Harry Potter and HBP in 3 days!

I confess. I'm a Harry Potter geek. I resisted reading the books until 4 years ago. Then I read the first one and was hooked. I've read them all at least 6 times and own the movies. I pre-ordered the Half-Blood Prince (from the bookstore across the street from work, sorry Ron). Here's my plan for Saturday. Get up, ride the Wonder Pony early (like before 10), drive to the bookstore and get my book. Sit inside the rest of the weekend with an ample supply of snacks, Diet Dr. Pepper and cigarettes. I have a coupon for a free pizza so that's Saturday night dinner with leftover pizza for Sunday.

Anyone else a geek???
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We are!!! We got The order of the phoenix from the local library in audio tape to listen to it while we run about on errands to get ready for the new book... We preordered from amazon to help OES.org and we're planning to hit BN to take a look at the disguises and have som HP fun.
Yep, me too. I had no interest in reading it until a group started complaining about kids in schools reading it. That peaked my interest, so I picked up the book to see what the big deal was. From that point on, I was hooked! I haven't preordered this book, because we're leaving on the 19th. My hubby is going overseas, and I'm visiting my ILs. I didn't want to miss getting it before we left & not have it until August. :) I'm planning on picking up a copy as soon as I can though.
That sounds like an EXCELLENT plan! I'm going to have to wait a week though, until the bathroom is tiled. :(

I did preorder through Amazon & the forum though.

NO ONE is allowed to breathe a word about HP until I say it's okay. :lol:
Jil, are you off this coming week? And did you gorilla out the tiles set in concrete? Hey, you can read at night after you've spent the day tiling. Are you still picking up Bentley Satday?

I advise you to stay off the web until you've read the book. The place will be crawling with spoilers.

In my defense, I pre-ordered the book through BN before I knew about doing it through the forum. Please don't hit me.
Ha! I hired out the tile removal! I did some of it, decided I COULD do it if I felt so inclined, but that inclination just wasn't there so I went to the pool instead. The guy's supposedly at my house doing that grunt work right now . . .

Yup - next week is vacation from the job I'm paid to do:
Saturday is the Bentley pick up
Sunday I lay the subfloor
Monday I tile
Tuesday I grout then go to Cleveland
Wednesday IKEA Pittsburgh & visit friends
Thursday home
Friday I reinstall the toilet

Yikes, I'm tired just thinking about it! You're right though, that would be a nice way to end the day.

Paula, you could always cancel that BN order and order from Amazon . . . .

Hmmm....somehow smoking cigarettes while reading Harry Potter seems wrong... :mrgreen:
You know, if you're going to be in Pittsburg, what's another 6 or 7 hours to come to Harrisburg? Hmmm, hmmmmm?
Friends are in Cleveland and we're just going to Pittsburgh for the day . . . I already thought of you guys in the Philly area, but it didn't fit this trip!
Doh!!! You should get Jil and come out for the Centennial. (It starts on my birthday!) I think Holly's almost convinced to come out for it. Everybody can sleep on my floor in sleeping bags like a camp out.
Well, I bummed! UPS was suppose to deliver my Harry Potter yesterday. In tracking it the last entry was "out for delivery" meaning it should have been on the truck. It didn't make it! Yes, it will come Monday, but gee whiz!!!

Couldn't read today anyway. Last night went to opera in Santa Fe.....we do the whole 5 operas.......and didn't get home until 1:45 a.m. but didn't get to sleep until after 3. Of course doggies needed to be fed at 6.....or so they said. I almost have both eyes open. I don't drink caffeine...but could seriously use a jolt right now.

For those who know opera, last night was Turnadot. Wow! What a production.
No coffee? *shudder* Can't imagine....lol....
In regards to HP books, I haven't read any of them... I wish I had read them before seeing the movies, but, I am going to read them all this week and then get the new one....lol.... can't help it, I just have to. LOL
The books are MUCH, MUCH better than the movies!
Blood pressure......caffeine.......sniff. If I do drink "full test" I can feel the difference plus I can't read my hand writing :lol: :lol:

As for new HP........it was in the mail box!!!!! Yipee!! I don't always hear the driver honk.......and the dogs have grown used to deliveries so don't bark anymore :roll:

Willowsprite........that's how I read the first 4 HP........one after another. I'm not sure I'd read ALL of them that way......give yourself a break. As ususal, the books allow you to have your own mental movie which is far better than anything on the screen. Still, thanks to FX, they do a pretty good job.

