Need help in introducing my puppy to being brushed

Firstly, I am a new OES mommie our little girl Stella just turned 9 weeks old on April 4th. Prior to her coming home on March 30th I did my research here on the forum and purchased a few basic grooming supplies, detangler spray, Bass pin brush, a couple of combs and a grooming table to start with. I've been working daily with Stella getting her used to having her ears and paws touched including letting me separate her paw pads and this is going beautifully. But it is a totally different story when it comes to brushing her and I'm speaking just lightly. I've shown her the brush and let her sniff it, given her treats and I've tried spritzing on a bit of the detangler on before hand but all she likes to do is to twist and turn and try to get away. I'm just baffled to no end as I've been spoiled with dogs throughout my life who loved being groomed to the point of falling asleep while I was working on them. I haven't used the table yet as I want this to be a pleasant enjoyable experience for her and I'm afraid that using the groomer's arm and lead may have the opposite effect. Guess I'm trying to do this the right way from the start. Is there a softer recommended brush to use on a OES puppy? Any tips are deeply appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
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My Helene is 12 weeks old/13 wks tomorrow lol so what I've been doing is just running a brush through her hair everyday. Her hair hasn't changed to the hair that matts yet, so I'm just getting her used to being brushed. At first she was silly, but now she loves to lay still and be brushed. Because she's young, I only do short brushing times. My Aussie Declan, who will be 17 wks tomorrow loves to lay and be brushed, even though he doesn't have much to brush yet, but he will. So just getting them used to touching them and using instilments on them is very important.
I wouldn't be using the grooming arm & noose on a young pup. I only use it when I do trimming & sometimes I don't even have to use it then. At this age you should be working on getting her to relax on the table, even if it only means laying on her tummy. Try just a few minutes at a time. Once she relaxes, gently praise her & treat her. Quit the session on a positive note.
See if she likes a soft slicker brush to get her used to the feel of brushing, the bass maybe a bit firm at the beginning.
I have the bass pin brush as well as the Madans, I have experimented quite widely with the different pin brushes and have found the Madan to be gentler as the pins are finer and works best for Monty as he is a sensitive boy.
Make it a fun time, praise and treats for short "brushings". Gradually extend time until Stella "gets" it. She is just a baby with a short attention span right now.

For me, the key was repetition and consistency. I groomed her every night in front of the TV.

Did she eventually come and lie down when television was turned on??? Heck no! But she did follow closely as she "knew" the rustle of the treat bag :lol: :lol:
I agree with Marilyn. We only use the arm and noose when we are toward the end of a show groom. Winston hates to be brushed on the floor but does very well on the table. Both boys fall asleep on the table, until I find a mat that is. :-)
Thank you for the feedback! I haven't used the table yet but will be doing so later in the week. Also thanks for confirming my suspicions about the grooming arm at this stage in her life, for now we will leave it packaged up and not bother with it. I had a wee bit of success today with just a short session, praise and of course treats. Thankfully she is highly motivated by those itty bitty training treats.
hey Elizabeth
Good to hear of another step forward. Monty, at 10 weeks,is not yet a fan, and he put up a struggle today.....but, yesterday, he fell asleep and let us brush him for quite some time without a fuss at all. Lots of soothing words and praise did the trick. Good luck and keep us informed of your progress!
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