, sitting in the exact spot I left him! So I did the come signal. He looked right at me and then looked away. I did it again, same thing! I did it really enthousiastically AGAIN! And he looked at me and LAYED DOWN! The whole class was in hysterics! The trainer (who was having a hard time not laughing as well) suggested I go sit in my seat and call him. I did that and NOPE! He finally came when I turned my entire self away from him! So I guess not only are our sheepies STUBBORN they are also easily embarrassed! He obviously was not going to let me embarrass him in front of his classmates!

A side note to the story is we did graduate! And we start Intermediate classes next Wednesday! Please pray for us! :wink:

Colleen and Gucci George=>Mommy wants me to "sit-stay" I'll stay alright! :twisted:
Not only are they stubborn, they know when they had enough! I've been taking Samantha to puppy training (ok, she's over a year old, but we've only had since September). The class is at 6:30 but it is still pretty warm here at that time in Florida. There usually a nice breeze, so it is not to bad. So, we're doing the heal - sit -heal thing outside under a big shade tree. She's doing it, motivated by treats. Finally she figured she had enough and started to pull me to the car. Who is in charge here :roll: ? The trainer asked where we were going and I had to say home, she has had enough. I opened the door and she jumped right in and plopped herself in front of the a/c vent. Smart sheepie!
Oh, it's not just a puppy thing! Norman is 12 years old and has done this all of his life. He can do the absolute best dead dog routine when he does not want to come inside. One thing that works for me is to put my foot right against his backside and start to slide it slowly. He really doesn't like it and will usually jump up (as best as he can now that he's older!) as fast as he can and run for the house.

Also, I took him to obedience class one night because Carl was sick. Norman has been through all the classes and has completed a ton of obedience work so the instructor asked us to demonstrate a manuever. Well, we get to the middle of the ring, in front of everbody and what does Norman do? Flops down with a total huff and performs the dead dog routine! Thanks Norman, that was just great!
Go Norman!! hee-hee :lol: :lol:

I had 7 OES at one time and found that most the time they were stubborn was my fault. :)

If they were outside and one was slow coming in, I'd say the name, tell it to come on............. Well, it'd just look at me like, DUH! I knew who I was looking at, but I'd soon realize I was saying the wrong name. As soon as I said the correct name with the command, she/he'd come running!!! :oops:

Talk about IQ's! They'd just stare at me like well, what ya lookin' at me for! Can you just imagine what they must think of us at times! :lol:

Luv them sheepies!
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