It's so nice finding other adults who love HP too.
I absolutely loved the movies.... and I am an avid reader, when I go to the library I often walk out with a stack of ten or fifteen, plus my husband and I both have accumulated extensive collections over the years... so I'm sure I will love the books.
I meant to start it last night though, and didn't... a good movie was on...lol... so I watched that til 2am or so. Today I've just been busy trying to catch up on housework, since for one I am finally feeling better, and for two it has cooled down just slightly, so that makes it easier too.
Hubby is working late tonight, likely til 3am, so I'll have lots of time to read tonight...lol....
Well, I got the book Saturday and was finished reading it by noon on Sunday(I'm a very fast reader). It was awesome!!!! Harry wasn't so angry in this novel, so it was a lot easier to empathise with him. The book, as always, was very well written. There is one moment late in the story where I just had to put the book down in shock! Very sad, and very, very good! Enjoy your reading everyone!

Karen :)
Your book must still be smoking from the speed you read it! wow! I want to know what happens, but then I don't want it to end either :?
I finished the first one and half of the second one... I figure I'll be done it tonight and onto the third...lol....
It WAS a little warm, now that you mention it :lol:

Well there is still one more book after this one... It'll be really exciting to see how she manages to finish everything off. i heard in an interview that she already has the last chapter written...

The thing I love about this series, is how much more you could do inside the world- There's so much more she could choose to write about- the founding of Hogwarts, Dumbledore's youth, an exploration of some of the more famous historical wizrds, the children of our heroes, or their exploits as adults... the list goes on. I certainly hope she doesn't just leave it all behind when book 7 is done, even if she chooses not to write about Harry anymore!

Karen :)
Maybe she has the last chapter written, or just the last chapter written, or everything written, or nothing written.

I've heard just about every angle on this from her over the years!

Back when they released the second or third book I recall an interview where she said she had an outline of all 7 books right from the beginning.

Last night, Joan and I were in disbelief as the interviewer asked [paraphrased]: "If you were to be hit by a bus today..."
"That's likely I'm a distracted person"
"...would anyone have any idea of what's going to happen?"
"Not even your husband."

Soooooo, which is it? I don't see how these two concepts fit together.
She guards her writing carefully.... and yes it is likely she had the outline for all seven right from day one.... and has expanded upon it as she goes.
I'm on the last few pages of the thrid book, and can't see straight at this point... but I must admit I am really looking forward to starting in on the fourth one tonight, since I have no idea what to expect with no movie before reading it.
The books, as always, have nothing to do with the movies. I'm really dissapointed as how the movie's story is going. They are great visuals, but the books are much better. Don't worry if you have no idea what's going on on the third book, but the end is explosive. The fourth book is the best in my opinion, but I love the mood on the third.
Expect good things! The 4th book is one of my favorites! Great plot, and a lot of cool new characters...

Karen :)
I have found the first 3 are very, very much like the movies, word for word for the most part. Only a few minor details were changed in the movies. I was up til 4am getting into the fourth one, about half done now. I'll finish it today and then I have to get my hands on the fifth and sixth, we don't have either.
You're in a roll! I bet once you're done with the fourth, you'll jump on your car to get to the nearest bookstore. This are hard to put down!
I'm saving my HBP book for my next vacation in 2 weeks. It's a problem because there are all of these reviews in the paper and online and I'm trying really hard not to read them. But I know my 14 year old step son will feel the need to reveal the whole plot to me before I get a chance to read it anyway :wink: He won't be able to help himself.
Finished all of them last night. I just want more.... how long do you think till the next book is out? And do you really think she'll stop at just seven?
Apparently the next movie is out November 18, 2005 but then they are going to be staggering them every 18 months. So movie 4 nov/2005, movie 5 May-June 2007, movie 6 in nov/dec of 2008, and movie 7 not until may or june of 2010.
Do any of you think it will be another 2 years for book 7?
I must admit, I am thoroughly addicted to the story...lol....
Book 7 will be out in 2 years. Apparently JKR has the final chapter written (but not the rest!). I heard the 4th movie (Goblet of Fire) will be out this fall. JKR has said Book 7 will be the last. I really don't know how I can wait 2 years--waaaay too many questions and loose ends that need to be tied up.
Yeah... it leaves you wanting for more. 2 moer years waiting? That's not too bad, hopefully it will appear soon.

