Jessy is pullin hard and jumping alot

Jessy is now 51/2 months old and is a 57 lb male. Ihave been training him since he,s been a pup of 8 weeks old. Lately I find myself avoiding other dogs that are being walked or some people that my cocker spaniel will usually bark at[which makes Jessy start jumping
] I have started avoiding these situations for the past 2 weeks when Jessy had a shoulder injury and was placed on house rest and short bathroom walks. Jessy is used to going to the dog park and playing/running 5 days a week with other big pups.[year old goldens, labs etc] The park is where jessy injured himself by running and hitting his shoulder into a cement wall. Jessy is usually tired /worn out after his morning romp, but he is unable to do it at this time. so, when he sees other dogs he gets very excited and jumping, and I have little control over him. I use a martingale collar but am wondering if I need something different. Anybody use a "gentle lead halter? I am not a fan of prong chockers, but do I need one. He knows all his commands from beginners training. The training goes out the window when he sees other dogs, and pulls to get close to them and play. He will be restricted with activity for another 2 weeks then we can go back to the park. Any suggestions in the meantime are very welcomed.

Secondly, I have notived when I am home all day Sat. and Sun., Jessy will leave the room that Ozzie and I are in [Ozzie is a 4 yr old cocker] and wander off to the kitchen or bathroom to rest. Both these rooms are tiled and maybe feel good to him. What upsets me is that my breeder mentioned that maybe Jessy is not that bonded to me if he leaves my sie, and might be more bonded to the dog walker that comes Mon thru Fri. when I work 3-11pm This has upset me terribly.
I give Jessy alot of love when I'm home, but must admit, I watch alot of TV on Sat. and Sat night since I do not take Jessy actively out since his injury.
Pleasegive me someinput as to the bonding issue. It shouldn't be me vs the walker. Are there some sheepies that are more independent? Is this good? bad???
Please reply sooner than later on both issues.
Thank you,
Ellen Jessy and Ozzie
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Is there a place you can take Jessy off leash to run around where there are not other dogs to get exited over. I take my dogs for an hour off leash walk more often than to the dog park, they get mentally and physically tired from sniffing and exploring.

Monty my OES wasn't very interested in me for the first year. He was very self focussed and more interested in Buster our Newfy and would spend hours sleeping alone on the deck in the evenings which he still does according to weather. Monty prefers a cooler environmental so in the winter when it is colder outside he can spend several hours outside on his own and then come inside and spend more time on his own on his mat. He is not the typical Velcro OES and quite independent. I wouldn't be concerned that he is not by you all the time.

He may have a bond with the dog walker as he gets to do fun entertaining things with the dog walker.

You could do something special with him once a week to create a stronger bond. For me and Monty its a dog agility class and now the occasional trial. This has really created a stronger bond between us. It also has helped with his training.

Jessy might be a bit young at the moment for agility classes but you could start with obedience training for fun which puts his focus on you. I did quite a few different obedience courses beyond puppy training and it teaches you and them some fun skills.
Thank you for your quick reply. I will take Jessy to a place that he can be off leash. he just can't run yet.....not for 2 more weeks. After xrays showed no fx, and the mri showed no tendon/cartiledge damage, he was diagnosed with a bad bruise, needing 4 weeks "house rest" That is what is making it so difficult. He has started jumping about since he is feeling better, but we need the injury to properly heal. [initially Jessy couldn't put the leg down for 2 days]
Are you saying you prefer the walks instead of the park? Another dog did not hurt him. He was running around a bench and took the turn wide and smacked his right shoulder into a cement wall.
It was great when he ran and ran in the park. He was very tired and very obedient.
Thank you for responding,please get back to me regarding the above questions.
Ellen, Ozzie and Jessy
I prefer doing long walks to the dog park because I get bored standing around watching the dogs play, especially in the winter when it is really cold.

It is great that you take them to the dog park, dogs should have a chance it interact with their own species and play and it is a good way of burning off the energy and to keep the dogs socialized.

My favourite dog parks are ones with lots off dogs but also a chance to walk, we have two here that you can walk for 40 mins and meet lots of dogs.

My dogs are older so not so interested in playing with other dogs but they love to meet other dogs and have an occasional game of chase.

I believe in a wide variety of activities to make my dogs life interesting and mine.

Whilst Jessy is recovering an off leash walk where there are not dogs to play with will burn off the energy because exploring is mentally stimulating and keep him happy until he is fit enough to play with other dogs again.
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