I think that maybe book 7 will be the last book about harry potter... From her. I can see lots of books from the adventures of Hagrid and Dumbledore when they were young and many other side stories by other licensed writers like it's happened with many other franchises before, unless she think's she's made enough money with the 7 books.
I'd like to see more books about Harry et all after school though, maybe see Harry become a teacher, and see what happens with him and Ginny, and Ron and Hermione.....

*spoiler for book six*





Unless she (JKR) makes it so that Harry is the final horcrux and ends up killing him off. That would suck.
Don't read this if you HAVE NOT finished Book 6.

I don't think Harry is a horacrux. Dumbledore said it is very difficult to make a living creature a horacrux. And the snake is already one. The diary, the locket, the ring, the snake, Hufflepuff's (?) cup, and one unnamed but probably something from Ravenclaw are the horacruxes so far. And Voldy kept part of his own soul so that is the 7th.

I cried when Dumbledore died. I still think Snape is evil. Unless Dumbledore saved his life in the past and Snape owes his life to Dumbledore so is a double agent. But I still think Snape is evil.
I'm hoping Snape is not evil... I had just begun to trust him, and so I'm kind of thinking it has to do with the Unbreakable Vow to Malfoy, and perhaps to Dumbeldore as well. I think when D says "severus" he is not pleading for his life, but begging Snape to finish the task.
I was really hoping Fawkes song was going to revive him... and I still think it might have.... I don't think I can wait two years to find out if D is really gone for good.
Well done Willowsprite! Yep, you are hooked!

As for movies, the actor playing HP is going to be a grandfather before movie 7 comes out! Wish they would film them closer together, but release them apart if necessary.
I totally agree with you Willowsprite. My guess is that Snape will redeem himself after all. If not... talk about a plot twist!

If you are interested in Snape's possible future for book 7, check out This link (Watch out... There's lots of spoilers for book 6!)
There was a biography of JKR on A & E 2 weeks ago (I think it was a rerun). I taped it and finally watched it over the weekend. Among the interesting bits she said was "I was never so poor that I had to write on napkins because I couldn't afford paper." That's a rumor that's been around forever.

The most revealing thing she said was she has written the final chapter of Book 7 (but I don't know if she's written the rest of the book). She said it's an epilogue where we find out what happened to everyone.

Does anyone think Harry will die in the final book?

Paula O.
I think that interview was from a couple of years ago.....
It's amazing that she went from a single mom on benefits to being the richest woman in Britain.
I hope Harry doesn't die in the final book.... but if he is the final horcrux he'd have to wouldn't he?
I just hope she brings Dumbledore back, and I hope I'm right with my guesses about Snape. LOL
Remember, Dumbledore was asleep in the portrait. Could be the poison put him into a coma and Snape's curse: wouldn't work on someone after drinking the poison or all was prearranged with Dumbledore???

I agree, the final horcruz will be within Harry. As to the outcome........stay tuned.

I think it's going to be hard to bring back Dumbledore. I recall that in one of the last books someone mentions to harry that not even the most powerful magic can bring someone back from the dead, so it does not leave many options to what to do about him, unless he's not truly dead.

What I've been wondering is what did he see in the cave when he drank the poison that scared him so much and begged Harry to kill him? Could it be that everything was staged by Snape to fake his death, or even worse, that D himslef has a horcrux to be an equal to Voldemort?
I hadn't thought of that possibility, I hope not....
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